Your Only Move Is HUSTLE

Your Only Move Is HUSTLE

35 ratings
How to HAG: Piloting Your Mech
By DoYouSellVHS
Moveset, strategy, and mechanics for HAG: Heavy Armor Garrison.
Hello and welcome to the official HAG guide! If you've picked up this character, you were probably looking to get some good ol giant-mech-powered fighting under your belt. Well, if that's the case, then you're in luck! I'll walk you through your weapons, armors and tools that you'll need to pulverize any cyborg ninjas or pink puffballs in your way.
The Mechanics of HAG
At a first glance, HAG is obviously not your typical YOMI fighter- but at the same time, there's a lot going on under the hood as well. Here's what you've gotta look out for.

Body Parts
HAG, being the mech they are, is composed of a number of different body parts. These all act and move independently from one another- while your legs are preparing for a jump, your arms can be attacking!

Likewise, everything HAG does is very slow, and you can't interrupt one action into another- get ready to commit once you lock an action in. You won't be able to cancel one action into another until you finish what you were doing!

Each body part has its own health, which can be viewed in a faint bar above the relevant part. The body parts have their own penalty associated with running out of health:

The head has no penalty, but takes extra damage compared to every other body part by default.

The legs normally resist hitstop and knockback; however, if they run out of health, they will be afflicted by it like normal. This means attacks like H-Slash can stop a moving HAG in its tracks!

When an arm runs out of health, it will shatter into a much worse version of itself. Its moveset will be limited until it is replaced.

HAG's arms also have a special STUN resistance. This meter goes down when the body part is grabbed (and you bounce off) or it is attacked. High stun moves, like ninja's sweeping kick, cause STUN resistance to reduce drastically. When an arm is fully stunned, it can be grabbed- and while grabbed, arms take 4x damage!

HAG can switch out his arms mid-combat to toss broken weapons and replace them with new ones. Try them out!

HAG can dual wield the same weapon in each arm to control both at once.

HAG's arms and head will automatically turn to face the foe, although this is not instant.

Massive Health Bar
HAG has a massive health bar. This may seem intimidating at first, but he takes extra damage by default, and a single attack can sweep across multiple body parts, hitting him multiple times over. This means that effects like Robot's fire, which do flat damage, are less effective on him.

HAG has a health meter displayed above his health. This indicates how close you are to overheating. If it fills all the way, you'll overheat and take damage over time. If you fill it twice, though, you'll become SUPERHEATED. SUPER HOT, even. You take reduced self-damage this way and inflict a little damage to nearby foes while this is happening.

HAG's heat decreases a little bit over time on its own.

Damage Limiter
If HAG takes too much damage at once- say, from wizard's geyser, which can hit multiple parts of him at once- HAG will convert excess damage into heat instead. This invisible limit stays quite a bit under your current health and drops over time- but it'll drop rapidly if you're overheating.

HAG isn't affected by hitstun or knockback. Most of HAG's attacks can't be parried.

Arm Positions
HAG's arms can be nudged around with his control wheels to give them a little extra range, or to aim certain attacks.

Slow Juggernaut
HAG doesn't take turns like normal- he doesn't have to wait for moves to finish to issue another command. He can act every 30 frames or when the foe can next act, whichever is sooner.
HAG has some powerful movement options, despite his horrid reaction speed.

HAG's default jump. It's very slow and cumbersome, although HAG deals damage when it lands. Covers a lot of distance, so you need to plan on using this ahead of time.

HAG takes a step forwards. Does not automatically turn HAG's legs.

A very slow turnaround that reorients your legs in the other direction. HAG's legs don't do this on their own.

A slow but POWERFUL kick. Punishes slower attacks.

HAG's fastest movement option. Quickly moves you in any of 8 directions, at the cost of heavy heat generation. Generates much more heat if it moves you vertically. It can't raise you very high if you're already airborne.
HAG's head has some tools central for its kit, although it is also a weak point- attacks deal more damage to this body part. Keep it defended!

HAG lets out a mighty roar, pushing projectiles and enemies away.

A laser whose start and end point can be chosen, sweeping between the two. It covers a massive area when it sweeps around, but it can also be focused into one spot to pressure an expected block.

It can be blocked by objects, and also has a massive cooldown, so be warned.
HAG's torso is a little strange- it doesn't have a health meter like other parts and can't break. It's the 'core' of your body, which all other body parts follow.

Dissipates heat from HAG's body. While this happens, HAG takes double damage, so be careful when deciding to use this move. While venting heat, you also can't use heat-increasing moves.

Automatically ends when you run out of heat. Can't be ended manually.

Costs 1 meter. Makes HAG invincible for 30 ticks, and prevents hitlag. Getting hit with strong moves increases this duration.

Grabs break this effect. Guard Breaks break this effect and deal 2x damage when they do so.

Costs 1 meter. Switches out one of HAG's arms, as long as it is not busy. Deals a lot of damage if done while the enemy is nearby.

One of the first weapons designed for HAG. The ballast sword can't attack right away, but it can be primed to threaten a quick attack at any moment- or to cover you while you make a move. It's well rounded when compared to HAG's other melee arms.

A grab using HAG's sword. It can be grab tech'd. This move takes a while to come out and throws the foe at a predictable angle, so it's good for giving you time to set up. It is a little difficult to aim, though...

HAG spins their sword around, creating a powerful area of denial that lasts until the move is cancelled. This move generates heat while active, so it can't be used forever.


HAG knocks its sword back, preparing to strike. You can't use MOWING AXEL or PERFORATE while in this state, but you gain access to two quick attacks.

A quick, lower sword strike. Great for hitting foes on the ground, and comes out rather fast.

A massive overhead strike. Hits strong and hits wide, but it takes a while to recover. It also isn't as good at hitting foes on the ground.

Only available move when the sword is broken. Is fast but extremely weak, and can't hit near the ground.

HAG's most versatile weapon for ranged engagements. It's more fragile than melee weapons, but has excellent pressure to compensate.

Fires an explosive shell at the foe. Can be parried, but travels a long distance and has low commitment.

Starts spinning your gun. Disables HEAVY ORDNANCE, but allows you to fire your weapon. While revved up, you generate a little heat.

Fires your gun. Bullets are hard to dodge and cover a large area. They take the same amount of time to hit, no matter where the foe is, and can start pelting the foe with no warning- but they deal almost no damage on block.

This move can last forever, but generates a lot of heat while doing so.

Stops revving your gun, allowing you to fire explosive shells again and ceasing heat generation.

Stops firing your gun, but remains revved up.

The only move available when the gun breaks. Fires three shots in succession.

HAG's most forward defensive tool. It's slow and doesn't grant a lot of moves, but deals a lot of damage and can strike up close. While equipped, it also gives a reduction in hitlag received- one shield halves hitlag, while two completely negates it. This is HAG's most durable arm, and transfers the least damage when hurt.

A countering skill. Generates heat if it whiffs. If the shield is hit while active, the foe will start to be circled by energy rings, which will attack once the skill ends. Can be used to force extended block strings, and to punish carelessly thrown projectiles.

A powerful downwards strike. Doesn't have a lot of range, but spikes the foe down, and generates a shockwave if it hits the ground.

Uses the shield to charge forwards. Grants a lot of speed, but less in the air. Very good if forcing the foe to block.

The only move available if the shield breaks, somehow. An inferior version of momentum.

A sidegrade to the sword. Has massive range, but is more fragile and has blind spots up close. If you are overheating, this weapon gains additional fire hitboxes.
I am fffIIIIIRRRREEEEEE, for those who dare to care for meeeeeEEEEE...~

An attack that slashes the spear backwards and prepares for a massive swipe.

Moves the spear back to its default position.

A massive, screen-covering swipe that moves HAG forwards. Has immense range, but must be prepared from SHÙNBIÀN first.

A wide swipe that doesn't need any preparation, but is extremely slow.

A grab with massive range and coverage, but a lot of cooldown if it whiffs. It's very easy to DI once it lands...

The only move available if the weapon breaks. Spins the remaining shaft around for paltry damage.
Final Notes
Wow, can't believe I finished this guy... I'm super happy with how he turned out! I do have more planned for him later down the line, but for now, this is what you gotta know to get his moves down. There are a lot of ways to play him, and frankly, even I don't know the best way to use his kit... Get creative! He doesn't fight like your typical guy.

Have fun and love to see you 'round,
Geilolp 1 Feb @ 8:26pm 
what was the point of calling hag a "they" instead of just "it" when you're gonna start using "he" at the end
BlaxkJaxk 11 Jan @ 8:13pm 
This is a real cool mo- IS THAT THE LADY OF IRON!?!!
RECRUDESCE 22 Dec, 2024 @ 9:19am 
Project Moon Detected
Sleeper Agent Activated
Pirouy 24 Aug, 2024 @ 4:34pm 
Bait used to be belive-holy sh*t is that a PM reference ?!1
Training Team Sephirah 21 Aug, 2024 @ 7:01pm 
great character i 2 tapped my friend with it and he rage quit
Training Team Sephirah 21 Aug, 2024 @ 7:00pm 
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh theyre a company that makes really good games, and a quote from a song that was one of those games was mentioned here
the project moon fanbase is like 90% sleeper agents so yeah the surge of comments calling it out is mostly expected
FULKN42TY 18 Aug, 2024 @ 4:16pm 
All the comments are about something called project moon, I don't know what that is, I feel left out lol
Fish 6 Aug, 2024 @ 5:46am 
Project Moon Mentioned, LETS FUCKING GOOOOO:Roland:
Roanan 25 Jul, 2024 @ 4:07pm 
Project Moon reference spotted.
SidecarDoge 9 Jul, 2024 @ 4:44pm 
Raging Storm: Love