Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Glock-18 | Emerald Shatter
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Broń: Glock-18
Styl wykończenia: Niestandardowe malowanie
Rozmiar pliku
81.724 MB
8 lipca 2024 o 12:20
8 lipca 2024 o 14:06
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W 1 kolekcji stworzonej przez Puffin (•⌔• )
Puffin's CS2 Skins
Przedmioty: 9
A skin embedded with emeralds that shimmer in the light, the Emerald Shatter takes advantage of all the cool new CS2 material systems to create a really cool effect in game and on inspect. Since CSGO I've always wanted to make a skin that could resemble cracked emerald or have interesting material definition like this, so it's cool to see that it's finally possible.

Worked on this in collab with Crashkid and Rigman! Thank you for checking out this skin and your support as always. We appreciate you.