Life is Strange: Double Exposure

Life is Strange: Double Exposure

145 ratings
100% ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE | Life is Strange: Double Exposure [WIP]
This is a comprehensive guide detailing a way of getting for all achievements in the game. If you have never played this game or are just hunting for achievements, this guide will show you how to get them all.

The search function of a browser may be used to find a specific achievement faster (Ctrl+F).
I wish you success in getting all the in-game achievements

Thank you for you patience!
Achievement Info
There are times when your loved ones are suffering and you can do nothing about it. You want to help them and ease their burden, but it always leads to a choice. No one can tell us which choice is right or wrong. It's only under the weight of adversity that we realize that there are no good or bad choices, only choices we are willing to take responsibility for. That's when we realize: life is strange.

Complete the Game
Some achievements unlocks automatically as you progress through the game's story, they cannot be missed and you will get them anyway. Just beat the game to get all story achievements: discover Max's new abilities, solve the university mystery and... save your friend again? Or not?

Сamera Is Your Weapon
If you've played previous LiS games, you may know that players are expected to interact with locations, characters, and the world around them as much as possible. It is very useful cause you get more immersed in the story and atmosphere, but you also find unusual objects or situations, capture them in your camera shots, it will lead you to desired achievements.

Get Into A Relationship
There are 2 possible romantic interests for Max in the game so you can choose your relationships, and depending on choice you make and how strong your connection becomes, depends what achievement you can get. So that is why you better make a desicion about it from the start.

The World Around You
Another important part of LiS games is its characters. You never know who to trust and sometimes even the one who was your friend will turn out to be completely different from what he claimed to be. Interact with characters, help them with their problems and this will unlock even more achievements for you.

Spoiler Alert Zone.
Some achievements, descriptions and methods of obtaining of them, including screenshots and videos, may contain serious spoilers. If you don’t want to spoil your impression and go through the game on your own, then I strongly recommend that you leave this guide, but be sure to come back when you are not afraid of spoilers. I warned you, wish you have a nice play.

Don`t afraid of spoilers?
Then you might be interested in my other guide, here I show possible key choices in the game and their consequences. This guide contains heavy spoilers, but the Life of Strange series has always been famous for its complex system of choices that can take a completely different turn in your story. Remember, this action will have consequences...

Achievement Info
  • Difficulty level of achievements: Easy.
  • Total achievements: 34.
  • Offline achievements: 34.
  • Online Achievements: 0.
  • Estimated time to complete all achievements: 20-25 hours.
  • Minimum number of passes for 100%: 2.
  • Glitchy achievements: None.
  • Missable Achievements: Yes.
  • Achievements with difficulty levels: None.
  • Required DLCs for 100% achievements: Yes, Exclusive Cat DLC is required.
📷 Bay or Bae

Unlocks after completing the game with both endings. You select the outcome in Chapter 1, at the beginning of the game, right after leaving the Bowling Alley when talking to Safi in the Turtle Bar. You will get asked what happened to Chloe, choose the right answer to define your walkthrough, any other choices after that do not matter for the Bay or Bar endings.

Choose “We Broke Up” for Bae playhrough
Choose “She Died” for Bay playthrough

📷 A Trick of the Light

#2: A Drink to Remember
When you gain control of Max in the bar, walk to the left past Reggie and Diamond to the door on your right, where the Polaroid is placed just to the left.
#3: Things Are Looking Up
Once you leave the rooftop area, Max will start to walk home. Follow the path until it splits in front of a statue with an owl perched on it. The Polaroid is on the left-hand path.
#4: Upstairs, Downcast
When you need to get dressed and tidy up before Amanda arrives, go downstairs to the living area with the couches and TV on the wall. Next to the telescope on the bench will be this Polaroid.
📷 Art Restoration

Unlocks in the Scene #2: A Drink to Remember. Some prankster came up with the idea to mock the works of art and turn the paintings upside down. Amanda is furious! In order to get the achievement, as well as to get additional recognition from Amanda, you need to go around the entire bar and find 3 locations with paintings.

📷 Clutterbug — [1/2]

Here you have to find all 6 Decorations placed in Caledon University. Five of them can be collected in Chapter 1 and the last on is located in Chapter 2.

How to find
Scene: — Mini Mascot Toys
After pulling down the tarp, interact with the big mascot statue in front of the shoe racks. after a cutscene, you will be able to take this decoration.
Scene: Upstairs, Downcast — Arcadia Bay Pictures
After cleaning up the Arcadia Bay Memories box [Memories Box], go back and grab the pictures that were beneath it. Take them upstairs and interact with the Photo Wall to add them [Photo Wall]. The images will be different depending on what you told Safi that happened to Chloe.
Scene: Back to School Blues — Puzzle Box
Walk straight until there is a short cutscene about Reggie throwing a box. After that, pick it up and ask him about it, then solve the puzzle to keep the box.
Scene: Back to School Blues — Origami Flower
After talking to Reggie and solved the first layer of the puzzle box, and before going into the Admin building, turn left and reach Caledon statue. You will find this item on a bench in front of it. Make sure to unfold it twice to keep it.
Scene: Back to School Blues — Abraxas Rose
After the scene with Gwen and Loretta, take this flower from the table just in front of Gwen's office.
📷 Putting the “Cap” in “Caper”

Can be unlocked Chapter 1, Scene #3: Things Are Looking Up. During your get-together on the roof of the university building, Safi confessed that she has great news, but she is not ready to just go and tell it.

First, talk to Moses Murphy. He gives you a hint about the rule with the bottle cap: the one who is given it must tell the truth, this is a custom that is not accepted to refuse. Now that you have the cap, you need to put it under it so that you can casually hand it to Safi. You are offered several possible options, but only one will be correct - put it in a box of bear candies.

Now offer these candies to Safi to unlock the achievement.

📷 Thinking Outside the Box — [1/2]

The first steps for this achievement can be found here in Chapter 1, Scene 5: Back to School Blues. After Amanda takes you to the university building, go to the left side and you will see Reggie Kagan freaking out and throwing some box on the floor in anger.

Pick it up and try to solve it as follows:

1. First things first find box side with eye and trigger it. Then find the side with University founder and trigger it too.

2. Now find box side with another bird, just like the one that sits on founder`s shoulder and ask Reggie for a lighter. This will drop you a bird token.

3. Find University founder box side again and place bird token on the other shoulder. This will triiger the box to open, but the achievement trigger is still far enough. We will return to its solving in future Chapters.

📷 The Mail Gaze

Once you meet Vinh, he will ask you to find an envelope with documents and bring it. It can be found in a box on the floor in a private office with a large copy machine.

However, you will not be able to give it to him right away, as soon as you go to him again with the envelope, you will be invited to her office by Yasmin Fayyad. Do not forget to give the envelope after talking to her.

📷 Split Decision

Story-related, impossible to miss, finish these scenes to unlock an achievements.
  • Scene #1-1: Out of the Gutter
  • Scene #1-2: A Drink to Remember
  • Scene #1-3: Things are Looking Up
  • Scene #1-4: Upstars, Downcast
  • Scene #1-5: Back to School Blues
Unlocks after Max first encounters new powers and manages to create a portal to a parallel world.

📷 Loyal Flush

Scene #1: Table for Three.

After Safi and Yasmi leave the bar, go to the outside area of the bar, opposite the toilets, and talk to the two guys.

Switch into the Dead World after, go outside again and listen to both guys by pressing. After that go inside and pick up the Bathroom Key from opposite the Employees Only door.

Switch to the Living World again and place the Key at the same place you picked it up to let the timid guy finally reach the toilet room.

Patronizing (The Good Kind)

This achievement can be unlocked only during Chapter 2 by interacting with 4 different projects mentioned below:

How to find
Scene: By the Horns

When entering the FAB cafe area in the Dead World, there will be a cutscene involving Gwen. After that, take a snapshot on either side of the phone booth. Then interact with the past side of it, to unlock the option to Talk to the future. Once you choose what to say, go to the Future side, and Hear from the past to complete this after a short cutscene.
Scene: By the Horns

As you enter the FAB cafe area in the Dead World, before entering Gwen's office or talking to Lucas, find Tablet and select Listen, then stay few minutes until Max comments about the recording.
Scene: Leaving Nothing Overlooked

As you make your way up, you will find some fallen trees blocking the road in the Living World. Before switching to the Dead World to advance, interact with it.
Scene: Avoiding Detection

When finding the allen wrench for Moses, interact with the Mural and then relocate upstairs to the spot shown on the left and take the snapshot.
📷 Clutterbug — [2/2]

Scene: By the Horns — Stress Relief Card
Inside the Admin building in Living World, interact with the Stress Relief stand, and after that, the option to take the card will become available.
📷 Further Developments

Table for Three
At the start of the chapter, you'll learn how to shift between the Living and Dead timeline. When you shift back into the Dead timeline, go to the table in front of the tortoise painting on the wall to find this Polaroid.
By the Horns
When you're outside in the Living timeline, head for the benches that are undercover. You'll find the Polaroid on the right-hand one.
Leaving Nothing Overlooked
On the path up to the overlook at the start of the scene, there'll be a short cutscene involving an owl. After that, at the top of the hill on the first bench you see will be the Polaroid.
Avoiding Detection
Having made it into Moses' office via the Living timeline, switch to the Dead timeline and approach the computer lit up blue. Next to it will be the Polaroid.
Photo Finished
On top of the stereo in the living area is this final Polaroid.
📷 Favor Saver

Scene #2-2: By the Horns.

When Max brings Vinh's package (The Mail Gaze achievement), he will ask her what she wants in return. Max will answer that one day she will ask him for a favor. There will be a moment when Max call a favor to unlock the smarphone or just save it for later. Choose Save it for later to unlock the achievement

📷 Thirst Trip

Find and water these two plants to unlock the achievement. The first one can be found in Gwen`s Office in Scene #2: By the Horns. The second one is located on the first floor in Max`s House during the Scene #5: Photo Finished.

📷 Thinking Outside the Box— [2/2]

After solving the first part of Box Puzzle in Chapter 1, now you can find this box in Chapter 2: Scene #5: Photo Finished. Go to kitchen, grab the box and choose Constellation Face.

Now place all bars like on image at the left below screenshot to make side section open and release dial.

Grab the dial and place it on Abraxas Logo Face side, then move it like on the screenshot at the right below.

This opens another box section. Grab Abraxas Pin from there to unlock the achievement.

Clue Me In

To unlock this, you must collect 6 clues and display them all in your living room table at the end of Chapter 2 - Scene #5: Photo Finished before going to the darkroom.

Clue name
How to Find
Abraxas Rose
Chapter 1 | Scene: Back to School Blues
Pick this from the table in front of Gwen's office.
Cow Skull picture
Chapter 1 | Scene: Table for Three
Automatically obtained once Safi shows you the image about it
Gwen's Email
Chapter 1 | Scene: By the Horns
Automatically obtained during story progression, once you print Gwen's email in her office.
Lucas' Signed Book
Chapter 1 | Scene: By the Horns
When talking to Lucas in Dead World for story progression, you will be tasked to find a way to distract him. Before doing so, interact with the stack of books on his table and after the short conversation, the option to take one will be available, so do it then.
Bear Mug Snapshot
Chapter 1 | Scene: Leaving Nothing Overlooked
Once you take control of Max and switch to Living World, before proceeding past the door, walk down until you find a tree with a bear mug "in" it. Interact with it first, and then take a snapshot as a clue. This also counts for the snapshots needed for Silver Frame Fatale
Gwen's USB
Chapter 2 | Scene: Leaving Nothing Overlooked
As part of the story, Gwen till try to burn a USB. When given the choice, pick "Save the Footage" to retrieve the USB. This is also one of the required actions to be able to take Gwen's final snapshot for Silver Frame Fatale
Platypus Genius
Be Great, Do Crime!

Chapter 2 – Scene #4: Avoiding Detection. At the end of this scene, you will be asked by Detective Alderman to “Agree” or “Refuse”, you must AGREE here.

Then at the very end of Chapter 2 – Scene #5: Photo Finished, during the last sequence with Moses, you need to choose “I’m not actually going to cooperate.” to unlock the achievement.

📷 Page Turner — [1/2]

Interact with the books from professors Gwen and Lucas during the story progression.
You nedd to find 3 books: one can be found in Chapter 2 and the others in Chapter 3.

Book Name
How to Find
Gwen's Memoir
Scene: By the Horns - Living World
When you enter Gwen's Office, switch to the Living World and interact with it. It will be on the desk which is closest to the aquarium with a few plants on it, left of the laptop.
📷🐱 Nothing Lasts Fur-Ever / Heavy Petting [1/3]

The first interaction with the cat occurs in Chapter 2 - Scene #5.

As soon as you and Moses enter Max's house, he will immediately go down to the darkroom. You will have time and opportunity to explore the house. Near the back door, someone will meow persistently.

Open the door and you will have the opportunity to choose the cat's appearance through a dialog box, as well as give it a nickname.

Go to the kitchen and find cat food in the top cabinet, feed him.

Then go into the living room, and interact with the pillow on the couch to make a cat bed.
📷 Bullet, Proof

Story related, can`t be missed anyway. Unlocks right after you reveal something strange in your house darkroom with Moses together.

📷 Page Turner — [2/2]

Safi's Manuscript
Scene: Re:Verses - Living World
After talking to Gwen, he will either hand you the manuscript (then you only need to read it) or will place it in a drawer. If she does the latter, switch to the Living World and interact with the drawer to retrieve it and read it.
Maya's Manuscript - Lucas Book
Scene: Re:Verses - Dead World
After talking to Lucas, leave the office and switch to Dead World. Enter the office and interact with the bottom drawer next to the door and examine all the evidence. Then interact with the family picture on his desk. Rotate it upside down, so that you can retrieve the key that is hidden at the bottom. Next, interact with the golden typewriter on the other side of the room and read both manuscripts
📷 A Nice Girl Who Runs a Bar

Chapter 3 – Scene: Nobody Wants to Drink Alone.

Inside the Turtle Bar, you will talk to Amanda and Vinh for story purposes. During each conversation, you will reach a point where you can kiss or pass them. It does NOT matter what you chose earlier in the game. Choose to kiss Amanda only to unlock this achievement as long as you leave the bar. After you get this one or other relationship achievements, you can replay the scene via Chapter Select.

📷 Only Eyes for the Bad Boy

Chapter 3 – Scene: Nobody Wants to Drink Alone.

Inside the Turtle Bar, you will talk to Amanda and Vinh for story purposes. During each conversation, you will reach a point where you can kiss or pass them. It does NOT matter what you chose earlier in the game. Choose to kiss Vinh only to unlock this achievement as long as you leave the bar. After you get this one or other relationship achievements, you can replay the scene via Chapter Select.

📷 Romantically Disentangled

Chapter 3 – Scene: Nobody Wants to Drink Alone.

Inside the Turtle Bar, you will talk to Amanda and Vinh for story purposes. During each conversation, you will reach a point where you can kiss or pass them. It does NOT matter what you chose earlier in the game. Keep yourself away from kissing both Amanda and Vinh to unlock this achievement as long as you leave the bar. After you get this one or other relationship achievements, you can replay the scene via Chapter Select.

📷 It’s Complicated

Chapter 3 – Scene: Nobody Wants to Drink Alone.

Inside the Turtle Bar, you will talk to Amanda and Vinh for story purposes. During each conversation, you will reach a point where you can kiss or pass them. It does NOT matter what you chose earlier in the game. Kiss Amanda and Vinh both to unlock this achievement as long as you leave the bar. After you get this one or other relationship achievements, you can replay the scene via Chapter Select.

Selfie Care
Face To Facade
📷 Home Sweet Home

Can be unlocked during Scene #2: No Party Like a Krampus Party.

Swap to Dead World to see Moses is working on Gingerbread House. However, the house chimney got broken, so he cannot finish it. You have to help him do this.

Travel to Living World and find Safi talking to Vinh. Ask her to give you house chimney for Moses.

Go back to Dead World and give Moses Safi`s house chimney.

Picture Taking
Face To White
View Finding
Archival Footage
Frame Fatale
Tempest Fugit / Commencement

p o w d e r 17 Nov, 2024 @ 2:40pm 
I can confirm that you do have to take every photo in double exposure mode in order to get the achievement "Frame Fatale". So when you go for the achievement Bay or Bae it's best to do it then. There's also hidden snapshots as well, like i just found out i missed a window one back in chapter 2. I recommend going to the YouTube channel "Trophy Guides" they have a 5 videos for each chapter roughly 2-3 mins long (depends on how many snapshots in the chapter) showing where each snapshot is just in case you don't want to miss any.
Furryous Foxy 11 Nov, 2024 @ 5:02pm 
So, I can confirm after finally getting the Frame Fatale achievement that it is not necessary to get double exposure AND normal versions of the shots. All you need to do is play through a new game, not using chapter select and make sure Gwen Hunter is present in the final scene of the game to get a picture of her. Which does require saving the USB drive. I used double exposure on every picture where it was possible but I cannot confirm if it is a necessity.
I hope this information was helpful. :)
puiuz 6 Nov, 2024 @ 6:38am 
@Miku, thanks for the suggestion, but I prefer to wait for a discount rather than using SAM
Miku 6 Nov, 2024 @ 3:43am 
puiuz, use steam achievement manager. that's the only way.
puiuz 5 Nov, 2024 @ 8:46am 
If I knew this, I wouldn't ask, but most likely you are right. The savefile won't load without DLC. In this case we need to wait for big discount. Thanks for the answer, anyway.
XEALEEN  [author] 5 Nov, 2024 @ 8:40am 
Counter question: how do you plan to load savefile on a game version that does not include dlc? I'm guessing the savefile won't load.
puiuz 5 Nov, 2024 @ 8:34am 
Hey guys, thanks for the guide, It was very helpful, but I have a question, of course, many of us have the standard version, so we dont have DLC cat, so missing 2 achievements. My question is, if I take a save from someone who has the deluxe edition and I put it at me, it can unlock the cat achievements? I don't want to spend 20 euros, basically for 2 achievements, at least if we have more content. 2 Nov, 2024 @ 3:36pm 
'Loyal Flush' - Chapter 2 Scene 1 - Go on the patio in Dead timeline, listen on the 2 men playing Assassin and finish their dialogue, go inside and grab bathroom key on wall right of paintings, head back to Living timeline and give key to the Timid Guy next to Christmas Tree.

I think that's all you've missed beside the super long ones. Hope this helps! 2 Nov, 2024 @ 3:35pm 
'Clutterbug' Chapter 1 Scene 1 - look at bowling mascot, take a smaller one under it. Chapter 1 Scene 4 - Clean up your room and put the Acadia Bay photo on the wall. Chapter 1 Scene 5 - Walk over to Reggie on the left and complete puzzle. Then walk over to the bench opposite of FAB building, interact with origami note. Continue story until you comfort Moses. Rose should be on the table.
'Page Turner' Chapter 2 Scene 2 - When in Gwen's office, read Memoir in Living timeline. Chapter 3 Scene 3 - When in Gwen office, ask Gwen about Safi's Manuscript. If she doesn't give, switch to Living timeline and grab it from the drawer. Continue til Lucas office, interact with Family Photo, look under it, grab key and walk over to golden typewriter.

Character limit maxed again.. 2 Nov, 2024 @ 3:35pm 
'Heavy Petting' Chapter 4 Scene 1 - In Living timeline, go upstairs and pet the cat
'Nothing Lasts Fur-ever' Chapter 4 Scene 2 - In Living timeline, go around the back near where Diamond and Moses is seated. On the wall, there's a Podcast Flyer by Loretta. Look at it, wait for new option to appear, 'Scan QR code'
'Home Sweet Home' Chapter 4 Scene 2 - Finish exposing Lucas, go to Dead timeline and tell Moses the news. After, an option to help Moses with Gingerbread house appears. Press that then he says something about missing a chimney. Go to Living timeline and talk to Safi, select Gingerbread house option. Return to Moses in Dead timeline.
'Platypus Genius' Chapter 2 Scene 2 - Sign up using poster on tree behind statue in Dead timeline when you can control Max. Keep checking throughout story. Last message is Chapter 5 Last Scene. Exploring scene doesn't work!

I maxed character limit.