Melody's Escape

Melody's Escape

140 ratings
][ 100% Achievements Guide ][
By shxky
For all the Achievement Hunters out there
Quick and easy guide to 100%
Download the Track
This Track makes it pretty easy

Download the following mp3 to use it in the game

This is just a click sound generated in Audacity.

On Intense difficulty it only requires 2 Buttons(Blue and Green), so its a very easy song to use.

Note: The game deactivates achievements if the song is shorter than 50sec. So it has to be an actual soundfile with music playing. But this one is very simple and easy to master
Get the first 5 Achievements
The first 5 Achievements

Pretty simple if you downloaded the Track from Part 1:

Just play the Track on Intense difficulty and make no mistakes.

You shouldn't have any problems doing so.
Get the next 2 Achievements
The next 2 Achievements

If you managed to complete Part 2 and unlocked the first 5 Achievements, this shouldn't be a problem either.

Just play the Song another 9 times flawless and you will unlock the next 2 Achievements.

The final Achievement
Ok this is the only one you could call "hard"

This one requires you to play 100 Song on any difficulty.
The best thing to do here is just play on "Relaxing" select your music folder and press "P"

The game will play the whole folder, track after track. You just need to press continue after a Song is complete.

You don't need to actually play the track or get a score. Just leave the game running windowed and press continue after every track

Yes this takes a while, but there is no way to bypass it.

The game deactivates the achievements when a song is too short or doesn't have enough BPM.

The best way to do this is just make a folder with your 100 favourite Songs and let it run through.
Like a Top 100 CD

It's a good jukebox anyway ^^
shxky  [author] 8 May, 2023 @ 12:38am 
Sorry, just updated the link, it should not expire anymore
Sorevin 7 May, 2023 @ 12:01pm 
@shaky both wetransfer and filemail expires after only one week. can you try with google drive or mega nz maybe?
ToMaHeY 19 Apr, 2023 @ 1:04pm 
Thanks a lot!
shxky  [author] 19 Apr, 2023 @ 12:50pm 
@ToMaHey just updated the links, now with wetransfer and one other :)
ToMaHeY 19 Apr, 2023 @ 11:24am 
zippyshare has gone :c can you re-upload on mega?
XxDarkness157xX 24 Feb, 2023 @ 2:20pm 
FYI, for the Synesthesia Achievement it doesn't need to be done in a row. Sometimes it takes a while to update. Just keep track and it should pop. Thanks for the "song" made this 100% achievement possible
uvtears 11 Sep, 2022 @ 6:29am 
It's still so stupidly out of sync, even with a song that's just clicks. There's no rhythm! Thanks for this, but it's still difficult to achieve thanks to this game not understanding how to create rhythm
Cheevo Dust 25 Aug, 2022 @ 1:18pm 
Do you have to get the ten perfect chains in a row? I completed the metronome a second time and steam's achievement tracker is still only showing 1/10.
Regardless of that hiccup, thanks for the guide.
- Denise 21 Jan, 2022 @ 7:55am 
Help! The last two levels gives me a error on this song :( What can i do about it?
Freeman 4 Jan, 2019 @ 11:17am 
link doesn't work for me