719 ratings
Guide to Mining in Lordran.
By aShotOfDaniels
So, you want to strike it rich, whether alone or with a friend? Then you've come to the right guide!

The Tools
To enable you to wrench those stubborn precious stones from the earth's unrelenting grasp, you'll require the right tool for the job.

Luckily for you, there's a miner's boon in the form of the durable Pickaxe!


This truly astonishing piece of craftsmenship can be found upon the corpse of Belrand the Rat-Buggerer in the Irithyll Dungeon, next to the sewer grate in the Domain of the Bi-polar Giant. (Beware of rodents).


With this marvelous piece of simple ingenuity, you'll have both the shattering blows and the leverage to get to your sparkling prizes!

The Method, and the Rewards
So, you have the tool, but do you have the method?

Firstly, you should locate a rock containing the unmistakable gleam of gemstones. The Farron Swamp has an abundance of veins ripe for the taking; Just beware of the Hotdogs of Farron.

Some gemstones may infact be prism stones, an abundant and common lure that trick new miners; do not be fooled, and remember to prospect your finds correctly!


When it comes to mining, it's not always about how hard you hit the rock. Sometimes you require a light touch with a little precision, other times it's the fully charged shattering blow that gets you the goods. Remember, the pickaxe is just an extension of your body.


Don't forget that mining with a friend can help stave off boredom and loneliness, and also increase your yield several times over!

Keep these tips in mind, and soon you'll have your own little pile of wealth. Guard it with jealousy.


Stay in Shape!
Constant physical activity is only good for you if you remember to eat...






And Rest!



After all, you can't defend your precious haul if you're exhausted, or hollow.

Thanks for Reading.


plant cells 8 Nov, 2024 @ 7:49am 
tip: only wear master's attire, you'll be drenched in sweat
The Grand Mac 3 Nov, 2024 @ 5:26pm 
You're not funny, and you got the location wrong, too.
Mango 15 Feb, 2023 @ 6:44am 
what do you mean i cant do a dwarf fortress playthrough in dark souls 3
James Sandwichland 18 Dec, 2020 @ 12:54am 
Very informative but a little bit historically inaccurate.
Miners dont get rest.
UltraCoolKiddo 19 Feb, 2020 @ 4:48am 
You got me at Belrand the Rat-Buggerer XD
Well played sir, well played.
Bob Johnson Fan Acount 4 Jun, 2019 @ 8:54am 
finally, my minecraft skills can be put to good work!
Ray 9 Apr, 2019 @ 5:12am 
nice, you can powerlvl your mining easy in the Mad Kings Capitol before the Three Headed Gargoyle fight
ARSM™ 24 Mar, 2019 @ 9:48pm 
Thanks 100 man, i just got 1000 material
_Zero 10 Aug, 2018 @ 9:43pm 
Bring a friend with notched whip if you need extra motivation. Also, don't forget to use the weapon art just so you will manage to stay fresh for much longer time....
aShotOfDaniels  [author] 9 Feb, 2018 @ 11:09pm 
I couldn't help it man! Dark Lols brings out my inner filthy troll.