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[BETA] Mutated - The nextbot that infects others
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: NPC
Addon Tags: Fun, Scenic
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146.710 MB
18 Nov, 2023 @ 4:52pm
18 Nov, 2023 @ 4:57pm
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[BETA] Mutated - The nextbot that infects others

this 2D terminus based nextbot is currently in beta please note it is not fully finished as future updates will have alot of changes and maybe ♥♥♥♥ ton of bugs

and little thing I want say is that I am close to no longer work on terminus based nextbots due to the trend dead and everyone off the band wagon since no one barely cares now but I may continue but not mutch longer but I also wanted to improve my english during that time

"it can spread a disease to anything, causing them to become more deranged..."

this 2D nextbot is yet another modification of terminus but this time this one is heavily modified read functions below if you are confused

mutated's functions

- this nextbot will act very similar to mother and simulacrum in a way as it will spawn nextbots and spawns red fog around the map with constant ambience looping. mutated spawns nextbots when it kills you but however, if nextbots that mutated spawn in kill you they will become infected by mutated so called "mutated's disease" which affects only the nextbots mutated spawns in
this disease will happen when those nextbots spawned in by mutated kill you and when they do they get infected by the disease and transform into more deranged versions and insane versions of themselves the nextbots spawn in randomly after being killed the nextbots it can spawn are terminus, gargitron, father and anger (anger will be the most inactive out of all and is too hard to find but can be found)
and those nextbots when they kill you will get infected (it may take a few seconds for them to become infected after killing the player)

- mutated will always chase you non stop whenever it encounters player

- also another almost generic loud nextbot

functions for infected nextbots
there infected versions of themselves will act different than there original forms

infected terminus: will move faster and that's it

infected gargitron: will act like father except it won't seek and try ambushing you

infected father: same as terminus

infected anger: instead of editing their speed anger when infected will act strange such as it being more active than it's normal form but however if it touches the player when chasing it will teleport the player to somewhere else (credit goes to the person who made reminos)

also it won't work if you spawned in nextbots by you it only works to the ones that mutated can spawn

before you ask yes this is confusing but you may see what I mean when you will test it out

will take this down if anyone who made these nextbots, sounds or some part of code then yes this will be taken down as I do not own them

niuquan_ 29 Nov, 2024 @ 10:56pm 
when will this nextbot be updated to the official version?
dav frum algbrla crass 4 Oct, 2024 @ 1:42pm 
xX_OverlyEdgyName_Xx  [author] 3 Oct, 2024 @ 11:51pm 
@isaac.mccollow can't, it's too tiring
dav frum algbrla crass 29 Sep, 2024 @ 6:18am 
anyways, make a no darkness version
e. 25 Sep, 2024 @ 1:01pm 
I don't know how, it just is. simple as that.
xX_OverlyEdgyName_Xx  [author] 25 Sep, 2024 @ 12:24pm 
@e. how is it fire? it's complete doodoo compared to the ambience
xX_OverlyEdgyName_Xx  [author] 24 Sep, 2024 @ 4:43pm 
@isaac.mccollow I'm back from the dead. I had lost interest into gaming and have severe mental health issues currently. My pc is fucked, and it looks like I need a new pc plus, I got 1 nextbot coming and it's in my fucked up pc
dav frum algbrla crass 11 Sep, 2024 @ 7:10pm 
in a yt vid, he said "huh didn't expect you made the video on this guy I made...
he's just not as great as my other nextbots as I made this because I had no other option (the chase music was supposed to sound like shit) also the next nextbot I'm working on is gonna be real good (with no spawning nextbot bs) but however tho I got extremely bored of playing games hence I've been inactive on steam for about 2 months now and steam shits my PC when I run it and still does after it was repaired (again with the mechanic: mutated's mechanic happens when you die to him and it spawns a nextbot in or doesn't and when you die to that nextbot it becomes it's infected/mutated form that are just buffed versions and mutated wasn't designed to be scary)
" so dont bug him
e. 25 Aug, 2024 @ 5:54am 
All I'll say is that the chase track is fire, somehow
dav frum algbrla crass 18 Aug, 2024 @ 9:01am 
can you make a no fog version like a different npc like darkness' no darkness version?