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How to be a Fun-Guy, a guide to Dinkum's Mushrooms
By 100% Recycled Awesome
The Breezy Autumn release brings all sorts of stuff, including more mushrooms. In this guide I'll teach you where to find the mushrooms, what you can do with them, and how to farm them.
The New Mushrooms & Where To Find Them
Five new mushrooms make an appearance to join the glowing mushroom. These mushrooms only appear during autumn and only can be collected before 12 pm otherwise they shrivel up and turn black.

Red Roundhead
Mangrove Mud
Milk Cap
Slippery Jack
Tropical Grass
Field Mushro
Bushland/Prairie Grass
Yellow Morel
Fir Grass

Biome doesn't matter, but the type of soil and presence of a tree does.
Mushroom Lights & Stools
All five of the Breezy Autumn mushrooms can be turned into lights and stools.

Craft each of the lights at a crafting table with quartz and 10 of each mushroom.

To create the stools, you'll need to bury one the mushrooms and then next to where you buried it, bury one fertilizer. Ideally you'll want to surround the fertilizer with various mushrooms to get the most out of that fertilizer. Come back the next day and the mushroom will have grown into a huge mushroom stool. Pick it up, put it in your inventory and then decorate as you see fit.

Each mushroom can be turned into a basket of mushrooms via the food moddler or worn on your head as a hat.

How To Farm Them
The five new mushrooms can only be found in Autumn. But instead of hunting around the map for them during Autumn, you can create a mushroom farm.

The Breezy Autumn mushrooms require a tree to spawn. They will not spawn out in the open.

As previously noted, each mushroom only grows in a certain type of soil. Mushrooms seem to only spawn on the 8 tiles around a tree, so you can place your trees with either a space or two spaces between each tree.

Per an examination of the game's code, it appears that type of tree doesn't matter, as long as there is a tree. By aware that the Lilly Pilly trees are not considered trees by the game and no mushrooms will spawn by them.

To grow Red Roundheads, plant a tree, then surround it with mud.

To grow milk caps, plant at tree and remove anything that isn't dirt around the tree.

Slippery jacks require tropical grass surrounding a tree.

Field mushroom require the regular, bushland grass surrounding a tree.

Yellow morels require fir grass surrounding a tree.

Mushrooms will replace a grass tuft, so there is no need to clear the grass or mow to get them to spawn in large numbers. Also mushrooms will spawn on mowed grass, which can make it easier to see them as nothing else will grow on that grass.

Fun Tip: mushrooms will also spawn around beds. For some reason.

But what about the glowing mushroom? Can those be farmed? The answer is yes, but you'll have to check out my guide to alternate farming to find the secrets to farming glowing mushrooms.
What else can I do with mushrooms?
Mushrooms are good eats! As long as you avoid the poisonous ones of course!

You can eat the mushrooms raw, but you'd get way more out of them by cooking mushroom soup and mushroom risotto. Both can be cooked on the cooking table. Risotto uses just field mushrooms, which are the most common, but mushroom soup uses everything but Red Roundheads.