

28 ratings
Elite Steam Badges Guide
By TheLukrie💠
This Guide wants to showcase the most elite and best steam badges that are out there.
Not just any random old game badges, but only the Exclusive Badges.
Most Elite Badges (from LEAST- to MOST elite)
Level 1
Game Collector Badges (1+ to 8k+)
These Badges just show that you have to much money.
Level 2
Years of Service Badges (1 - 6 years)
These Badges show that you found steam earlier than most.
Level 3
Community Badges
These Badges show that you've done some basic "steam things".
Level 4
Event Badges
These Badges showcase that you've been active on steam and in steam events.
Level 5
Years of Service Badges (7 - 12+ years)
These Badges showcase that you've been on steam for a very long time and that you're probably trustworthy.
Level 6
Community Translator Badges
These Badges showcase that you know you're way around 2 or more languages and that you're probably trustworthy.
Level 7
Steamworks Developer Badge
This Badge shows that you're a Legit Game Developer on Steam and that you're probably trustworthy.
Level 8
Steam Community Moderator Badge
This Badge shows that you're a Moderator on Steam and that you're most likely trustworthy.
Level 9
Valve Employee Badge
This Badge shows that you're a Employee at Valve and that you are a trustworthy member of the Steam community.
This is the highest Tier of steam badges!
What Level are you?
Write the highest Level of Badges you currently own in the comments below.
Only the highest one counts. The ones below don't :)
For example: If you own: 1,2,3,4,7
Then 7 is the highest, so that's you're "Level"
ᛏᚼᛅ ᛏᚬᛒᚢ 10 Jul, 2016 @ 2:04pm 
I am Lvl 7
Squishy 10 Jul, 2016 @ 1:49pm 
cool :D
TheLukrie💠  [author] 10 Jul, 2016 @ 1:48pm 
No. Only the highest one counts. The ones below don't :)
In my case, I own: 1,2,3,4,7
7 is the highest so that's my "Level"
Squishy 10 Jul, 2016 @ 1:46pm 
so does that mean you have all the badges below 7 too? like translator?
Squishy 10 Jul, 2016 @ 1:45pm 
3 :S
TheLukrie💠  [author] 5 Jun, 2016 @ 2:04am 
I'm Level 7 :D