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Stellaris Ascended
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2024년 12월 27일 오후 1시 37분
2025년 2월 19일 오후 7시 19분
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Stellaris Ascended

Stellaris Ascended

Doesn’t it feel that society might change a bit if we were suddenly all immortal robots or had telepathic capabilities? This mod aims to capture the empire transformations that could occur after empire ascendancy. Each combination of Ascension Path and Empire Type has access to Two Civics unique to them, all which aim to be flavorful role playing wise and provide unique powerful benefits. However, each of these Civics only activates if its corresponding Ascension Path is completed. Additionally, Psionic and Genetic Ascensions are given their own authorities, each with an accompanying edict.

This project was originally started before The Machine Age DLC was announced and thus before Paradox had expanded on the original ascension paths. While that DLC added wonderful features to ascensions, I still feel that their impacts are limited (and additionally psionic/genetic didn’t get any love). This mod aims to mend that gap, adding Psionic and Genetic authorities, edicts, events, and governments which can be unlocked after ascending and completing an event chain (modelled after Cybernetic and Synthetic authorities in the Machine Age). Hopefully this should also contribute to a more excited midgame as new strategies come online.

* Currently the Hive/Machine Intelligence Cybergladiator Civics aren't complete, but they will be added shortly

Check out the Names, Abilities, and Edicts of the Psionic and Genetic Authorities.

I'd love to delve into all the content within, but that would take way too much space, so here are some Highlights:
- 40 New Civics
- 27 New Authorities (Along with 27 Accompanying Edicts)
- 40 New Events
- 28 New Governments
- 20 New Species Traits and 15 New Leader Traits
- 13 New Buildings / Holdings / Starbase Modules
- 1 New Relic and 1 New Ascension Perk
- And More...

The mod is currently only available in English and Russian (thanks Xsio!).
(translators welcome)


No DLC requirements.

Minimal Base Game Overrides (Should be compatible with almost every mod)

Completely Compatible With Existing Saves (Ignore my previous comments, this mod has since been updated)

NOT achievement compatible (Only UI mods that don't change features can be)


Please go to the pinned discussions for any bug reports, suggestions, and/or questions. I’d love all the feedback. Additionally, for anything else, the easiest way to contact me is via my discord @Accorata. Feel free to message me privately there or ping me on either the Official Stellaris Discord[] or the Stellaris Modding Den[].

Modding Information
(Including some additional information for any mod savvy people who are worried about compatibility and/or modders who wish to interact with this one, as well as any intentional references I included.)

Additional Thanks To:
- @TTFTCUTS (For post-launch bug identification and fixes)
- @Trap of Charlemagne (For post-launch bug identification and fixes)
- @Darrow O' Lykos (For post-launch typo-spotting)

- Scripted Effect: apply_post_assimilation_effects
- Economic Category: planet_cyberdome_duelist

Mod Interaction:
- Sets Global Flag "stellaris_ascended_active" on Game Start
- Scripted Variable "@has_stellaris_ascended" set to 1

- Harrison Bergeron -> Handicaps (Handicap Distribution edict name)
- Foundation (TV adaptation) -> Genetic Dynasty (Imperial Clones authority description)
- Netrunner -> Xanadu (Xanadu Retreats civic name)
- Ender's Game -> Anton's Key (Brilliant species trait description)
- Brave New World -> Sleep-Learning (Hypnopædic Conditioning edict description)
- Legend -> Republic of America Trials (Empire Reborn event chaotic description)
- MTG -> New Phyrexia: All Will Be One (All Will Be One edict name)
인기 토론 모두 보기(4)
19시간 전
고정됨: Bug Reports
2025년 2월 7일 오전 10시 58분
고정됨: Suggestions, Balance, and/or Questions
2025년 1월 24일 오후 2시 52분
고정됨: Psionic Authorities
댓글 301
Accorata  [작성자] 19시간 전 
@Cube Thank you! I'm not planning on adding Psionic Hive Minds because that would likely require overrides and I'd like to make sure this mod is compatible with at much as possible.
Accorata  [작성자] 19시간 전 
@Lord_Daemonar It does not, I'm sorry. I completed the authority lists upon request, but have been too busy to create other information at the moment.
Accorata  [작성자] 19시간 전 
@waterrealm25 The new civics and authorities are unlocked after completing different ascension paths, but you should be able to see the civics still in the empire creation screen (they just won't provide their bonuses until later)
DontheDon 2025년 2월 22일 오전 12시 37분 
cant wait for machine
Cube 2025년 2월 20일 오후 7시 26분 
This mod has breathed new life into my Stellaris. Are you planning on adding in Psionc Hive Minds? All the other mods for this are horrendously out of date. Thanks again for making this awesome mod! <3
Lord_Daemonar 2025년 2월 20일 오전 6시 26분 
Does this mod have a public sheet detailing its full contents? I'd like to see what new civics, traits, relics, and so on are added.
Thanks for putting up the list of Bio and Psi authorities!
waterrealm25 2025년 2월 19일 오후 10시 24분 
where is the new government and civic? I can't seem to find it in the menu
Accorata  [작성자] 2025년 2월 19일 오후 8시 20분 
@BroncoXeno2035 Ah, I see. You were asking if Etienne completed synth ascension for the war goals. Got it
BroncoXeno2035 2025년 2월 19일 오후 8시 00분 
Most of the Civics don't do anything unless you've completed the appropriate Ascension
Accorata  [작성자] 2025년 2월 19일 오후 7시 24분 
@Lithos Maitreya Update: should be fixed now