

350 vurderinger
Info the Game Never Tells You
Af S.I.L.
Pseudoregalia is a very vague game; and as result, there's quite a bit of useful, or at least interesting, information players might never know during their playthroughs. This guide will go over some information that I gathered during my 14 or so hours with the game, as well as a few other things. Note that this guide will contain spoilers for abilities you obtain; so if you don't want anything spoiled, you can come back later and say, "Wait... I could have done that?"

Please remember to Uprate the guide if you enjoyed it; or if it was helpful to you. That and leaving comments are the best ways to let me know if I should make more guides like this.
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Getting your Kicks from Climbing... or, The Other Way Around.
Air Kicks are mostly used for wall jumps and things of the like; but they can also be used to gain a tad bit of extra height when used correctly.

By kicking into a wall repeatedly, you can gain just enough extra height to make jumps that would otherwise be impossible without a Ground Pound Jump; and this can be paired with a Ground Pound Jump for even more height. This can be used for reaching new places, saving failed jumps, or recovering from losing commitment to a jump.
The timing can be a bit tricky; but with some practice, you should be able to consistently pull this off. If you perform the next kick too early, Sybil won't have time to turn around to properly kick off the wall; and performing it too late will result in a loss of height. I've found what works best is to kick again the moment Sybil begins to turn back towards the wall, as you'll be pressing towards it the whole time. This indicates Sybil has exited the knockback state caused by a wall kick; and the player now has total control over her trajectory, meaning the kick will send you the correct distance and direction to kick off for the height you want.
F**k, Go Back . . . Flip
So, let's say you accidentally inputted for a Ground Pound. . . over a pit of eternal suffering. Well, don't worry; cause you can cancel them by pressing the jump button during the startup.

Doing this will cause you to destroy every bit of momentum you've ever had and flip backwards in the air. This can be done quickly any time your in the air by pressing your slide/ground pound button, followed immediately by a jump.

And lookie here!

You can pair this with the wall kicks to not only gain extra height and a safer landing in your climb; but it can also be used to quickly redirect yourself midair, should you need to.

Pretty slick move, huh?
I Guess We'll Let it Slide
Sliding along walls is a pretty useful ability; but you can only go so far. Unless you turn. Then you're good.

For some reason, If Sybil goes over any kind of turn in a wall that isn't too sharp, instead of continuing to fall, her Wall Slide resets; and she just keeps going. This is also the reason things like pillars allow you slide around on them infinitely.

Motion sickness, anyone?
Nintendo Boutta Do Rittzler Like They Done Palworld-
Much like in Mario 64, if you're moving one direction; and quickly press the opposite and jump, you'll perform a side flip that gives you extra height.
If you perform this right after a slide jump, the jump will go much higher; and farther.

Now, if you wanna get really fancy, you can quickly input back the direction you came, THEN forward and jump, all right after landing from a slide jump, you perform this jump forwards to make some crazy jumps.

This can be really tricky; but I imagine it's super useful.

Thanks to lightmagician for letting me know about the super jump here!
Playing Without This Knowledge is Torch-ure
There's a certain ability that allows you to bounce off enemies and "objects" by attacking them. I assumed this only went for enemies and the floating black hole looking things...


You can bounce off torches. . .

Life is pain. . .
Ocarina of Time? Is that You?
There's a few enemies that fire projectiles at you; and they can be pretty pesky. Unbeknownst to those idiots, Sybil was a batter in a former dream; and she hasn't forgotten a thing. Sybil can deflect these projectiles with a swing of her weapon; and while normal swings allow some projectiles through, the lingering hitbox of the charge attack will deflect a whole conga line of death and destruction.

I initially thought this was useless; but it turns out I just suck. Given the right angle, the reflected projectiles can hit enemies.
Cutting to the Chase with the Platforming
There are large blocks chained to the ceiling in many areas; and some of them can be hard to get on top of. Unless, of course, you cut the chains holding them to the ceiling and drop them to a more reasonable level... Yeah... Can't cut any other chains; but we're just expected to know we can cut those. . .

I'm not salty, you're salty!
Please Be Seated. The Doctor is Out of a Job.
Look at her. Worn out. Exhausted. Being forced to wear pants by society. The poor girl needs to sit down and rest... but only on certain chairs.

For some reason, there's a select few seats across the game that will heal you when you plop down on them. These particular oddities will have a "Rest" prompt above them. Those, and only those, will heal you steadily as you rest your legs.

As you can see, the left seat with no prompt does nothing; but the right chair with a prompt healed Sybil. I guess she's picky about where she sits. I bet she's one of those people who has to check every chair at her table in a restaurant before she can bring herself to just sit her butt down and shut up-
'Tis But a Flesh Wound
As many times as you'll fall into the fog and spontaneously combust, it's interesting to know that touching it doesn't automatically kill you.

As you can see, Sybil takes damage upon falling into the fog; but is able to hop out without exploding into a million tiny pieces. I wonder why this is possible? One thing's for sure, if you decide to do a lil toe dip, you'll regret it.
Sometimes You Just Want to Punt Something
Any player can have a good old fashioned "I THREW IT ON THE GROUND!" moment; but sometimes simply tossing aside a giant weapon and manifesting MetalPipe.mp3 as it hits the floor just isn't enough. In those situations, you may want to toss something in the air, then thrust your foot into it with the might of a Greek God to watch it spiral over the horizon. In those situations, you may want to punt the Dream Breaker.

Yup. For whatever reason, after tossing your weapon, you can jump up and do an air kick to send it hurtling to the ground at high speed. You'll need to be standing still during the throw, otherwise you won't be able to reach it.
It even has automatic lockon! Meaning squashing enemies with it is no trying task.

So, this silly trick has some combat applications; but I'll just keep punting it off cliffs like that stupid fake penguin baby from Mario 64. . .


Thanks to Lukasilla for making me aware of the lock on!
So, You "Lost" Your Weapon, Huh?
Now, let's say you do decide to punt your only method of self defense into the endless abyss of emptiness surrounding this realm of crushed dreams. Let's say your weapon never returns to you. Crazy how stuff you throw off of cliffs doesn't climb back up, right? Well, you're in luck, my friend; cause there's a safeguard in place for that the game never mentions to you.

After "losing" your weapon, if you stand near a save point, you'll notice Sybil's hand start to glow. No, that isn't the Triforce awakening within our hero, it's just the game's subtle way of telling you that you can now recall your weapon with ease. By holding your interact button, the button used to heal, you'll teleport your weapon right back into your oh-so-careful hands.

Now, don't lose it again. It isn't like you can get an insurance policy on it.
What Did I Miss?
In a game with as vague as this, there's a possibility that even someone as dedicated to making dumb decisions and trying stupid things as me missed some interesting or helpful info during my time with this gem of a game. If you know of any tips, tricks, or ridiculous strategies that you think would make a good addition to this guide, feel free to let me know.

Thanks for your time; and I hope you enjoyed.

Thanks a million
84 kommentarer
S.I.L.  [ophavsmand] 13. feb. kl. 20:56 
I don’t disagree with that, honestly. That would have been kinda nice, admittedly
Norbody 13. feb. kl. 20:26 
Honestly, how much better would it be if those NPCs wandering around the map gave out game play hints ala Toad in Mario 64? Especially the ones that are hard to find, like the ones hidden in walls. It seems like a huge missed opportunity.
S.I.L.  [ophavsmand] 3. feb. kl. 9:14 
if by that you mean any seat can heal you, I have to disagree. I believe I recall sitting on a promptless stool for quite a while to test it. I wouldn't have assumed only certain seats worked. It was something I found out through testing
spylazy64 3. feb. kl. 8:01 
small hay stacks are seats also it take a while for the healing to start once sitting it it works for all seats im sure
S.I.L.  [ophavsmand] 27. jan. kl. 7:17 
hell no .-.
fish 26. jan. kl. 13:04 
add thick sybil mod to this
✯ El Juancho 24. jan. kl. 8:09 
i can confirm that the game tells you about the canceling the ground pound with a back flip
S.I.L.  [ophavsmand] 23. jan. kl. 12:49 
I'll have to double check and see if the game ever mentions it
PvtDave 23. jan. kl. 9:37 
Don't know if this is common knowledge but you can bunny hop after a slide jump to maintain your speed.
S.I.L.  [ophavsmand] 19. jan. kl. 19:39 
Good for you! Hope you enjoyed the game! I know I did