The Isle

The Isle

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Allo Apex Predator
By A Distinguished Gentleman
As a Allosaurus this is a guide how to take down big game. Like Shantongusaurus, Trike's, And Ofcourse the Allo´s faveriot Meal the Maiasaura Everbody
The Stalk
You want to be behind your prey at all time as they are moving you move so they wont hear you footstep's or you could crouch behind Bushes. Then when they are moving and turning away from you. You want then to move in at all cost do not be spotted. But if they get to close and facing there head toward's you you need to back off.
The Chase Begin's
Once the chase begin's you want to stay behind the prey at all cost either come from the side. you dont whana get in range of there hoofe's once you get few bite's in there you and bring the animal down. once when they prey is down you celebrate. after a good ambush all it all pay's off in the end.
If Everything Goes South
If Something goes rong you want to back of for a while until they let there guard down.
There is a tactic that ive learned whit Shanto's and Trike's never NEVER!. Run to fast they might stop then you are screwed. they will stop and then Trample you down like a man walking over a bug.
The Prey's Defense
If you are unlucky and the prey goes into defense then. you want to circle around and keep doing that until it turn around then you strike.

The Shant defense is it's hard skull and stomp like i said never run to fast and never get in front of it.

The Goes whit the same for Trike the have there horn in the front.

Maia you can run straight in they often run.
How to know if prey is injured
Often whit prey you see when they are ether limping or running away from there group instead of fighting