Pocket Waifu: Desktop Pet

Pocket Waifu: Desktop Pet

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Achievement Hunter's Guide!
By Neon Nyanian
Looking to 100% the achievements with your cute little wolf girl?

In this guide I'll explain how to get each achievement in the best way I know how, as well as provide some tips and tricks along the way to help speed along your progression.
Feel free to leave comments and suggestions if I've missed anything, or if you know other methods I did not suggest here! Thanks!

I hope you find this information useful in all your future wolfgirl endeavors.
Headpats! Yay!
"Pet lil Silver's head for the first time"

This is a good starting point. Click the top of her head and you'll pet her.

This activity increases affection and happiness once per day -- the daily headpat.

Keep this in mind to get 10 free Happiness once a day, and to boost your affection while you're leveling her up. Better things are unlocked as she levels, and this will help hurry that process along.
Boop lil Silver's nose for the first time

Just as easy as giving a headpat. Click her nose to poke it. I haven't noticed this affecting stats.

There isn't an achievement for it or stat changes involved, but you can also poke her chest for a reaction.
I love you!
Fill the Affection gauge and level up for the first time

Affection grows automatically over time, so this one will inevitably happen.

However, you can hurry this along with the Daily Headpat by clicking the top of her head once a day, fulfilling requests should increase affection as well, and I believe affection increases faster when she's 90+ in each maintenance stat.
Catching some Z's
Sleep for a total of 8 hours (with the game running)

Here's an easy one that accumulates over time. Set her to sleep on a bed. You can simply do this when you're waiting for her to regenerate Energy, and eventually the achievement will complete.
Take care of lil Silver for a total of 24 hours (with the game running)

Much like Catching Some Z's, this one will accumulate over time without you doing anything special, and eventually complete.
Movie night!
Eat popcorn for 89 continuous minutes, the duration of a certain movie with a green guy and a swamp

Set Lil Silver up to eat popcorn, and don't interfere with her for at least an hour and a half. Maybe go watch a movie about the multilayered nature of onions. Confirm you have the achievement before stopping the activity.
Hoard $1,000

Have Lil Silver perform work activities until you have $1000 saved.

You should prioritize upgrades when they're available, however, as these often lead to better profits.
Hoard $10,000

The higher her affection level, the more options you'll have to make money faster. Focus on acquiring upgrades and this will help get you there.

Early on, buying the temporary upgrade to streaming (New Model Debut) can help you earn money faster, along with Donation's Page when it comes up.

Mining with all the upgrades can earn you several thousand a day, but this is endgame and more for grinding for daily cosmetics at that point.
Drink a jug of Sakura Splash

Sakura Splash is an upgrade item. Once you've purchased it you just need to drink it once to get this achievement.

Especially when you have a decent cash flow, this item is very useful.

It's great for quickly getting Lil Silver up and running again; it provides 40 energy and 30 hunger. Along with Mountain Pop, you can get another 10 energy and 5 hunger back-to-back.

Mind you, when consuming a food item, it gets a debuff of -15 happiness so that you don't use it repeatedly. This decreases by 5 each time you use something else.

Water increases hunger by 5 at no cost, and can further decrease the debuff on your Sakura Splash / Mountain Pop combo, leaving them at -5 happiness if you want to use them again immediately.

Some other food items, like Chocolate Milk and the Milkshake items increase happiness, and can be used as the next item in a feeding combo to boost a low happiness stat, or you can throw in something cheap.

If you don't mind the expense, it can just be faster to give her a combination of Sakura Splash -- Mountain Pop -- Water a few times, and then toss her a plushie to fill in any low happiness after drowning her in caffeine.
You never have enough!
Gift lil Silver the same plushie 5 times in a row

This one's easy enough without needing to needlessly spend at it. Just keep buying the lowest cost plushie for her whenever you need a boost of Happiness and eventually you'll be done with this one.
Plushie addiction status: out of control
Purchase 20 plushies for lil Silver

Another long-term achievement. Continue to purchase plushies to boost her happiness when needed. Eventually, this one will pop up. It can just be the cheapest kind, as well, so no need to buy one of everything, or anything like that.
Please! Pretty please!
Buy lil Silver food or a gift she asked for

Occasionally, lil Silver will ask for something.

You might miss these events if you're not paying direct attention to her, but the item will now have a heart next to it in the list of options available. If you notice this symbol when you're scrolling through the food list or such, buy the item to get the achievement.

Although not common, it's good to do these when you have the chance, as it also boosts her happiness and affection, I believe.
Purchase all of the food and drinks from the shop

This will require you keeping a list of what you've purchased and what you haven't to make it cheaper later when you want to tackle it.

If you haven't kept track, start doing so to confirm for sure you've fed her something... Or if you have money to spare, go down the list one by one and give her one of everything.

This one is best done after you have some upgrades, so you can lower the cost of purchases.
Stream sniper
Do the Stream activity while Silvervale is live on twitch.tv/silvervale

This one will probably happen automatically while you stream for game currency during the early-mid game, but keep an eye out for an obvious Twitch notification icon on the menu -- this means Silvervale is currently streaming and you can get a couple of achievements quickly, this being one of them.
Oh this is going to be good!
Do the Popcorn activity while Silvervale is live on twitch.tv/silvervale

A second achievement through the Popcorn activity. This one can be done back-to-back with Stream Sniper. Just keep an eye out for the Twitch notification in the popup menu... Or if you suddenly get the Stream Sniper achievement, quickly switch to Popcorn to get this one as well.
Safe driver
Ride the roomba for 3 minutes without it breaking down

The Roomba becomes available after reaching a higher affection level.

This achievement is random chance, as the Roomba runs around the screen and bumps into the edges, and each impact has a chance to make it break down.

...However! You can maximize your chances by adjusting Lil Silver's size to be as small as possible in the settings menu. Taking longer to cross the screen maximizes the time she spends traveling and minimizes the amount of times she's running into walls. I did this after a couple days failing to get the achievement and got it right away.
Squeaky clean!
Clean the screen for a total of 4 hours (with the game running)

An easy fire-and-forget achievement. Once screen cleaning becomes available, set her up and come back later. This also accumulates over time, so you don't need to do it all at once.
I love fishing minigames!
Catch a total of 200 fishes

Another activity-based accumulation achievement. Once you have Fishing as a money making method, get whatever upgrades you can for it, and switch to doing that instead.
Dance Till You Drop
Dance until lil Silver's Energy reaches 0

So you've unlocked Dancing finally!

My advice is to wait until her energy is really low before you attempt this, as she burns hunger almost as fast. Boost her hunger to 100 to ensure she doesn't stop due to starvation, and then let her dance the rest of the energy away.
Fully upgraded
Purchase all of the upgrades in the shop

Welcome to the endgame. You're reaching maximum affection level, and all the upgrades have unlocked. Simply purchase them as you go, and get the last ones as they become available.

You may not have been Streaming as an activity for awhile by this point... but you will also need to purchase New Model Debut again if you don't currently have it active.
We're gonna be rich!!
Find a rare gem while mining for the first time

Once mining unlocks, buy all the upgrades to make it your best earning method, and then send her to it. I got the achievement on the first ore I mined.
I really love you!
Reach maximum Affection level

Reach the 10th level of Affection, and then max it out as well. Remember your Daily Headpats and keeping her mood up.
One hat pwease!
Purchase an item or Sakura Loot Box using in-game money

This can be as cheap as $1000 for the daily loot box (hats run $3000 for common and $7000 for rare).

Make it rain!!
Make it rain a cumulated total of 1000 Sakura Petals

Your Sakura Petals have an option to Make It Rain!. What this does is scatter the current amount of petals you have on the screen. It does NOT consume your petals! If you have 5 petals, using this scatters 5 petals and adds 5 to your total. ...if you have 50, it adds 50 to the total.

If you don't want to wear out your mouse or take an excessive amount of time doing a tedious task, simply stockpile your petals to make this achievement go much, much easier.

Once you have it, you're at no obligation to keep your petals, so start turning them into loot boxes!
Whoa! Crafting mechanics!
Combine 10 Sakura Petals into one Sakura Loot Box

Start doing this once you have the Make It Rain!! achievement. It's easy enough... just combine ten petals from your Cosmetics inventory into a loot box.
I love gambling!!
Open a total of 10 Sakura Loot Boxes

You can buy a loot box a day for $1000, and also craft them from the daily Petals you've accumulated (10 per loot box... and loot boxes may have petals in them, too).

My advice is to save your Petals at first until you get the Make it rain!! achievement, and then devote any ten Petals you get into making more mystery prizes.
A frickin rare item!
Unbox a Rare or Epic item

As you keep unboxing, this one will eventually happen.

Clearing out the in-game shop each day, and destroying unneeded cosmetics to make more petals can speed along your chances.

Although I don't recommend reckless micro transactions, you could theoretically brute force this by buying cheap cosmetics from the Steam Community Market to craft loot boxes faster, or directly buy loot boxes themselves.
Now that's what I call a FIT
Equip an item in every slot on Lil Silver

All you have to do is equip an item in every slot! Welcome to Easier Said Than Done.

At the time of this guide, there are only three options for back, two options for ears, and one option for the tail.

These are Common items, but given the amount of other common items, they themselves tend to be rare and hard to get. Keep unboxing, and keep an eye out for these items in particular in the daily shop.

You can also purchase these for some spare change on the Steam Community Market if you get impatient... but that's up to you.

Just as a note: Her default outfit counts toward this achievement, so you don't need to acquire any of the rare or premium ones to finish this.
KNIFE to meet you, pumpkin!
Carve and acquire 10 Jack-o-lanterns hats

This achievement is available in October and November, as that's when pumpkin carving is available. I'm not currently sure if there are ways to trick the clock into making this available year-round, but will update if I find out.

Regardless, carve pumpkins when you have the play activity for it. At 30 minutes of carving, you'll get a hat. You'll get another after carving for another 30 minutes after that. Do not interrupt her as you have to carve consecutively for 30 minutes to get the hat.

You can get all ten and earn the achievement with five hours of continuous carving. After that, you'll be able to craft two additional jack-o-lanterns per day to turn into Petals. There's an orange notification on the activity that you can get a bonus item. If you've already found your two bonus hats on a particular day, this orange text will disappear.

Again, these hats, if you aren't interested in them, can be destroyed for extra Petals, and found again using the above methods (though thereafter at a rate of 2 per day). If you're still in October or early November, it can be one way to grind loot boxes a little faster, and if you give yourself 5 or so days at the end of November, still ensures you get to keep these after the event ends if you want them.

MrTailson 30 Jan @ 8:48pm 
Same for me. Got the carving pumpkin achievement first try and was looking around for the hats but haven't found them. Guess they'll only be available during the appropriate months?
Sanguis Anima 16 Jan @ 8:52pm 
I just got the "KNIFE to meet you, pumpkin!" achievement just a few minutes ago, all I did was let Li'l Silvy carve just one pumpkin and the achievement popped up while I was in the middle of a video call with my siblings.
SPC Dog 20 Dec, 2024 @ 8:06am 
Oh Thank God you didn't loose the Petals when you make it rain. I was stockpiling petals for the achievement. lmao