Wallpaper Engine

Wallpaper Engine

74 Bewertungen
Loundraw Art [ Weather API | 4k Images ]
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Miscellaneous: Customizable
Type: Web
Age Rating: Everyone
Genre: Anime
Resolution: Dynamic resolution
Category: Wallpaper
104.399 MB
19. Juni 2023 um 4:05
1 Änderungshinweis (anzeigen)

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Loundraw Art [ Weather API | 4k Images ]


Uploaded a new wallpaper engine that's based on Loundraw's art. One of my favorite illustrators/mangakas is famous for his works, I want to eat your pancreas and I want to sell my life for 10,000 yen per year. This is actually the first web wallpaper that I wanted to upload but during that time I'm still new to web development so I didn't produce a good piece at that time, but now that I've improved I think it turned out pretty well. <3

Ver 1.0
Report if any bugs or a black screen appears in the comments or I'll make some thread about it in the comments below.

Weather API Notes:
Please input your own Token for the Weather API this will only limit our usage to up to 1 million so if you don't want any problems to occur later for the Weather API please provide your token.

Weather API how to get token:
You can just go to weatherapi(dot)com and login/register and get the generated token from the website then put it in the Wallpaper engine properties.

Canvas Animation From:
Floating Animation: (Code Pen)
@Mario Duarte
Cherry Blossom Animation: (Code Pen)
@Evan Jin (진경성)
Rain Animation:
@Max Ruigewaard

Songs used are from Summer Ghost, Zkaipr, Koi to Uso, Kuzu no Honkai, Your Lie in April, and Your Name.

Icon images used are from "Flaticon".
Other Works:

Thank you for subscribing, favorite, and rating my work have a good day!
2 Kommentare
灵梦の小啾啾 2. Juli 2024 um 1:42 
Deku Scrub 22. Juni 2023 um 21:47 
This is pretty cool. Loundraw has some great art.