ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

42 ratings
ARK Achievement guide (Commands)
By Tomazi
Show Map Player Location - On
Show Creative Mode - On

Custom Arks
The Center

In Game
Press Tab to open Console (Console is used to execute commands)

Your First Day...

Your First Day...
You Survived a full day and night on the ARK!

Start a Game on the center map and type in the console:
cheat settimeofday 06:30:00
Veteran Survivor, Expert Survivor & Survivor of the Center

Veteran Survivor
You defeated ARK's first Ultimate Life Form!

Expert Survivor
You defeated ARK's second Ultimate Life Form!

Survivor of The Center
You defeated the Guardians of The Center!

In The Center map pause the game and enable creative mode,
then type in console
Summon bossteleport_twobosses_spidergorilla_c
once you get teleported to the arena fly to the 2 bosses and type in console
killaoe dinos 9999

You've cured yourself of Swamp Fever!

Pause game and disable creative mode then type in console
Sdf sea 0 0
Allow the leach to attach to you
GFI CureLow 1 0 0
Use the Lesser Antidote item in your inventory
Gamma, Beta, Alpha Ascension

Gamma Ascension
You Ascended off the ARK, at Gamma level!

playercommand AbAscend1
After you type that command start the game on the island and download your character

Beta Ascension
You Ascended off the ARK, at Beta level!

playercommand AbAscend2

Alpha Ascension
You Ascended off the ARK, at Alpha level!

playercommand AbAscend3
Master Survivor & survivor Evolved

Survivor Evolved
You've defeated ARK's first three Ultimate Life Forms! And yet…

you get this achivement after getting three others: Expert Survivor, Veteran Survivor & Master Survivor

Master Survivor
You defeated ARK's third Ultimate Life Form!

on the island map enable creative mode and type in console
sdf oss 1 0 0
once the boss has spawned type
killaoe dinos 9999
Lowest Depth

Lowest Depth
You've reached the bottom of the ARK's oceans!

cheat setplayerpos 0 340000 -49000
Highest Peak

Highest Peak
You've reached the highest mountain peak of the ARK!

cheat setplayerpos -97000 -51000 46000
Map Maker

Map Maker
You've uncovered more than 80% of the Mini-Map!

enable creative mode
uncover the map by flying over it
Your first Dino..., Your first ride..., Rex Rider

Your first Dino...
You tamed a Dinosaur!

Your first Ride...
You rode a Dinosaur!

Rex Rider
You rode on the back of a T-Rex!

sdf rex 1 0
If You need saddle for it
cheat gfi PrimalItemArmor_RexSaddle 1 1 0

Giga Rider & Maximum Dinosaur

Giga Rider
You rode on the back of a Giganotosaurus!

sdf giga 1 0
if you need saddle for it
cheat gfi GigantSaddle 1 1 0

Maximum Dinosaur
One of your Dinosaur's reached Maximum Level!

While riding the dino type:
addexperience 999999 0 0
Then open the dino inventory and use all skill points
Artifact Archeologist

Artifact Archaeologist
You personally retrieved all the Artifacts!

Copy everthing separately to the console
Master Zoologist

Master Zoologist
You tamed all of the domesticable creatures on the ARK!

Copy everything to the console
Maximum Survivor

Maximum Survivor
You reached the Maximum Survivor Level!

Start new game on the island with new character an type in console
the game will crash. Go back to the game and choose the island again then respawn at random location and type in console
Now go to your inventory and level up to 125.
Veteran Palentologist & All Explorer Achivements

Veteran Palentologist
You found the Dossiers of each of ARK's initial Specimens!

Perfect Explorer
You've discovered 100% of the Explorer Notes on the ARK!

Start new game on the island and type in console
The game will crash but you should get every explorer achivement and Veteran Palentologist except Perfect Explorer . Go back to the island again and respawn at random location and copy everything into console separately
Now enable creative mode and spawn 3 bosses but every time you spawn it type this to kill it
killaoe dinos 9999
Bosses commands:
admincheat Summon SpiderL_Character_BP_C
admincheat Summon Gorilla_Character_BP_C
admincheat Summon Dragon_Character_BP_C
And to teleport to the last boss type this to console
Cheat Summon Ascensionteleporter_easy_c
after you teleport follow the path and you should find it then kill it with your admin blink rifle that you've got after you enabled creative mode

Said_GaminX12 19 Nov, 2023 @ 10:47am 
thank you:steamthumbsup:
jose guilherme 4 Nov, 2023 @ 10:57am 
Morgoth 18 Sep, 2023 @ 5:47pm 
ty for help