Anarchy Arcade

Anarchy Arcade

105 ratings
TYPES: Items, Props, Maps
File Size
16.698 MB
10 Nov, 2014 @ 9:30pm
10 Nov, 2014 @ 9:32pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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In 1 collection by GuardianHellHound
DreamVault Collection
2 items
==================== ATENTION ==========
Ok. So i talked to SM Sith Lord today (the game dev) and since no one can publish to the Redux workshop yet i will help you work around it:

1 - download the map from gamebanana:

2 - move the files to (...)Steam\steamapps\common\Anarchy Arcade\aarcade_user\maps

3 - remember to restart the game


i will try to update the map to the Redux version once the workshop starts accepting uploads again.

Sm_DreamVault is About a dream mansion inside a vault on a destroyed world. its a strange theme for a map but i like it, give it a try! i hope you enjoy it too.

ALT VER: Xmax/snow:


Map info: (1.0)

1 - 2 outside areas
2 - door areas (main door can be locked for MP purposes)
3 - 3 big rooms on main floor (one kitchen/bar)
4 - 3 big rooms on 2 floor (one bedroom)
5 - huge ouside area and a nice view (secret: there are yellow fairies flying around the woods)
6 - pool on the backyard + bbq area (fireplace can be turned on/off)

other: all lights can be turned off.
other: this is a nighttime map.
other: theres a door bell near the door. (lock the door and a green light will show near the door bell)

Planing for 1.0 alt ver: **DONE! and released**

-> Xmas special
-> bug fix

planing for v2.0: (CANCELLED)

-> bug fix
-> Rain on/off and Snow on/off
-> race track
-> jumping and climbing puzzle (sorry but i do like TombRaider III mansion..)
-> (mayb) secret room? (feedback will decide)
-> (NEW) VR machines from fallout 3 that take you to Tranquillity lane (alt Setting inside the map)
obs: i dont know if i will find the correct models to make the VR machines. i will try anyway (thx to CloneTrooper699)

Credits map made by me. (STEAM_0:0:25609364)
models thx to:
(no need to download)
Trees and foliage:
| -=-=Dev Commentary=-=-
|plz leave bug reports on coments
|if you find any.
|yep the yellow fairies are insipred
|on ocarine of time
|frist comunity map totaly made for
|anarchy arcade? mayb so.

(lots and lots of people asking me this:)
404_coffee.exe 16 Dec, 2022 @ 11:53am 
I love this
Zombie_W33D 1 May, 2022 @ 6:13pm 
Hey so their is a non steam server way to share maps, that doesn't even require you to pack the maps. You would need to first make one map from starting in AA where it will output a started project with whatever name you chose and _XXXXXXXX where the XXX's will be a alphanumeric that represents you and your work. If you then updated your map to follow this same _XXX name style you could host the world and it will upload all the required assets to the server automatically. Then anyone joining the server will recieve the map automatically and can then run the map import command on their side to use it for their own Arcades.
sira-x 13 Sep, 2019 @ 3:46pm 
Finally a work around! The below steps worked for me. I was even able to load an old instance and almost half my arcade was intact! Time to rebuild... again. Thanks GuardianHellhound!
GuardianHellHound  [author] 12 Sep, 2019 @ 7:52am 
Ok. So i talked to SM Sith Lord today (the game dev) and since no one can publish to the Redux workshop yet i will help you work around it:

1 - download the map from gamebanana:

2 - move the files to (...)Steam\steamapps\common\Anarchy Arcade\aarcade_user\maps

3 - remember to restart the game


GuardianHellHound  [author] 12 Sep, 2019 @ 6:16am 
i lost the map files in a blackout about 3 years ago.. let me see if i can make it compatible again..
sira-x 11 Sep, 2019 @ 11:38pm 
Does not work with redux. Lost my old arcade (150+ hours in). Not looking like the author can find the time..
Penguin 19 Jun, 2019 @ 11:14am 
cannot find it in maps
StickMan 9 May, 2019 @ 2:26pm 
doesn't appear in the maps or levels
Ƥrǐŋcєss Ƒluեեєrsɦy 28 Jun, 2018 @ 4:45am 
Nice Idea.
I just don't understand the Vault Theme there.
Usual a Vault is a Area, completly sealed from the outside World, but this House is complete undamaged in the outside.
It would be more "in the Vault", if you add it in a Cave.
Longhaul 14 Jan, 2018 @ 2:26pm 
Any chance to get this map fixed? Really need the room.