

247 ratings
Cynical Guides:
By Cynic 0055
The complete list of all published 100% Achievement Guides with links attached for easy access; this will be continually updated as new guides are released. Happy Hunting, everyone!

Newly released guides will be marked by a + along the navigation panel on the right*
Brma 20 hours ago 
Good to hear. The map is the part I rely on. I love metroidvania games, but man is it hard to know where to go first lol
Cynic 0055  [author] 4 Mar @ 5:05pm 
That is the plan, Brma - with those Room Maps & everything. I have already done a playthrough of Blasphemous 2 on an alt account so I have a pretty idea of how I want to tackle it. The DLC for Blasphemous 2 also has Achievements too which I am super happy about; really wish they added some for Blasphemous 1's DLCs.

What makes Blasphemous 2 a bit trickier than Blasphemous 1 (from a guide writing perspective) is that instead of Relics that let you access Collectibles/progress, the three Weapons do that. You get all three Weapons in a playthrough regardless, but depending on which Weapon you choose to start the game with first will mean certain areas/Collectibles are accessible/not accessible.

Not the end of the world, but it makes writing the start of the guide tough as I don't want to lock people into having to use the Weapon "I chose". It will take some thought. I will most likely start working on Blasphemous 2 after I finish my guide for AC3: Remastered. :blassaint:
Brma 4 Mar @ 7:29am 
Can't wait for Blasphemous 2. You're Blasphemous 1 guide was great and extremely helpful. I hope you follow the same format.
Cynic 0055  [author] 26 Feb @ 10:17am 
Hey Commissar Snowy, I tentatively plan to start Elden Ring later this year. I have a large guide I need to get done (& still have been putting off) for Batman Arkham Knight, but once that is done & my guide for Blasphemous 2, I plan to line up Elden Ring.

Might take me a bit to get through it as I plan to do a blind run through of it first before I work on the guide so I don't spoil anything for myself. I am a massive Soulsborne fan, & I have a feeling Elden Ring will most likely become my new favourite game. :praisesun:
Commissar Snowy 26 Feb @ 4:11am 
Any hopes of elden ring one day?
Division 25 Feb @ 12:58pm 
@Cynic 0055 Which is good to hear but I always am looking forward to other games I can follow with your guide with as I said to myself before.
Cynic 0055  [author] 25 Feb @ 9:58am 
Like I've said before, Division, I definitely do not have a monopoly on Achievement guides or dibs on any games. "Is Cynic going to make a guide for this?" shouldn't be a question stopping you for making a guide on a game you want to cover.

Honestly, by the time I even get to Kiwami 0 or RE 0, you could probably have guides out for the entire series as they are that low on my list. Not because I am not interested, but just for the investiture. Though Kiwami is probably easier than RE to 100% (for very different reasons).
Division 25 Feb @ 12:36am 
@Cynic 0055 I hope you do they're good games. I also apologize if I took your spot on them by creating only 2 guides (2 more in the process) for those two series but I will leave you to make the guides of those games, don't forget to link my guide in here if you like to.
Cynic 0055  [author] 25 Feb @ 12:01am 
Yakuza is definitely on my list, but similarly to Resident Evil, it is a demanding series. I plan to cover both of them, but most likely it will be quite a ways away; Yakuza probably sooner than RE.

I am a completionist, and by starting guides for a series, I am inclined to finish the series. So I am hesitant about massive 100% games... with many entries.

The answer is a definite yes, but I definitely can't speculate on when at the moment.
Division 24 Feb @ 9:53pm 
@LmnT I think he can do Yakuza Kiwami 2 - ongoing games.