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Clearwater, Roost
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Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Terrain
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698.399 MB
22 Feb @ 4:15pm
11 Mar @ 9:19pm
34 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )

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Clearwater, Roost

Clearwater is a 2048 x 2048 mini map made with OPTRE in mind. For the most part it is complete. All that's left is to sort out some bugs with the OPTRE devs and placing some more scenic props so expect very frequent updates. I feel comfortable and proud releasing what I have so far as my first map. If you notice any bugs or issues please notify me in the comments below!

Little side note, I am aware that there is no Airfield or any major military installations but don't worry, it'll be present in a future Roost project.

Big thanks to Nightovizard for helping me through a lot of things that I didn't know how to do and providing some textures. Also, thanks to GammaGam3s who provided me with some wonderful city comps!
And thank you to Krytera for the wonderful action artwork they made for Roost.

Set in the Halo universe, Roost was colonized in 2490 making it relatively new. Despite it's age Roost quickly attracted settlers to the planet due to its large untouched oceans which fishing companies happily exploited, farmers who found the rich soil and untamed land perfect to grow their crops, it's beautiful tropical climate and the black sands of the planet, as well as the arid highlands made it very popular among tourists. By the early 2500s Roost found itself in conflict during OPERATION TREBUCHET. Roost was assumed to have remained untouched for the majority of the Human Covenant war but nobody knows for sure......

Diskusi Populer Lihat Semua (1)
7 Mar @ 11:42am
Bug Reports
Ainsley Harriott
22 Komentar
Heartache ♡ 2 jam yang lalu 
I mean it's a halo map after all
Ainsley Harriott  [pembuat] 9 Mar @ 11:02am 
@BooM yes or else nothing will appear because it’s made with optre assets
BooM 9 Mar @ 6:40am 
do you really need OPTRE for this map? I've already got like 100gb of mods on..
Ainsley Harriott  [pembuat] 8 Mar @ 1:50pm 
Contact bug should be fixed
Sablus Maximus Decimus 8 Mar @ 1:35pm 
Yeah it's still not working for me
A-10 Thunderbolt || 7 Mar @ 11:28pm 
Still required to buy contact DLC even after the update of the map.
TacoTuesday137 7 Mar @ 2:37pm 
Looking absolutely fantastic
death2341 7 Mar @ 2:08pm 
also looks great for for your first map, tho if you keep chugging i would like to see it be a bit bigger than a "mini map" as theres not many large optre related maps out there but thats just me
death2341 7 Mar @ 2:07pm 
im just guessing, the map will be getting major expansions? since im see certain areas right at the barrier
deltipili 7 Mar @ 2:05pm 
contact dlc requirement still appears