Arma 3
75 ratings
CSAT Canada 2035
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CSAT Canada 2035

v 1.01 Alpha

Canada? In CSAT? WHY?
Because we can do anything we want with arma mods. There is a lore for it but I will not post it here for the moment. Let's just leave it to the results of Black Recession and CSAT agressive expansion.

What does it have?
It includes Marines, Paras, Reservists, Regulars and Recon units. Each of them does have somewhat unique headgear/uniform/weapons/camo.

Canadian XM-8 in 6.5 caliber
Originaly produced by Canadian Syster Systems company(og A2 PMC lore), they are back once again with CSAT funding and goverment contract to be a new standart issue rifle of the CAF.

Canadian C-7 Rifle family in 5.56
Used by Reservists, it do include original version, forward grip and m203 versions. Thanks to Pup and Jaimie for these ones.

Car-97 in 5.56
Chinese Car-95 but it 5.56 caliber. Currently not in use by any branch, but I do have plans for it.

Liberator and Intruder helmet with scrim nets.

A bit new EBDU uniform(mix of the NCU/ECU and the BDU pants).

MSVS medium utility vehicles family.
It is A2 ACR Tatra port, upgraded with everything I could have done with it. Will include more versions in the future, like MRL and SAM launchers.

Uniform, helmets and vehicle retextures to present the CSAT CAF faction. Including my new CadHex and my version of the CADPAT. Nothing fancy.

Known bugs:
Currently vehicles do not have a proper mags and weapons cargo. Will be fixed soon.
No groups, which would be added later on.
No preview or UI pics, I do not care for doing them.
Car-97 doesnt use tracer mags, only one mag type.

Future plans:
Upgrading Marines subcategory.
Lav 25?
More MSVS variants.
More subcats.
Chinese PMCs operating on CSAT funded facilities.

License is APL-SA for everything in the mod.

Thanks to:
Slatts for the original Tatra port which I have upgraded.
Pup, Locke for some testing and help.
Hazel for some pics, testing and help.
Ravenholme for the configs help.
Axle for some testing and pics.
Rusty and Avery for the camo templates.

BlackHand 1 hour ago 
This addon proves that people don't listen to news lol. Well done!
DeluxeHITMAN6301 2 hours ago 
"here is a lore for it but I will not post it here for the moment". There is no lore then, got it
Pperson25 3 hours ago 
Kastrenzo 3 hours ago 
Man some people really dont know what the original lore of Arma 3 was, and then get shocked at people making "weird" mods.
LEE O C 5 hours ago 
@Ulfgaar ...trump...
LEE O C 5 hours ago 
i guess ppl in the comments dont listen to the news!
LEE O C 5 hours ago 
hahaha very topical
Ulfgaar 6 hours ago 
Why on earth would Canada be in CSAT?
chornobrivecmaksim1 6 hours ago 
hello author of this mod mod is not bad I liked the weapons but the fact is that Canada is in the CSAT alliance which is directly related to the enemies of the NATO alliance and America in the plot of Arma 3 is essentially a member of this alliance what the hell is Canada doing in this alliance!?? too many questions but fuck my brain just refuses to work when I see this mod I understand that like this is what you found out but damn it's still such a sight 7/10 mod is not bad especially the small arms are clear there are types of Canadian clones of M4 and M16 and XM-8 for 6.5 caseless for Promet 6.5 magazines)
Scuzz Missile 7 hours ago 
It is really interesting to see CSAT not as an eastern bloc, but as an alternative to NATO in the Arma universe