Garry's Mod

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31 ratings
[SWTOR] Star Wars : The Old Republic Music Soundtrack - Part 02
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Effects
Addon Tags: Fun, Roleplay
File Size
142.322 MB
19 Jan, 2016 @ 12:56pm
25 Jan, 2016 @ 12:30pm
4 Change Notes ( view )

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[SWTOR] Star Wars : The Old Republic Music Soundtrack - Part 02

In 2 collections by AkainuTAMAKI
[SWTOR] Star Wars : The Old Republic Music Soundtrack
4 items
Star Wars Music Soundtrack
12 items
It's an extended version of an Addon called "Star Wars Music Speakers"

With this mod you can spawn the speaker from the enities menu, in the Star Wars Music section. Press " E " on the speaker to play the Music.

In this Addon you can find 45 Music Soundtrack of [SWTOR] Star Wars : The Old Republic :
- Clash of Destiny
- The Mandalorian Blockade
- Glory, the Galactic Republic
- Tython, the Wellspring
- Justice, the Jedi Knight
- Peace, the Jedi Consular
- Ord Mantell, the Battleground
- Bravado, the Smuggler
- Hope, the Republic Trooper
- Domination, the Sith Empire
- Korriban, the Homeworld
- Deception, the Sith Warrior
- Treachery, the Sith Inquisitor
- Nal Hutta, the Glorious Jewel
- Scum, the Bounty Hunter
- Villainy, the Imperial Agent
- Coruscant, the Capital
- The Battle for Coruscant
- Dromund Kaas, the Seat of Power
- Taris, the Plague
- Nar Shaddaa, the Playground
- Tatooine, the Desert Sands
- Alderaan, the Throne
- The Siege of Alderaan
- Balmorra, the Forge
- The Occupation of Balmorra
- Hoth, the Frozen Wastes
- Belsavis, the Ancient Prison
- Voss, the Mystic Garden
- Corellia, the Shipyards
- Shake That Wampa Down
- See You On The Dark Side
- Smeelaaya Whao Tupee Upee
- Run Kessel Run
- One Chuba Too Many
- Shapa Keesay (Shape-Shifter)
- In The Escape Pod
- Yesterday's Jawa
- Average Brown Wookiee
- Do The Holos Show Up On The Bill?
- Kayfoundo Naweea
- Doe Azalus Ootmian
- Cut the Phobium
- That Slippery Little Hutt of Mine
- Credits Where Credits Are Due

Hope you Enjoy.

Credits :
LucasFilm, BioWare, EA for Star Wars: The Old Republic
Mark Griskey (composer)
The Hunter & Ukushino [Arukana] for the concept 'Star Wars Music Speaker'