Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Mcgrease V2
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Classe: Soldier
Emplacement d'objet: Couvre-chef, Divers
Autre: Été
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15 févr. à 10h45
15 févr. à 11h33
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Inspired by real life WWII hero Jake Mcniece of the Filty Thirteen, whose story inspired the novel and movie "The Dirty Dozen," the Mcgrease is a mohawk + face paint combo for soldier. it can come in a helmet & no helmet style (no helmet being the default). Full facial flexes support. The Mohawk is paintable. Compatible with Voodoo Cursed Soldier Soul.

Jake Mcniece was a paratrooper who, among other things, got in trouble with British nobles for hunting on their territory, did a raid in enemy-held territory and avoided being blown up by a tank all while protecting eggs in his pocket, & raided a duke's castle before meeting said duke's daughter at a festival and showing her why inches are better than centimeters.