Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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SR3 Lap Computer
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12 Jun, 2016 @ 2:43pm
3 Jul, 2016 @ 6:30pm
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SR3 Lap Computer

Spot Racing Events #3 - Canyon Pass
Script by: SDragon 42

NOW WITH AN ARTIFICIAL HORIZON DISPLAY!!! (big thanks to Whiplash for letting my drop it in here. A link to his script is below)

This script will provide data for four displays on your racer, the current lap and lap time display, the current speed display, a lap time log display, and an artificial horizon display. Only the lap current lap display is required, the others are optional.

the program will recognize one argument, "reset", which is used to reset the script to a ready to race state.

Place 1 timer block, and set the delay to 1 sec. For the actions, add the timer block to "start", and to "Trigger now".
Also add the program block to "Run" with an empty argument field.

Place the Text panels to display the information. Name them using the names that are defined in the script. The displays will be automatically configured to display public text and the appropriate font size is set.

The GPS coordinates are from the Space Engineers GPS system. The one addition is the number at the end of
the line (45.0). This is the radius out from the GPS point that a ship must pass through. In this case, it is a
sphere of 90 meters across.
Multiple points can be defined for "check points" that must be crossed. Each point must be separated with
a "\n". The first point must be the start/finish point.

-- Credits --
Artificial Horizon by Whiplash
CreativeSamurai 8 Dec, 2016 @ 6:35pm 
thank you fella. ill have a look alittle l8ers im having trouble with S.E atm with the new Dev update. my pc is dying 10 fps :(
SDragon  [author] 8 Dec, 2016 @ 6:18pm 
Having an issue trying to upload the world. But the course that I wrote the script for is here:
And here is the racer I made for it:

If you still have problems getting it to work, you can add me on steam and I can join your world to work on it.
CreativeSamurai 8 Dec, 2016 @ 3:00pm 
@SDragon, the script runs but wont display n e thing on the LCD's I was hopin to use it in a raced track my group have made as we dont have a way of tracking lap times.
SDragon  [author] 8 Dec, 2016 @ 12:11am 
Is it throwing any errors? Not displaying anything? or just not tracking laps? I'll upload a world tomorrow of the race course it was made for with a ship already configured for it.
CreativeSamurai 6 Dec, 2016 @ 12:07pm 
I am unable to get this script to work. Any suggestionsa?