Remnant II

Remnant II

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Remnant II | All Weapons in Remnant 2
Von Jz
Remnant 2 is the sequel to the best-selling game Remnant: From the Ashes which pits survivors of humanity against new deadly creatures and god-like bosses across terrifying worlds. Play solo or co-op with two other friends to explore the depths of the unknown to stop evil from destroying reality.

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All Weapons in Remnant 2
Weapons in Remnant 2 are the player's main means of damage against Enemies and Bosses. Players are presented with a variety of base weapons to choose from: Handguns, which included pistols and sub-machine guns, Long Guns, which included shotguns and rifles, and Melee Weapons, which were used in direct hand-to-hand combat. Weapons can be obtained as loot at the end of some dungeons, from dead Enemies, or purchased from some Merchants. Remnant 2 Weapons can undergo upgrades to enhance their damage, which, in turn, also affects any attached Weapon Mod they have.
For material drops/location please refer to this Guide
Regular Hand Guns
Bolt Driver is an old but reliable handgun that excels in close-range combat, offering a compact size, high rate of fire, and precise bursts for maneuverability in tight spaces.

How to Get Bolt Driver in Remnant 2
  • Bolt Driver can be obtained by playing the secret song on the Water Harp on Yaesha after beating the Ravager: 1, 4, 0, 2, 5, 0, 3, 0.

Though Carycua was technically nobility, the Gul took her as their own hero, raising their children on stories of her prowess. Is it any wonder, then, that those children grew up imagining what an army of Carycuas might accomplish?.

Double Barrel is sturdy and short-barreled handgun capable of shredding enemies at close range, perfect for those who expect trouble and value firepower over trust.

How to Get Double Barrel in Remnant 2
Double Barrel can be obtained by:
  • Losomn - Morrow Parish. Found inside an Iron Safe. You have to complete the event Head Doctor and the Iron Safe to obtain the code. (Code: 2971)
  • Starting Equipment for the Alchemist Archetype.

It's a bad leader what cant trust those beneath her to do what's right-who fears treachery behind every smile. Even if she's sometimes right, that ain't no way to live a life.

MP60-R is an effective handgun designed for close-range combat, featuring a compact size, high rate of fire, and precise bursts that make a difference in intense encounters.

How to Get MP60-R in Remnant 2
MP60-R can be obtained by:
  • Starting equipment for the Summoner Archetype
  • Can be found in Ward 13
There is a locked chest in Ford's office, and it requires a 4-digit code to be opened. The code can be found inscribed in the base of the Flashlight he gives you when heading to the World Stone for the first time. Inspect it to learn the number.

The scarcity of ammo only makes each bullet more precious. Every shot fired is a gamble with fate, however, the more you can unleash, the better your odds of surviving.

Repeater Pistol
is a powerful semi-automatic handgun known for its reliability and accuracy, delivering a strong punch against dangerous enemies, particularly effective in mid-range engagements.

How to Get Repeater Pistol in Remnant 2
Repeater Pistol can be obtained by:
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13.
  • Starting Equipment of the Hunter Archetype.

The Root always come in groups, and so should your bullets.

Rupture Cannon is a pistol shotgun with medium recoil, offering a brisk fire rate and medium-range effectiveness, capable of dealing heavy damage and providing a stagger bonus.

How to Get Rupture Cannon in Remnant 2
Rupture Cannon can be obtained by:
  • Can be found in N'Erud - Vault of the Formless
  • During the "boss event" with the giant claw, it will occassionally turn large circluar tubes to reveal hallways. The second cylinder can be turned twice, leading to a hallway off the side with a Holographic keycard. Then, after finishing the event, there will be a locked door that can be opened. The Rupture Cannon is in the room.

The Phetyr encouraged and supported the technological progress of all other classes, not because they were unified in purpose with the rest of the Drzyr, but because their own purpose always benefited from our innovations.

Service Pistol is a reliable and accurate standard issue military handgun, suitable for various combat situations, with decent damage and an effective range for engagements within 20 to 50 meters.

How to Get Service Pistol in Remnant 2
Service Pistol can be obtained by:
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13.
  • Starting Equipment for the Medic Archetype.

I used to carry one of these service pistols while on active duty, and it was of the utmost importance to me that the weapon remained pristine and in working order. But, when the world ended, things like that stopped being important.
Regular Hand Guns II
Silverback Model 500 is a powerful hand cannon with low capacity, offering high damage and a heavy kick, perfect for delivering devastating shots against tough enemies.

How to Get Silverback Model 500 in Remnant 2
Silverback Model 500 can be obtained by:
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13.
  • Starting equipment for the Challenger Class

The six-shooter has stood the test of time for good reason-it's uncomplicated yet potent. Just make sure to keep track of your shots.

Sureshot is a hunting pistol designed for marksman-like precision, delivering a single devastating shot at mid to long range, making it effective against both game and the Root

How to Get Sureshot in Remnant 2
Sureshot can be obtained by:
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13

There's no denying that this hunting pistol is effective against both Root and game. Shame there's not as much game around as there used to be.

Tech 22 is a compact automatic pistol with a medium magazine capacity and high fire rate, ideal for quick and accurate shots in close-range engagements, packing a significant punch.

How to Get Sureshot in Remnant 2
Sureshot can be obtained by:
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13

The amount of firepower stashed away in those abandoned 'science' facilities is unbelievable. It's as if those who built them had foreseen the chaos that was to come.

Western Classic is a single-action revolver from a bygone era, displaying weathered appearance but unmatched reliability, capable of delivering solid damage at mid-range distances.

How to Get Sureshot in Remnant 2
Sureshot can be obtained by:
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13

Hell, when I was young, a revolver was already considered an old relic, but seeing it still in use after all these years is a testament to its quality and reliability. It may show its age, but it's still one of the best guns out there.

Rusty Repeater is a reliable cobbled-together auto pistol weapon in combat. It is suitable for short to medium-range encounters, providing versatility in various combat scenarios.

How to Get Rusty Repeater in Remnant 2
Rusty Repeater can be obtained by:
  • You start the game with the Rusty Repeater.

The Root can be a tricky enemy to handle, but this old auto pistol makes it look easy. With its seamless assembly and powerful punch, it's like the Root was never even there.
Special Hand Guns
Cube Gun combines the power and simplicity of the Labyrinth's last bastion. It excels in short to medium-range combat, making it a formidable choice for close-quarters encounters.

How to Get Cube Gun in Remnant 2
Cube Gun can be obtained by:
  • Can be crafted at McCabe Store. Required Material: x1 Conflux Prism, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap
  • Conflux Prism can be found in The Labyrinth, Dropped by Labyrinth Sentinel

When the Guardian fell, l lacked sufficient resources to maintain the Labyrinth's security measures as they were. But there is Value and lethality in simplicity—as the Anomaly now knows.

Enigma is a miniature version of the Labyrinth itself, constantly shifting and rearranging. It is well-suited for close to medium-range engagements, allowing for effective combat in tight spaces and moderate distances.

How to Get Enigma in Remnant 2
Enigma can be obtained by:
  • Can be crafted at McCabe, you will need the following Materials: x1 Cipher Rod, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap
  • Cipher Rod can be found in The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth is evidence that all things are connected—either conceived by a singular creator or the incidental result of arbitrary sequencing. The relevance of either possibility is negligible. Coincidence is as strong a connection as creation.

Hellfire resembles guns from Earth, with corrupted technology. It is particularly effective in short-range encounters, making it a devastating weapon for close-quarters combat.

How to Get Hellfire in Remnant 2
Hellfire can be obtained by:
  • Can be found in Root Earth - Ashen Wasteland

The corruption serves only two objectives.- annihilation and assimilation, with the latter supporting the former, until such time as the former is completed. Presumably, the Root would eventually annihilate itselfas well, but this theory has not yet been proven. That is probably for the best.

Meridian specializes in area-of-effect damage, making it highly effective in close-quarters battles. Its range is best suited for short-distance engagements, where it can unleash devastating attacks on nearby enemies.

How to Get Meridian in Remnant 2
Meridian can be found in Flooded Sewer event which can be spawned in:
  • The Great Sewers
  • Tiller's Rest
  • Harvester's Reach

The Dran don’t have the refined training of the creatures what consume our world, but they're clever, figuring out ways to throw the enemy's slings and arrows back at them and then some.

Nebula fires a stream of superhot acid gas, dealing corrosive damage over time. It is well-suited for short to medium-range combat, allowing for efficient engagement with enemies at moderate distances.

How to Get Nebula in Remnant 2
Nebula can be obtained by:
  • Can be crafted at McCabe, you will need the following Materials: x1 Spiced Bile, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap

It seems counterintuitive, but the science ofmicroscopically small constructions is what enables the creation of vast, even galaxy-spanning mechanisms. The ability to control individual molecules enables astronomical stability.

Rune Pistol is accurate semi-automatic pistol that excels at rapid-fire attacks with small-caliber bullets. It is most effective at medium range, allowing for precise and controlled engagements with enemies at moderate distances.

How to Get Rune Pistol in Remnant 2
Rune Pistol can be obtained by:
  • Can be crafted at Nimue, you will need the following Materials: x1 Decrepit Rune. To get the material offer up the Ravenous Medallion to the Nightweaver's Web.

Gunsmithing is unpopular among the Fae. It is considered barbaric, pedestrian, or even trite. But for any given art, there exists a passionate artisan who will devote their life to it. The results of such a master can only change the world.

Sorrow is a mystical crossbow pistol, tht has the unique ability to recall its bolts to heal the wielder. It excels in medium to long-range engagements, allowing for precise and powerful strikes against enemies at extended distances.

How to Get Sorrow in Remnant 2
Sorrow can be obtained by:
  • Can be found in Yaesha. Obtained by trading the Tear of Kaeula at Meidre

The origins of Yaesha's spirit sisters are a deep mystery. Those few who speak to mortals talk about Mother Stem and Mother Stream, but it is unknown whether these are simply concepts or actual beings. Then again, the spirits themselves are both concept and being so perhaps such a distinction is unnecessary.

Star Shot fires fast-moving plasma projectiles that explode on contact. It is highly effective in short to medium-range combat, providing a balance between close-quarters encounters and engagements at moderate distances.

How to Get Star Shot in Remnant 2
Star Shot can be obtained by:
  • Complete the Supply Ship Event, in N'Erud.

Shortly after N'Erud’s christening, Caid Jaru and I stood within the Core Observatory, watching the star at N’Erud’s center glow and burn. He mused—in jest I thought—about creating smaller such stars, the kind one might hold in the palm of their hand. ’What kind of gods could we be?’ he wondered. I have since learned that Jaru never jests.
Regular Long Guns
AS-10 Bulldog is designed for close-quarters combat, making it most effective in short-range encounters. Its brutal power and fully-automatic capability make it a formidable weapon in close combat situations.

How to Get AS-10 Bulldog in Remnant 2
AS-10 Bulldog can be obtained from:
  • Starting equipment for the Challenger Class
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13

Well, it may look like more duct tape than gun, but ifyou can point at the Root and take one down, that's all that matters in the end.

Blackmaw excels with controlled bursts and is highly effective at medium range. Its versatility allows for efficient engagements in a variety of combat scenarios, providing accuracy and firepower.

How to Get Blackmaw AR-47 in Remnant 2
Blackmaw AR-47 can be obtained from:
  • Starting equipment for the Handler Class
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13

The world was once full of guns like this. It's a mystery how the Root were able to kill 50 many people quickly. But it's probably best not to dwell on that.

Chicago Typewriter is a surprisingly efficient makeshift Tommy Gun in combat. It shines in short-range encounters, utilizing its large ammo capacity and rapid rate of fire to effectively suppress enemies.

How to Get Chicago Typewriter in Remnant 2
Chicago Typewriter can be obtained from:
  • Ward 13
  • Players have to have the Biome Portal Key in their inventory in order to be able to reach Leto's Stash and Chicago Typewriter
Leto's Stash can be found in Ward 13, but players have to be on The Labyrinth in order to access it.

Sure, it might not hit the broad side of a barn, but this baby sure can spit out some lead. It's not about being accurate, it's about putting enough bullets downrange to get the job done.

Coach Gun is a modified double-barrel shotgun specifically designed for devastating short-range encounters. It unleashes powerful slugs with a wide spread, making it an ideal weapon for close-quarters combat. Its high damage output ensures devastating results up close.

How to Get Coach Gun in Remnant 2
Coach Gun can be obtained from:
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13
  • Starting Equipment for the Invader Archetype.

Before the Root came, this old double-barrel shotgun was favored by prison guards for stopping escaping prisoners. One blast to warn, and the second to bring them down. But in the dangerous world of deadwood, there’s no time for warnings.

Crossbow is an accurate and deadly single-shot weapon that excels in medium-range engagements. Its low sound profile enables stealthy long-distance attacks, perfect for maintaining a covert advantage.

How to Get Crossbow in Remnant 2
Crossbow can be obtained from:
  • Starting equipment for the Summoner Archetype.
  • Completion of a puzzle in Imperial Gardens, Yaesha.

The nobility benefited from generations of training and extended life spans within which to do so. Navun’s rebels, on the other hand, carried numbers but lacked skill— a deadly gap to bridge. Fortunately for Navun, the Gul rebels also had a steep advantage in ingenuity.

Ford's Scattergun is an incredibly powerful shotgun that delivers a wide spread of pellets, making it most effective in short-range encounters. Its high damage output compensates for its low magazine capacity, ensuring devastating impact up close.

How to Get Ford's Scattergun in Remnant 2
Ford's Scattergun can be obtained from:
  • Starting Long Gun for the Explorer.
  • From the The Red Throne worldstone on Yaesha, follow the pathway and go into the library on the left. While wearing the Seal of the Empress, the floor underneath you will open, revealing a basement with the weapon inside.
The paxultek Ford is said to have visited Yaesha many times over the course of his long life—a life that rivals the span of even the lowest among the Immortals. Historians are still finding relics of his world and expeditions, teaching us more about the strange and deadly world he comes from.

Huntmaster M1 , modified from old hunting rifle parts, is a weapon built for long-range engagements. Its accurate single-shot capability, combined with the high-powered scope, enables precise shots at extended distances, ensuring targets are taken down from afar.

How to Get Huntmaster M1 in Remnant 2
Huntmaster M1 can be obtained from:
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13.
  • Starting Equipment of the Hunter Archetype.

This rifle may not look like much, but don’t let its appearance fool you. When you're out there taking down the Root from afar, looks don't matter as long as the job gets done.

Pulse Rifle is a high-tech weapon known for its extreme accuracy and quick three-round bursts. It thrives in medium-range engagements, striking a balance between accuracy and rate of fire to provide effective and efficient combat performance.

How to Get Pulse Rifle in Remnant 2
Pulse Rifle can be obtained from:
  • Found after using the Decorum Cipher and Memory Core II to unlock both doors downstairs in Abyssal Rift, below the area where The Custodian resides.
Caid Jaru, the head of House M'Ertal, held annual seminars espousing the advantages of new weaponry innovations and identifying gaps in their current arsenal. These seminars might have been sensible had we encountered even one enemy in all our travels.

Royal Hunting Bow , granted by the Postulant, proves effective at medium range. It offers a lethal and silent approach to eliminate enemies with precision, making it an ideal choice for engagements that require calculated and precise shots.

How to Get Royal Hunting Bow in Remnant 2
Royal Hunting Bow can be obtained from:
  • Can be found in Losomn - Postulant's Parlor. Players have to complete the Postulant Event to unlock the door in which it can be found.

It was a grave risk to go after the One True King. This was known, but the stakes were thought high enough justify the risk. Alas that we did not calculate the consequences of success.
Regular Long Guns II

Rusty Lever Action is a reliable long gun that may show its age but maintains its effectiveness. It deals medium damage and is well-suited for medium-range engagements, providing steady support to the survivor.

How to Get Rusty Lever Action in Remnant 2
Rusty Lever Action can be obtained from:
  • You start the game with the Rusty Lever Action long gun.

During the final days of the Old War, when hope still lingered, small groups of hunters armed with rifles would venture out to ambush deadwood hives. Remarkably, a few of them actually returned.

Widowmaker , a powerful sniper rifle with enhanced accuracy and range, is specifically designed for long-range combat. It empowers shooters to take precise shots at extended distances, allowing them to keep enemies at bay and maintain control over the battlefield.

How to Get Widowmaker in Remnant 2
Widowmaker can be obtained from:
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13

Keep your distance when engaging the Root, and make your shots count. If they close in on you, this weapon will be as useless as a toothpick.

Wrangler 1860 , a well-worn lever-action hunting rifle, is a reliable companion effective at most ranges. It provides versatility in combat scenarios, although its slow reload speed can be a disadvantage that requires careful management during intense firefights.

How to Get Wrangler 1860 in Remnant 2
Wrangler 1860 can be obtained from:
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13.
  • Starting Equipment for the Alchemist Archetype and the Gunslinger Archetype.

During the final days of the Old War, when hope still lingered, small groups of hunters armed with rifles would venture out to ambush deadwood hives. Remarkably, a few of them actually returned.

XMG57 Bonesaw is an experimental infantry support weapon intended for prolonged suppressive fire. While it can be employed effectively at various ranges, it becomes increasingly accurate with sustained firing, making it well-suited for medium-range engagements where it can lay down continuous firepower.

How to Get XMG57 Bonesaw in Remnant 2
XMG57 Bonesaw can be obtained from:
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13.
  • Starting Equipment for the Medic Archetype.

Back before the Root, a heavy gun like this would have been mounted on an armored vehicle, tearing through anything in its path. But now, with the world reduced to ruins, it serves as a reminder of a time when war was fought on a grand scale.

Aphelion is a long gun that unleashes the power of a dying star. It inflicts high damage and is most effective at medium range, allowing you to rain down destruction on enemies with its hypercharged wide-arcing line.

How to Get Aphelion in Remnant 2
Aphelion can be obtained by:
  • Can be crafted at McCabe, you will need the following Materials: x1 Void Cinder, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap
  • To obtain the crafting material in N'erud. Before you fight the Spectral Guardian you have to interact with the console. There are two prompt options, one for the console and one for the hole beneath. Select the latter, insert the Override Pin and defeat Sha'Hala: Spectral Guardian of N'Erud. He will drop the Void Cinder

There are those for whom the sun's gifted light is not enough. There are those who wish for all of a sun's power, immediately and without cost.
But there is always a cost.
Special Long Guns
Alpha-Omega is a long gun that deals high damage, harnessing the essence of the Root for lethal precision. It excels in medium-range engagements, where its accurate high-damage rails can penetrate any target, ensuring devastating impact on foes.

How to Get Alpha-Omega in Remnant 2
Alpha-Omega can be obtained by:
  • Can be crafted at McCabe, you will need the following Materials: x1 Forgotten Memory, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap
  • To obtain the Crafting Material you will have to defeat Annihilation at Root Earth

Immortality. Cessation. The corruption promises both, but the two cannot exist in tandem. Every end requires a beginning, and every beginning requires an end.

Crescent Moon is a special long gun that combines elegance and power. It delivers high damage and excels at medium range, providing lethal force with its empowered arrows and Moonlight debuff.

How to Get Crescent Moon in Remnant 2
Crescent Moon can be obtained by:
  • Can be crafted at McCabe, you will need the following Materials: x1 Anamy's Echo, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap
  • Can be found in Losomn- Retreat's Horizon
  • Attack Nimue while she is asleep with the Dreamcatcher. She will provide you a consumable called Nimue's Dream. Consume it and that teleports you to an island surrounded by water on all sides. The water is safe to walk around, just trail the edge until you find a glowing turquoise stone(Anamy's Echo). Take it to McCabe and craft the Crescent Moon Bow.

The moon gives Fae their strength..or so the stories say. In truth, the Fae give Fae their strength, and the moon is but one inspiration.

Deceit is a long gun adorned with ornate filigree, concealing its high-damage potential. It fires pinpoint accurate shots with two penetrating rails and is effective at medium to long range, delivering devastating blows with precision.

How to Get Deceit in Remnant 2
Deceit can be obtained by:
  • Can be crafted at McCabe, you will need the following Materials: x1 Imposter's Heart, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap
  • Imposter's Heart drops from Faelin at the Council Chamber

Those who have met the imposter believe them to be veracious. Those who know better believe them false. Those who know best, however, see the imposter for who they truly are--a perfect and indiscernible blend of the two.

Merciless is an insatiable long gun that deals high damage, causing bleeding over time. It is most effective in short to medium-range encounters, where its devastating blast, additional critical damage, and increased stagger can overwhelm foes.

How to Get Merciless in Remnant 2
Merciless can be obtained by:
  • Can be crafted at McCabe Store. Material Required: x1 Crimson Membrane, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap
  • Crimson Membrane dropped by the Ravager in Yaesha. Kill it after eating the Doe.

The Ravager represents Death and destruction. In its absence, there is peace. The Doe represents Life and peace. What, then, does its absence bring?

Nightfall instills fear with its high-damage hardened bone shards. It excels in short to medium-range engagements, becoming a nightmarish force that inflicts relentless damage on enemies.

How to Get Nightfall in Remnant 2
Nightfall can be obtained by:
  • Can be crafted at McCabe, you will need the following Materials: x1 Cursed Dream Silks, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap
  • To get the Cursed Dream Silks, defeat the The Nightweaver at Losomn

Alas, dear sister, though dreams were ever your expertise, they brought you little joy. Imagined shadows, half-heard whispers in the dark, shivers in the blood... In these, your passion and talent had always lain. It seems so obvious now.

Plasma Cutter is a specialized long gun that offers high damage potential when focused on a target. It is best suited for close-range encounters, where its precise cutting power can unleash devastating damage.

How to Get Plasma Cutter in Remnant 2
Plasma Cutter can be obtained by:
  • Obtained by opening the door at the Navigation Room. You'll need to wear the Navigator's Helm (Obtained from the Navigator Zombie) and run the face recognition to open it. Enter the room and take the Plasma Cutter.

With only two notable exceptions, the Custodian has always served the Drzyr willingly, even helping us design the means of its own destruction. It was never naive in this, but a willing partner. have had many years to consider the parallels between our dismantling of the Custodian and what our Creator has done to the Drzyr.

Twisted Arbalest deals medium damage with bouncing energy discs. It is most effective in close to medium-range encounters, where its volatile nature can wreak havoc on enemies.

How to Get Twisted Arbalest in Remnant 2
Twisted Arbalest can be obtained by:
  • Can be crafted at McCabe, you will need the following Materials: x1 Twisted Lazurite, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap
  • To get the material you must defeat the Corruptor while the Guardian is broken.

Few Pan have had the honor of witnessing Many Faces engage in battle. It is a glorious thing to watch, enemy after enemy falling before it like wine glasses teetering ona dilapidated dining table.

Sagittarius is a legendary high-powered bow that deals high damage, particularly to weakspots. It shines in precise engagements at medium range, allowing skilled archers to unleash its formidable damage potential.

How to Get Sagittarius in Remnant 2
Sagittarius can be obtained by:
  • Yaesha - Cathedral of Omen
Treat the entrance you came through as "South" for the following steps:

  • Rotate the triangle until the point is pointing Southwest
  • Rotate the circles to the bottom of the triangle (opposite the point mentioned above)
There should be four of these circles in a row
  • Rotate the symbols so that the Death and Moon symbols are not in the circles
Death and Moon should be Southwest, on either side of the triangle's point
  • Collect the Sagittarius!

Regular Melee Weapons

Atom Smasher is a melee weapon that specializes in smashing the bonds between atoms, resulting in high damage. It is most effective in close-quarters combat, where its powerful swings can devastate enemies and create chaos.

How to Get Atom Smasher in Remnant 2
  • Can be found in N'erud inside the last wagon of the train after The Train Event in Terminus Station

Where there is intelligence, there is progress. So long as there is progress, the old must always make way for the new.

Blade of Adventure is a versatile melee weapon that excels in controlling areas with wide-arcing swings and fast recovery. It inflicts moderate damage and is ideal for dealing with hordes of smaller enemies or delivering quick damage in critical situations.

How to Get Blade of Adventure in Remnant 2
  • You start the game with the Blade of Adventure.

Something familiar about this blade... It's seen a lot, and done even more. This is where it all begins, and where it all ends--at the end of a sword.

Blade of Gul is a compact yet hard-hitting sword made from resilient leaf springs. It deals moderate damage and is perfect for close-range encounters, allowing swift and impactful blows to overpower opponents.

How to Get Blade of Gul in Remnant 2
  • Can be crafted at Bloodmoon Altar for 10 Blood Moon Essence and 1,250 Scrap.

Most of the nobility forbid the Gul from carrying weapons, but much like the Ahanae prohibition on common crystal usage, that decree has been surreptitiously ignored.

Bone Chopper is a razor-sharp hand axe designed for separating flesh from bone. It deals moderate damage and can deliver devastating double attacks when charged, making it effective in both offensive and defensive situations.

How to Get Bone Chopper in Remnant 2
  • Losomn - Use one of the small lifts after completing The Feast Event to find it in a room.
  • Starting Equipment for the Alchemist Archetype.
My folk have always been industrious and hard-working, using what was around them and shaping it to their liking--not in the manipulative, magical way of these Fae, but with the straightforward, visceral processes of nature herself

Edge of the Forest is an elegant and lightweight blade that brings beauty to bloodshed. It offers high damage output and excels in the hands of a skilled swordsman, capable of unleashing relentless and precise strikes.

How to Get Edge of the Forest in Remnant 2
  • Found on Imperial Gardens, near the world stone checkpoint location. Stick to your left and past a few enemies, you will find it there.

Though Linedhel is best known for breaking the siege of Elenran, she went on to become one of the Pan's deadliest and most feared swordsmen.

Iron Greatsword is a massive and menacing weapon made from flattened railroad tracks. It deals high damage and has a balanced design, allowing for powerful swings that strike fear into the hearts of enemies.

How to Get Iron Greatsword in Remnant 2
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13.
  • Starting equipment for the Challenger Class
I may be a bit too old to wield this sword, but if I were still in my prime, I might have given it a go. Hell, the sheer size and weight of the thing could make even the Root tremble in fear. Ah, but those days are long gone for me.

Knuckle Dusters are steel gloves with rusty sawblade tips, designed to boost unarmed damage. They provide moderate damage output and are suitable for close-quarters combat, giving the wielder an edge in hand-to-hand encounters.

How to Get Knuckle Dusters in Remnant 2
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13

Going toe-to-toe with the Root in hand-to-hand combat is either a sign of immense bravery or utter foolishness.

Labyrinth Staff is a crude yet deadly weapon that generates additional mod power with basic strikes. Its charge attacks unleash an area-of-effect strike, dealing high damage to all enemies within a short range.

How to Get Labyrinth Staff in Remnant 2
  • Can be found in The Labyrinth

It is against my purpose to grow attached to the worlds' children. I oversee all, but seldom interfere. So long as a single intelligent lifeform remains, so too does its world. But the entity must endure its life on its own.

Ornate Blade is an intricately-forged elongated sword that strikes a balance between reach and agility. It deals moderate damage and is effective in keeping stronger enemies at bay while allowing for agile maneuvers.

How to Get Ornate Blade in Remnant 2
  • Can be found in Losomn - Council Chamber. You have to accuse the right conspirator in The Fae Council Event
The forsaken prince's past has only hardened his personality--like tempered steel. His father, imperious and immortal. His mother, strong yet bitter. It is a miracle he survived to adulthood at all...and that he has not slaughtered more along the way.

Ornate Flail is an intricately-forged mace with uniquely designed airways. It offers moderate damage and allows smaller wielders to quickly build up momentum, delivering swift and devastating attacks.

How to Get Ornate Flail in Remnant 2
  • Can be found in Losomn - Council Chamber. You have to take the secret passage in The Executioner Event.
  • When you arrive at the room with ashen corpses standing on altars and paintings on the wall, you will have to attack a portrait that is close to the ground to reveal a hidden passage to crawl through. Rest is straightforward, but you have to face a boss.
The Fae, perhaps more than most, revere the utility of death.
Regular Melee Weapons II

Rebellion Spear is a cobbled-together masterpiece made of scavenged pipes and fasteners. It boasts high damage and excels in ranged combat, providing focused direct damage for one-on-one encounters.

How to Get Rebellion Spear in Remnant 2
  • Starting equipment for the Summoner Archetype

It was Navun who first spread the word of the Thaen's death. Few believed her except for the slaves, whose entire subservience assumed the immortality of their masters. Navun thus birthed and nurtured the rebellion that now tears at our walls. She is mother, warrior, and terrorist all.

Royal Broadsword is a greatsword crafted with skills long forgotten. It deals high damage and was once wielded by the Pan's royal guards. With razor-sharp edges and a balanced design, it offers unparalleled power in the hands of a skilled warrior.

How to Get Royal Broadsword in Remnant 2
  • Can be found in Yaesha - The Red Throne in the Event called Arrest.

Kolket was the greatest of the Pan monarchs and the last in a long, grand dynasty. The royal Pan lineage once stretched back for an epoch--perhaps further back than even Yaesha itself, though none can truly know.

Rusted Claws are worn on the hands and wrists, featuring sharp, curved blades that tear through flesh and bone with ease. They provide high damage output and are perfect for intimidating close-quarters combat.

How to Get Rusted Claws in Remnant 2
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13

These claw weapons certainly give off a menacing vibe, like some sort of monster. Then again, in a world where you have to fight tooth and nail to survive, sometimes it takes a monster to fight a monster.

Scrap Hammer is a large and heavy warhammer cobbled together from engine components. It deals high damage and is designed to destroy anything it strikes, making it a devastating weapon in the hands of a skilled wielder.

How to Get Scrap Hammer in Remnant 2
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13

The world was growing faster than ever before when the Root arrived. With buildings towering into the clouds, tools once used for construction now serve as weapons to fight for its survival.

Scrap Hatchet is a common chopping tool repurposed for combat. It offers moderate damage and delivers rapid attacks from right to left. When charged, it unleashes double attacks, allowing for increased damage output.

How to Get Scrap Hatchet in Remnant 2
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13

If you're unable to be inventive, your survival prospects are grim at best. It's time to put that eccentric notion you've been saving into action.

Scrap Staff is a melee weapon crafted from an assortment of pipes and scrap metals. It provides moderate damage and impressive reach in combat, enabling the wielder to keep enemies at a distance while maintaining a sturdy grip.

How to Get Scrap Staff in Remnant 2
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13
Despite its appearance, I must say I'm impressed with the design of this weapon. It just goes to show that it's not about how pretty or shiny a weapon is, but rather if it can get the job done.

Steel Flail is an unorthodox weapon designed to convert momentum into destruction. It offers moderate damage and features attacks that continuously chain overhead swings, providing relentless and powerful strikes.

How to Get Steel Flail in Remnant 2
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13.
  • Starting Equipment for the Medic Archetype.

If you can swing it and it kills some Root in the process, then it's a damn fine weapon. When it comes down to it, survival is the only metric that matters.

Steel Katana is an old piece of steel with serrations cut into one side. It offers moderate damage and is equipped with a pipe handle for a limited grip. It specializes in quick, focused attacks that allow for agile maneuvers.

How to Get Steel Katana in Remnant 2
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13.
  • Can be found in Root Earth - Ashen Wasteland Checkpoint
  • Starting Equipment for the Invader Archetype.
History within the two Cores followed a similar path. At a macro level in fact, one might notice no difference at all. The contrast becomes apparent, however, when one investigates history at an individual level.

Steel Spear is a cobbled-together masterpiece made of scavenged pipes and fasteners. It offers high, single-target damage and is ideal for staying at range while delivering precise and devastating strikes.

How to Get Steel Spear in Remnant 2
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13
Back in my younger days, I'l bet | could've wielded this like a pro. But now, my old bones just can't keep up. Still, can't help but be impressed by those who can handle such a dangerous and powerful weapon without injuring themselves.

Steel Sword is an elongated blade hammered out of vehicle leaf springs. It provides moderate damage and is a versatile weapon suitable for various combat situations, offering reliability and effectiveness.

How to Get Steel Sword in Remnant 2
  • Can be bought from Brabus at Ward 13.
  • Starting Equipment of the Hunter Archetype.
Gone are the days when rust was merely a bothersome corrosion. In our current landscape, it serves as a calculated advantage. A wound inflicted with rust-laden weaponry poses a significantly greater challenge to remedy.

Gas Giant is a melee weapon that builds up charge with damage dealt. When fully charged, basic attacks apply a corrosive effect, while neutral evade attacks explode in a toxic cloud, providing both sustained and area-of-effect damage.

How to Get Gas Giant in Remnant 2
  • Can be crafted at McCabe Store. Material Required: x1 Acidic Jawbone, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap.
The ambit ember, though critical for the navigation of N'Erud as well as my own personal survival, can be poisonous to lifeforms of lesser intellect. This might have mattered more had we discovered any such lifeforms.
Regular Melee Weapons III
Vice Grips are Ofildi tools designed for lifting and carrying heavy cargo, which also serve as formidable weapons. They offer high raw damage and are perfect for tearing through enemies with ruthless force.

How to Get Vice Grips in Remnant 2
  • Can be crafted at Drzyr Replicator, you will need the following Materials: x7 Lumenite Crystal, x15 Galvanized Iron, scrap currency remnant2 wiki guide 30px1,500 Scrap
It is a blessing that in all our millennia of travel, the Ofildi never once rebelled--not because they feared the Phetyr, for the Ofildi outnumbered the Phetyr ten to one and had access to potent weapons of their own, but because the Ofildi were unified in purpose with all Drzyr.

Huntress Spear is a quiet and deadly spear, perfect for silent and precise strikes. It can be thrown and quickly retrieved, making it ideal for hit-and-run tactics.

How to Get Huntress Spear in Remnant 2
  • Can be crafted at McCabe, you will need the following Materials: x1
  • Venerated Spearhead, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap.
  • Dropped by The Huntress

They say the Huntress is a direct descendant of Aramin and Aramor, the brothers who once slayed their god so that they might lay claim to the birthright of their own creation.
She certainly lives up to the tale.

Krell Axe is an axe infused with Krell Shock magic, which can be thrown and magically reappear. It applies an overloaded effect on hit and deals ongoing shock damage.

How to Get Krell Axe in Remnant 2
  • Location: Yaesha - Endaira's End - hidden in the Pressureplate Puzzle after the second checkpoint.

Some Pan consider the Krell to be comical in appearance, yet these paxultek wielded great skill in combat. It is said they faced many enemies on their own world--even a towering cyclops and the Destroyer himself.
Special Melee Weapons

Assassin's Dagger is a lightweight and silent melee weapon that specializes in stealthy kills, with a focus on high damage and bonuses against bleeding enemies and attacking from behind.

How to Get Assassin's Dagger in Remnant 2
Assassin's Dagger can be obtained by:
  • Can be crafted at Nimue, you will need one of the following Materials:
  • x1 Assassin Dagger (Teal Jewel).
  • x1 Assassin Dagger (Red Jewel).
  • x1 Assassin Dagger (Purple Jewel).

Despite what people might say, laws are not made to be broken. They can, however, be interpreted, elided, even wilfully misunderstood. Any law can be circumvented in the right circumstances--even the laws of the One True King.

Atom Splitter is a giant melee weapon that is capable of breaking apart heavy rocks and triggering controlled nuclear reactions. It offers destructive power and has extended range on certain attacks.

How to Get Atom Splitter in Remnant 2
  • This weapon can spawn in any dungeon: To get go from the start follow the path until the second room and go right. The path end with a broken path and a rotating column. Wait for the robot arm to grab a pod and jump onto than jump to the broken path once it starts going up. From their follow the route through the door and down the ladder.

Molecules to atoms, atoms to protons, protons to quarks--down and down into the fundamental quanticles of the universe. The deeper one goes, the more one understands how much one does not understand.

Dreamcatcher is a versatile melee weapon that excels at controlling wide areas with sweeping swings. It is ideal for crowd control and dealing quick damage in critical situations.

How to Get Dreamcatcher in Remnant 2
  • Located in the Asylum in Losomn. Feed the Nightweaver's Web the Nightweaver Stone Doll to receive Dreamcatcher

Some believe dreams to be prophecy. Others, a random narrative woven by misfiring synapses. Yet dreams are nothing more than the true essence of the self, the soul untethered-- entirely inscrutable yet imperative to possess.

Feral Judgement are a pair of gauntlets with sharp crystal blades, designed for rapid and vicious melee attacks. It gains empowerment after a series of hits and deals additional damage to bleeding enemies.

How to Get Feral Judgement in Remnant 2
  • Can be crafted at McCabe, you will need the following Materials: x1 Ravager's Maw, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap.
  • To get the material kill the Corrupted Ravager kill after you are offered the pact.

When the Pan first arrived in Yaesha, the Vaunnt hid their vision of the Wolf--a portent of looming doom--and shared only the vision of the blessed Doe. Would the Pan have remained on these shores had they known?

Godsplitter is a well-rounded blade made from fused swords, offering versatility and the ability to taint targets with damage amplification effects.

How to Get Godsplitter in Remnant 2
  • Can be crafted at McCabe Store. Material Required: x1 Melded Hilt, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap
  • The Material can be found in Losomn - Malefic Gallery. Dropped by Faerin

There is an ineluctable truth throughout all known creation: nothing is ever truly gained nor truly lost. Energy transfers from one object to the next. One life lost ends up as fuel for another. And when two worlds twine, the will of one is sundered in twain. This is the inevitability of the universe.
Special Melee Weapons II

Hero's Sword is an adaptable weapon that effectively controls areas with wide-arcing swings and quick recovery. It is versatile for various combat scenarios and can deliver heavy blows when needed.

How to Get Hero's Sword in Remnant 2
  • It is the starting Melee Weapon for the Explorer
  • Can be bought from Brabus, possibly after completing the campaign on Nightmare.

l remember the day when the Wanderer departed, leaving behind their loyal companion, this sword. The very same blade that had fought alongside them in countless battles, now lay on the ground of Ward 13, a testament to the hero's journey. Though the Wanderer moved on, the sword remained, a silent sentinel waiting for its next worthy wielder to take up its cause.

Nightshade is a set of fast-striking claws with a high critical hit chance and life steal. It grants mist-like evasion and provides bonuses upon perfect dodges.

How to Get Nightshade in Remnant 2
Nightshade can be obtained by:
  • Can be crafted at McCabe, you will need the following Materials: x1 Nightweaver's Finger, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap.
  • Nightweaver's Finger drops from The Nightweaver. You have to destroy her heart when she lets it out to obtain this drop.

Was it these twined kingdoms that drove her to prey upon the fearful? Did the unholy twisting of our worlds drive her mad as it did so many others? Or does she revel in a freedom she has always desired, now that her king and sleeps? I fear I have always known the answer.

Red Doe is a magical staff that contains a healing spirit. It unleashes powerful charge attacks and can regenerate health for allies in its path.

How to Get Red Doe Staff in Remnant 2
  • Can be crafted at McCabe, you will need the following Materials: x1 Doe's Antler, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap.

The Doe first appeared to the Vaunnt as a blessed portent, a sign that the Pan's long journey had come to an end. But the Doe also symbolizes compassion and sacrifice, and so the vision that at first was taken to mean rest was later interpreted as a call to protect.

Spectral Blade is a super-heated laser sword with an infinitely sharp edge. It creates a whirlwind of slashes on neutral backdash charge attacks.

How to Get Spectral Blade in Remnant 2
  • Can be crafted at McCabe Store. Material Required: x1 Eidolon Shard, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap.

The Drzyr did not die in Alepsis-Taura, though in what form they now exist, I cannot say, Nothing is lost in the universe. It is merely repurposed. It is unlikely, however, that their repurposing retains the former miracle of consciousness.

Stonebreaker is a crafted blade made from resilient leaf springs, embodying resourcefulness. It summons shockwaves on charge attacks for additional damage.

How to Get Stonebreaker in Remnant 2
Stonebreaker can be obtained by:
  • Can be crafted at McCabe Store. Material Required: x1 Hollow Heart, x7 Lumenite Crystal, x650 Scrap
  • Hollow Heart can be found at: Yaesha- The Great Bole. Dropped by Corruptor if you don't down the Guardian.

The Pan are doomed without the One of Many to protect them. And yet, the Pan have been doomed many times over in our history. Still, we remain. The Balance will not result in our end--not yet.
5 Kommentare
Jz  [Autor] 22. Aug. 2023 um 8:28 
@Cybertronicl Thank you :aahealth:
Hikaru 22. Aug. 2023 um 5:11 
Very nice guide thanks for that
Jz  [Autor] 18. Aug. 2023 um 2:09 
@Bronte Thank you and any feedback would be greatly appreciated. :Speech_Love:
Prismwind 17. Aug. 2023 um 22:02 
So is it just me, or are the lever action long guns just... underpowered? Both in terms of actual DPS and damage multiplied by max ammo, the Wrangler 1860 and the Rusty Lever Action you start with are simply weaker than Widowmaker and Huntmaster.

But both of those guns are weaker, again both in terms of DPS and damage multiplied by max ammo, than the Blackmaw. And the Blackmaw's rapid fire makes it notable easier to use and more versatile between single target and groups.

It just kind of feels like the game heavily favors its rapid fire guns over the medium and low fire rate guns. Which is a pity because I actually enjoy how the lever actions feel to use... it's just a 10% DPS drop if I use them, short of hitting a weakspot every single shot in which case it is very close to the same DPS.
Bronte 10. Aug. 2023 um 23:45 
*The Atom Splitter section has a typo