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Tryhards, and how to combat them
By LaundryMan3
This guide contains some information about PVP tryhards in Unturned and how to combat them
Hello, and welcome to the Los Pollos Hermanos Family my guide about these mystical creatures such as Unturned Tryhards, Before we get into rare part of the steak, here's some disclaimers and warning below:

1. One of the symptoms of this guide is butthurt - If you feel your anger-induced diarrhea building up inside your rectal area, i recommend gtfoing from here, lest you will end up seethe all over the comment section
2. Some of the tips can also be applied to any other games, realistically Tryhards can be found anywhere, anytime, and at any game (it's not just PVP anymore)
3. This guide might contain foul language, if you are not fan of these, you must immediately destroy word rendering engine or else you couldn't avoid it

With that out of the way, lets get into it!
Ever since 2019 has rolled around, these tryhards were migrating from trying to be a part of Rust community straight to Unturned because Unturned is much more affordable (no money lol) and also has a little more variety despite being distinct from Rust, and shooting and recoil mechanics are much more simpler than ever.
As you might know, these tryhards are best known for being vile, filthy and exceptionally hideous pieces of giraffe poop whose their sole purpose is to ruin people's enjoyment in no time. They are typically 149 centimeters tall, or about 5 Nerf Turbine CS-18's in imperial units (in case they are adults), juveniles are much smaller and no more worse than their adult counterparts.
They will always seek everything that is easy to use while also being lethal (typically it's Maplestrike or Zubeknakov, but could also be anything that isn't vanilla, such as Zolash Mod 0, Asset, Niku or Paug) because this is where their playstyle clings to, even though more affordable alternatives could be situationally and tactically better in other regards (Bows are usually silent, and Pistols can also be used instead of ARs).
They always operate in a sort of a hivemind, they typically stay within their teams of 3 or more, in which 1 of them will always be a teleporting beacon (unless it's a vanilla server where they have to either use warp points or bedrolls), and at any point they will launch unprovoked attacks on any players, no matter the consequences of their actions. In fact some of then even rack up negative consequences to polish up their gratification out of the consternation of having to KOS everyone and looting up dead bodies of innocent players, proving how gross tryhards can really be. This is how they look like when cosmetics and weapon skins are disabled.

Verbally confronting a tryhard will often result in them striking an insult such as "bozo", "get good loser" and what not (keep in mind this applies to those who are far in the spectrum, as they can't conceptualize a better rebuttal) (just saying). They will always ignore anything that is from real life, such as the real achievements such as having a suburbian 2-story house with a lawn or having medals for achievements in Olympics, they will always slide off a PVP tryhards like a water off the roof. They WILL always boast about how much of a "loser you are" in 1v1 once they kill you unprovoked as anything that involves killing players or raiding bases is always a monumental task. Tryhards will treat their gaming in Unturned as a full-time job, and not as a enjoyable pastime.
Tryhards will often employ dirty tactics, such as ambushing from nowhere, staying on high ground for god knows how long and platforming above your base in case of a base raid. Once they done shooting you to death, even once, they will boast how they "managed" to accomplish something such as 1v1'ing you, even though there wasn't any such fair ground fights. They will also flex with millionbillion player kills and KDR's that are so high you wonder how on earth do they manage to be alive on this planet. This is roughly how their inventories look like.

UPDATE: In case they spot your base, tryhards will always try to platform up with structures that can only be destroyed by heavy weapons, thus they do not have to carry bounce grenades and what not (they have zero respect for any people, they are inclined to believe everyone around them are mere bots and NPCs, as if parading on the pikes on the heads of inexperienced survivors).
It's insane how they managed to thrive from the early 90's (but it's real, and it has happened since fast-action games were a thing, one example is Wolfenstein 3D and/or DOOM), but here we are. And here on i'm gonna tell yall how to combat them in the next section. (Scroll below)
Combat Tips
You must know that verbally confronting a tryhard wont ever do shit or two, since even ethnic slurs will slide past them. They will additionally snitch to moderators to get you permabanned for "Extreme toxicity", basically ending your ability to play with fellow people on a specific server. Therefore you must be prepared accordingly in order to avoid massive damages they will do to you:


Having friendly interactions with other players around you, recruiting and bringing them to the incoming Tryhard PVP fight will greatly increase chances of your survival, this is CRUCIAL considering tryhards will also stay in their groups and will almost never do these things solo. Especially if your team is coordinated and you and your teammates knows how to properly utilize tactical items such as throwable grenades, flashbangs and also smoke grenades, will buy you a little more time to kill a tryhard and loot them. (Note that tryhards will carry lots of meds and ammo)


You MUST learn how to utilize utility items, such as smoke grenades, or even barricades, to up your survival rate. Smoke grenades are often underappreciated, and tryhard will NOT shoot whoever is behind the cloud of smoke, therefore use it as a cover to hide away from tryhard's line of sight (they often play with third person) and make sure to catch him off guard whenever he attempts to stroll past you hiding in a smoke cloud. Flashbangs and also fragmentation magazines will also be pretty good to have, and although the former is almost useless because of Third Person Perspective making spotting of throwables almost too east, Fragmentation magazines will damage whoever is hiding behind the tree, how useful! (make sure to not waste them)
You also must look closely at what an enemy tryhard is about to do, if he's gonna ambush, be sure to counter-ambush by hiding in good counter-ambushing spots and inform your team about it, and if he's gonna push, lay down suppressive fire or do the hit-and-run tactics


Keeping up your team's morale will make your team more efficient, enough said. Don't be a ♥♥♥♥, and you will be praised for good qualities on your belt.


Hiding some loot in obscure places such as hiding your private stash somewhere in a obscure part of the map will also be helpful, this allows you to still have some usable items in a given capacity so you can still fight back (until they somehow find it too) in the case they DID raid your base. Remember, they will almost always offline raid, the best counter to that is to hide your items in hidden places and being extremely secretive about them.


The best way to combat a damn tryhard is to not play in servers that are infested with tryhards, such as SOD vanilla servers, and just about any server from major server networks. (Nobody players buak because apparently troons know how to keep tryhards off their maps) (Tryhards are so horrific that even transgenders will make sure they wont desecrate their works geg)
If you have managed to read all the way through this guide, I honestly salute you brutha. But if you got mad over this guide, it's never my fault and it has something to do with you. Anyway, good bye and dont forget to favorite and like this guide and goodbye bye brothers bye!
pasta eater Oct 8, 2024 @ 2:00am 
i still fear opening online servers (am bad at game) but this guide will prove useful for when i grow a pair and attempt to do
John Wick Oct 6, 2024 @ 3:09am 
cumming :anomaly7::friendly:
CockroachBukkit Sep 29, 2024 @ 1:40am 
This is a piece of fine literature.
F1N Sep 28, 2024 @ 7:03pm 
Step 1: Leave the server and find a better one that doesn't have chronically online players that are on for 10+ hours a day.
NoOne Sep 26, 2024 @ 10:40am 
Thanks for letting me know! This made my life alot easier
SuperTank Jul 20, 2024 @ 3:54am 
very good, it made me and my team-mates counteract some bitch ass tryharder's attacks and we also kinda kd farmed him