7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

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TF2 Mercs in 7 Days to Die
By Kayra
Guide to play 7days as TF2 Mercs, fun to play with friends :)
1.) Scout
Chucklenuts. Shotgun - Pistol - Club

+ Skills
  • Strenght: Boomstick, PummelPete, Big and Fast
  • Fortitude: Rule 1: Cardio, Medium Armor, Iron Gut

    Pistols are not semi-automatic in this game, closest one is SMG but i won't add that

    + Armor
    I would recomend "Athletic Set" for it's stamina, movespeed and set bonus (less food/water consumption) since you'll run around all-day long. You can go with Commando Hat for looks and Preacher/Commando gloves for ranged damage
2.) Soldier
AMERICAN BOOT. Rocket Launcher, Shotgun, s p o o n

+ Skills
  • Perception: level it up to 5 first to take "Demolitions Expert" level 3, after finishing STR come back to maximize it
  • Strength: Boomstick, maximize it because early game explosives are expensive
  • Fortitude: Pain Tolerance, Medium Armor
    to achieve funny, go "Miner 69'er" and spoon'em or Pickaxe'm
    after getting all of these, go for "The Penetrator" in Perception for AP bonus for your Shotgun

    + Armor
    Commando set, you might hurt yourself with explosives so set bonus and chestpiece will work greatly. Gloves gives extra ranged damage, perfect for your launcher (doesn't counts 'nades) and shotgun. Stun resist? Idk, can't imagine our leadpoisoned man getting stunned
3.) Pyro
Capable of being a CEO and burning everything. Flamethrower, Shotgun, Axe
It's tricky to deal fire damage in this game since we only have 3 options
Flaming Arrow, Molotov, Torch(%30 chance to burn enemies? no i'll pass that). Weak in solo but fun to play with friends.

+ Skills
  • Agility: get it to level 5 to have Archery level 3 to use Flaming Arrows more effectively
  • Strenght: level it to 5 and get Boomstick level 3 and Miner 69'er to funny aX
  • Perception: again, level 5 to get lvl 3 Demolitions Expert since Molotovs counts as explotions
  • Fortitude: Medium Armor, after you finish other Perks (making them 10level, not staying at 5 ofc*)

    after getting all of these, go for "The Penetrator" in Perception for AP bonus to use with shotgun

    + Armor
    For looks: Nomad Headgear with Biker Set. Miner Chestpiece looks like pyro's oxygentank but doesnt looks well
    To be efficient you can use:
    1. Biker Set, to slash with Axe
    2. Assasin Hood, Biker Outfit, Commando Gloves(sadly wont increase molotov dmg), Ranger Boots. (Start POI's while sneaking and shooting with Fire Arrows)
4.) Demoman
KABOOM !!!! Grenade Launcher, Stickybomb Launcher, Bottlebeer, to brawl with thy zombies

i have no idea and good idea lads

+ Skills
  • Perception: Demolition Expert
  • Agility : Archery, to shoot explosive arrows
  • Fortitude : The Brawler, Lightning Hands, Pain Tolerance, Healing Factor and Medium Armor iron gut for funsies

    + Armor
    Raider Outfit(crit.inj. effective), Preacher Gloves(exp. damage), Preacher Boots(+healing) and any hat you want, why? I can't find something that suits him and other hats just adds bartering, stun resistance(we get this from perk, so it's useless).
5.) Heavy
Zombies can't outsmart bullet. Our bear wrestler is here! Minigun, Shotgun, These Hands

+ Skills
  • Fortitude: to level 5, get level 3 Brawler then go for full level Machine Gunner, Pain Tolerence, Healing Factor and finish it with 5level Brawler
  • Strenght: Heavy Armor, Boomstick
    Then you'll go with Lightning Hands, at last get Iron Gut

    after getting all of these, go for "The Penetrator" in Perception for AP bonus

    + Armor
    You have two options, sure Raider Set would suit Heavy's 300hp but what about your "minigun" damage? Raider Gloves gives Melee damage bonus, use Commando Gloves to get Ranged dmg bonus. Trade your set bonus for extra damage

Shotgun, Pistol, Wrench, PDA
Lads, you cant get turrets in earlygame (not sledges, turrets) so we'll get to it later

If you are going solo, start wtih this:
+ Skills
  • Strength : Boomstick
  • Intellect : Robotic Inventor, Advanced Engineering, Grease Monkeymonke engineer
    then Heavy Armor, for your Nerd Set and Master Chef to cook foods, like dispenser :)
  • Perception : Salvage Operations, for Wrench damage (melee, funsies)

    If you are playing with friends, start with Intellect first then move to Strength, Perception. You kinda need to salvage too so it depends on how much resources you need since you'll need to build a lot to make use of turrets and traps

    + Armor
    Nerd Set, surprise ain't it, and Scavenger Set to get resources to actually build your fortress (team-)
7.) Medic
I HAVE NO IDEA ! Syringe Gun, Medi gun, Bonesaw

+ Skills
  • Intellect: Electrocutioner, Physician(5th level bonus), Calculated Attack
  • Agility: Archery, to mimic medic's crossbow
  • Fortitude: Healing Factor
  • Fortitude or Agility, depends on what armor type you'll go with to get Medium/Light Armor perk

    + Armor
    For looks, go with Preacher Set, but if you want efficiency go with these:
    Preacher Hat(you might need to buy yourself/friends a lot of medkits),Scavenger Outfit(+carrying space until you get pocket mods), Nerd Gloves(melee dmg), Biker Boots(melee stamina). Change Scav.Outfit with Ranger outfit for HP
8.) Sniper
Snipin's a good job, mate! Sniper Rifle, SMG, Machete

+ Skills
  • Perception: to level 5, get lvl3 Deadeye
  • Agility: Deepcuts, focus on it first then finish Deadeye, after then go for pistols to get SMG at the end

    After this 3 Perks, go for Penetrator in Perception, to get sweet AP bonus
    Medium Armor at very last

    + Armor
    Ranger Set for looks, for effiecieny however go with:
    Assasin Hood(sneaking damage, to snipe away), Assasin Outfit(+sneak), Preacher/Commando for +%60, Ranger for +%50 damage, Ranger Boots(stamina, needed for scoping)
9.) Spy

Revolver, Knife, Invisiblity

+ Skills
  • Agility: raise it to level 5, get Deepcuts 3, Gunslinger 3, then maximize Hidden Strike and From the Shadows. Parkour if you are going for "backstabs" or for funsies
  • Intellect: Picklocking, after you finish nearly every Agility perk!

    + Armor
    Assasin Outfit, no other set/armor piece. Best for being "spy".
I had this idea right after i woke up yesterday, 4h sleep and tunnel raffle* does wonders on ones mind and mental health, thanks *Predecessor :D

Spoiler, every group would need an Engineer and Medic to get crafting/smithing/cooking/medical bonusses. Farming? get a Farmer set and go with it, if you have extra points then use'm for being a Farmer, i couldn't find a merc suitable of being a farmer that's why.

WE NEED A 'NADE LAUNCHER and more fire damage.

If you have any ideas to improve these let me know! Thanks for reading :)