Garry's Mod
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Map
Addon Tags: Realism
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121.447 MB
29 giu 2015, ore 9:27
28 ago 2015, ore 2:01
3 note di rilascio ( visualizza )

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Welcome to the haunt,

gm_paranormal is an experimental horror map that you can play in singleplayer or in multiplayer up to 4 players. It takes place in an old abandoned penitentiary which is haunted. You have to look for some keycards to unlock new areas then to explore the penitentiary. But watch out, something that was left in the penitentiary is still here.
There is a ghost detector in the spawn area, don't forget to take it with you, it can save your life. Ghosts and keycards will spawn randomly on the map, so each game will be different.

Get the best experience with the Ghosthunt gamemode :

This map is dedicated to Breadman who made the gm_ghosthunt maps that gave me the motivation or learning mapping. They're still the best maps I've ever played on Garry's Mod.

I'd really like to see your reactions when playing this map. So if you want to play it, feel free to record your experience then send me video link in comments.

CS:S is no longer required, monitors are now working, ghosts that crashed the game are now fixed, keycards are now more visible, color mod is now packed in the map.

Credits :

- Steinman (me) : making the map
- Daryl Winters; Max360 : beta testing the map
- Breadman : giving me the motivation learning mapping
- Highdef : porting some models and materials

If you want to follow my work, you can check my website or my YouTube channel :


Tags : Horror map scary coop ghost random penitentiary
Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (17)
27 lug 2022, ore 9:15
The Drink
22 ago 2017, ore 14:24
Should Key Cards be flashy, one in spawn room or just leave as is?
2 apr 2023, ore 13:27
Please Update
< blank >
552 commenti
aboba00785 28 minuti fa 
а это нормально что я мод этот удалил а паранормальные явления остались?:missing:
Jeanne D'Arc Alter 25 feb, ore 13:04 
jugar esto gratis debería ser un delito, obra maestra infravalorada 10/10 y god
Un Jugador 13 feb, ore 8:28 
ta rpotente
seillinck 13 gen, ore 12:14 
guzz ♥
ph0roggy 29 dic 2024, ore 16:21 
shat my pants playing this
a real human 11 dic 2024, ore 2:11 
Sect1onTheKlown 12 nov 2024, ore 19:23 
ive beat the game, wheres part 2 of it?
Joe Biden 21 ott 2024, ore 13:00 
I liked this map when i was young
retrobit85 20 ott 2024, ore 18:11 
is there a sandbox version of this i don't like getting jump scared.
Mr Raven 19 ott 2024, ore 16:56 
Would a sandbox Version come out at some point