Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

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Rising Storm 2: Vietnam - Complete Server Hosting (2025)
RVK tarafından
If you've tried following other hosting guides and found missing or outdated information, then you've come to the right place! This guide will help you self-host a Rising Storm 2 Vietnam server, Green Army Men (GAM) DLC content, and custom maps. It'll also provide information not seen in any other guide with plenty of notes to help you understand or solve any issue. If you need help or would like clarification please feel free to ask in the comments so that everyone benefits. If you've found this guide useful, I'd love to hear about it.
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My thanks to:
  • Bimjee
  • Mr.Deds
  • Friends who joined the server
It wouldn't have been possible to figure all this out without them.

Yet Another Guide on Server Hosting?
Current guides are either outdated, missing information, or suggest nuking your computer's security instead of properly forwarding ports. Other guides are also missing important parameters that might be needed to self-host the server.

Why Green Army Men?
There is no guide that properly describes how to correctly host a Green Army Men DLC server as of date. This is because in the past or with certain privileges, GAM was included with the server but that's no longer the case. The average person following Steam or wiki guides wouldn't be able to get GAM to work and wouldn't be able to follow the available guides to get it to work.

  • To enjoy the DLC content
  • Needed to unlock the Christmas achievements since they don't unlock when loading a map through the client.
  • Only two servers are hosting the DLC content currently but one does not support map voting forcing players to wait out the map cycle.
  • If those servers shut down, the community is left to figure out how to host without any guidance.

Why Custom Maps?
There is no guide that properly describes how to allow users to download custom maps with ease. Most guides either direct users to download maps from the workshop or from an FTP redirect. This guide will allow the download of custom maps directly from the server.
Hosting a Server
Refer to the Wiki[wiki.rs2vietnam.com] for a more thorough installation guide. If you've hosted a server before, much of this section should seem familiar.

SteamCMD & Server Files
  1. Download SteamCMD and extract it to a folder then run steamcmd.exe
  2. Enter the following commands into SteamCMD one line at a time:
    force_install_dir C:\RS2VietnamServer\ login anonymous app_update 418480 validate
    Note: The directory can be changed for the force_install_dir command

  3. Make a RS2VLaunch.bat file in:
    Right click the file, click Edit in Notepad, and enter the following in it, replace the internal IP with yours (see notes), and save it:
    start .\Binaries\Win64\VNGame.exe VNTE-SongBe?MaxPlayers=64 -Multihome= -Log=ServerLog.log
    This file will be used to launch your server going forward.
    • The loading map uses GameMode-MapName format (ie VNTE-SongBe). If you follow the steps to install Green Army Men DLC, the Christmas map is GMTE-Christmas2018
    • If a parameter starts with "?" then no space is needed after the previous parameter. If it starts with "-" then you need a space. See launch parameter above.
    • [Optional] ?WebAdminPort=XXXX allows you to connect to the web panel to control the server. Default is 8080
    • [Optional] -QueryPort=XXXX is used to communicate with Steam to show your server on the master list. Default is 27015
    • [Optional] -Port=XXXX is how the clients connect to the server. Default is 7777
    • [Optional] -Multihome=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is only necessary if you host on a network with multiple devices. You can get the internal IP by typing ipconfig into Window's Command Prompt. It's the IPV4 Address.

Forwarding Ports 1: Windows Firewall
  1. Search "Allow an app through Windows Firewall" in the Start Menu and click on the Control Panel option with the same search title

  2. Click Change Settings then Allow another app
  3. Browse to the server folder and select
  4. Click on Network types... and select both Private and Public then click OK
  5. Click Add to add the server exe to the firewall

Forwarding Ports 2: Network Router
Each router will be slightly different and some internet service providers don't allow port forwarding unless you reach out to them. Search online how to port forward on your router. When you do find the section on Port Forwarding in the router settings, it boils down to the following information: a name to the application using the ports, the IP range, Protocol, and the internal IP of the device hosting.
  • Service Name: RS2 Vietnam Server
  • Protocol: Both (TCP and UDP)
  • External Ports: 7777,8080,27015
  • Internal IP: same IP you got from ipconfig command

Game File Settings
Server settings are stored in:
Note: Some of the config files mentioned below won't be created until you run the server for the first time. So launch the server once, wait until the server outputs the following line then close the server:
Everything is on-line. ksiva 'xxxxx'

Make sure the server is shutdown before making the following edits:
  • [Engine.AccessControl] in ROGame.ini
    • AdminPassword=alphanumeric combination
    • GamePassword=alphanumeric combination, leave empty for easy public access
  • [Engine.GameReplicationInfo] in ROGame.ini
    • ServerName=alphanumeric combination

    Optional: the following variables are optimal for achievement hunting. Keep these values at default for regular gameplay.
  • [ROGame.ROGameInfo] in ROGame.ini
    • bBalanceTeams=False
    • bAutoBalanceTeamsOnDeath=False
    • PreStartDuration=0
    • ReadyUpDelay=0
    • TeamKillSpawnPenalty=0
    • TeamWoundSpawnPenalty=0
    • bUseReadySystem=false

    Server not showing up in the server browser:
  • Confirm your router has the specified ports forwarded correctly
  • Confirm Windows firewall has the server exe forwarded on all network types
  • If only some friends can't find it and they're long distance, make sure their in-game ping filter is set to All. By default, the ping is limited to 200.
  • If a recent update for the game was released, the server might be on an older version as it doesn't update automatically. Run the 3 SteamCMD commands again in the order listed to validate the installation and update the files.
Web Panel
To access the web panel, use your favorite web browser and go to
<Internal IP>:<WebAdminPort>
Example from above:
Notes: If the server is hosted on another network, you'll use <External IP>:<WebAdminPort>

Web Panel Features:
  • Change Map
  • Modify Launch Parameters
  • Manage in-game players and squads
  • Change gameplay settings
  • Edit the map cycle
  • Change/add mutators

Warning: the Web Panel also lets you know which settings can affect the Ranked status of the server. Achievements work on Ranked servers so be careful what you adjust.
Optional: Green Army Men DLC
SteamCMD does not download Green Army Men (GAM) content when downloading the server files. However you can get all the necessary files from the client's game installation folder.

  1. Copy the GreenMenMod folder and all its content to get the maps and packages
    From: <SteamFolder>\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\ROGame\BrewedPC\ To: C:\RS2VietnamServer\ROGame\BrewedPCServer\

  2. Copy the data stores for GAM to the server.
    Copy these files:
    • GMSU-BeachParty2019.ini
    • GMTE-Backyard2019.ini
    • GMTE-Christmas2018.ini
    • GMTE-PoolParty2019.ini
    • GMTE-Sandbox2019.ini
    • GMTE-Thanksgiving2019.ini
    • ROGMGame.ini
    From: <SteamFolder>\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\ROGame\Config\ To: C:\RS2VietnamServer\ROGame\Config\

  3. Copy the GreenMenMod.u
    From: <SteamFolder>\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\ROGame\BrewedPC\ To: C:\RS2VietnamServer\ROGame\BrewedPCServer\
Optional: Custom Maps
Host custom maps, show custom maps in web panel, and allow users to download those maps directly from the server.

  1. Copy your map to its own folder in Maps directory.
    Note: You can group maps with the same name but different game modes together:
    C:\RS2VietnamServer\BrewedPCServer\Maps\RVKMap\VNTE-RVKMap.roe C:\RS2VietnamServer\BrewedPCServer\Maps\RVKMap\VNSU-RVKMap.roe

  2. Copy your map's data store to the Config directory.
    Config Directory:
    Example Content:
    [VNTE-RVKMap ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo] MapName=VNTE-RVKMap FriendlyName=RVK's Map GameType=ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories PreviewImageMarkup=<Images:VN_UI_Textures.MapPreviews.UI_MapPreview_Community> Description=Community Made Map LoadMapMovie=LoadScreen_Community MapType16=ROMT_InfantryOnly MapType32=ROMT_InfantryOnly MapType64=ROMT_InfantryOnly Author=RS2 Community
    MapTitle should be the map filename without the extension (GameMode-MapName). The wiki suggests using lowercase but that's not an issue and might place the map at the bottom of your web panel if you do.
    MapName should be similar to MapTitle (GameMode-MapName)
    FriendlyName shows up in parentheses next to the map name in Web Panel (ie Christmas)
    GameType is one of three default types. This has to match the GameMode in the MapTitle:
    • If the GameMode is VNTE then GameType is ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
    • If the GameMode is VNSU then GameType is ROGame.ROGameInfoSupremacy
    • If the GameMode is VNSK then GameType is ROGame.ROGameInfoSkirmish
    MapType is one of two types. You'll want to include all 3 MapType## lines otherwise the server defaults to 24 players only.
    • If the map has vehicles then MapType is ROMT_CombinedArms
    • If the map is infantry only then MapType is ROMT_InfantryOnly
    For more data store examples, search the map data stores near the bottom of ROGame.ini.

  3. This is a step I couldn't find mentioned anywhere else but old server configs had it and other Tripwire games have it. Add the Download Manager to directly download maps from the server by making this edit:
    • [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver] in ROEngine.ini
      • DownloadManagers=Engine.ChannelDownload
        Note: Be sure to add this line to the top of the [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver] section.
3 Yorum
RVK  [yaratıcı] 11 Şub @ 8:38 
It is too bad. GAM has actual fun maps and only 2 servers hosting, one without voting. I started this game as part of an achievement hunt and couldn't figure out how to host it for the seasonal achievements which is what started this guide.
Oski97PL 11 Şub @ 7:57 
Too bad ,that nobody plays GAM...
guysayhey 13 Oca @ 6:57 