Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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SHoTxKiLLeR's Zombie NPC\Map
You don't have to subcribe. This is just NPC and map. I did not own this video, its own by ZGB. I just do it for no reason.
Items (7)
Zombie SNPCs
Created by DrVrej
Welcome to my Zombie SNPCs! *NOTICE* VJ Base is required for this addon to work! Link Update Changelogs are located in the Change Notes. FEATURES Check VJ Base's workshop page for full feature list! Adds 43 New SNPCs & Entities Mini Zombie Boss Zombie Boss...
No More Room In Hell SNPCs
Created by DrVrej
Welcome to my No More Room In Hell SNPCs! *NOTICE* VJ Base is required for this addon to work! Link Update Changelogs are located in the Change Notes. FEATURES Check VJ Base's workshop page for full feature list! Adds 13 New SNPCs & Entities Walking Male Z...
Night Of A Million Zombies
Created by Joku760
Zombie survival map made by Mister Dan and uploaded here with his permission. I am just a reuploader so don't thank me :D Kill as many Zombies as possible. There are several check points in the game for how many zombies you have killed. This map was made i...
NOAMZ Tunnels
Created by Joku760
Night of a Million Zombies tunnels By Mister Dan. Reuploaded by me with his permission. The Aim of the game is to kill lots of zombies, more zombies than anyone else has ever. Ok, at first this may seem like another Zombie kill fest but there are a few thi...
NOAMZ Waterfront
Created by Joku760
Night of a Million Zombies WaterFront By Mister Dan. Reuploaded by me with his permission. Kill as many Zombies as possible and stay alive. killcounter included in the map Video made by PandoraGamingInc....
VJ Base
Created by DrVrej
VJ Base, short for Vrej Base, was established in 2012 with the aim of assisting in the development of various addons. It is popularly used to create scripted NPCs, thanks to its highly customizable and sophisticated artificial intelligence systems. For an ...
Deadly Zombies
Created by DMJ
// IMPORTANT // I'm not working on this addon anymore! If there is any error because of gmod update contact me by adding me on steam! // IMPORTANT // Have you ever felt that original zombies in Garry's Mod are just too easy to fight with? If yes then i thi...