Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Modular Cube Racetrack [STABLE]
Type: World
430.605 KB
2016. júl. 18., 19:33
2016. júl. 20., 18:16
4 változásjegyzék ( megnézés )

Feliratkozás a letöltéshez
Modular Cube Racetrack [STABLE]

***This world works in Stable version of the game***
**This world contain mods but will also work just fine 100% vanilla**

This DIY modular racetrack is designed to create fast-paced, action packed racing... and boy does it work! The small volume cubic concept designed for 0-G creative mode and destruction OFF will make nearly any configurations you can think of filled with difficult turns and twists resulting in non-stop close-quarter turning action. No speed mod needed! Just in case that is still not challenging enough for you, it is usable in atmosphere and I included hazards modules to make the life of would-be pilots even harder. Rotating poles, closing walls and turrets will force you to make quick-thinking, last-second decisions.

Also has Antenna and MedBay for remote access and respawn. The cube frame contains Ion thrusters in case you hit the ''convert to ship'' button by mistake. Can be used in Atmosphere as station blocks, not as ship. Ion alone will not keep it in the air.

---Modules Included---

-Cube Frame
-Starting Grid Simple (no countdown/lights/rotors)(+ Atmo variant)
-Starting Grid Countdown (Retractable lights and projections Countdown System)(+ Atmo variant)
-Standard Ring
-Wall Panel
-Arrow Wall Panel
-Entrance Wall Panel
-Rotato hazard Module
-Double Rotato hazard Module
-Wall Trap hazard Module
-Turret hazard Module*

*Remember, racetrack is designed for block destruction set to OFF. If you allow block destruction AND place turrets, your race won't last more than a single lap (or maybe two, if you're lucky). I recommend leaving block destruction OFF, but turn Weapons ON. Even though weapons don't do any damage, they do cause some shaking and rocking around when you get hit. Combined with the close-quarter environment and visual / audio effects, they are disturbing enough to create an additional challenge even with destruction OFF.

see here for a finished product example:
Spot-Race Cubed Model 1

---RECOMMENDED MODS (currently present in the world):

-Upgraded Thrusters by Karmine (HIGHLY recommended for best performances. Makes Ion and Hydrogen 2x more powerful and Atmo 5x more powerful)

-Cockpit LCD mod by IshyDaFishy (HIGHLY recommended. For use with SR Lap Computer Script)

-Small Ship Ion upgrade Module by Tomas (Keen SWH) (Optional. Use hydrogen thrust for best performances)

-Removed Armor Edges by Visentinel (Really optional. Aesthetic only, doesn't change any functionality / performance)

-SR Lap Computer script by Sdragon42 (HIGHLY recommended!)

---ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDED MODS for use in atmosphere (Not currently present in the world):

-Aerodynamic Physics mod [STABLE]


-Wing Block by Digi

---Building Instructions---

Building is straight-forward but fairly time-consuming.

-Subscribe to this world and load it in-game
-Think of a layout
-Start by placing Arrow Wall Panels indicating where your turns will be. Alternatively, you may start by enclosing the layout, then placing arrows, but I've found it more productive to start with the arrows.
-Place Wall Panels to enclose your layout. At this point it's starting to take form and the layout becomes visible and navigable.
-Place Rings where you know there won't be any hazards. Alternatively, you may start by placing hazards first. Additionaly i should mention that rings are somewhat optional as once enclosed with wall panels, the path is fairly obvious. They are recommended still as they increase difficulty level and makes the track look better.
-Place hazards modules
-Turn Lights and Hazards ON. Search for groups containing words ''Light'' and ''Hazard''
-Change Turret hazards ownership to Space Pirate faction.
-Set Your Start / Finish GPS location for use in SR Lap Computer Script (more details about that below)
-Place your racer(s) on the Starting Grid. The 0-G Starting Grids variants have no actual grid to place your racer(s) on, just paste it in front of the starting ring.
-Access Starting Grid and start ***COUNTDOWN 20 SEC*** (If using the Starting Grid Countdown module variant)

---Building tips---

-When CTRL+C'ing a module, make sure you're aiming your crosshair at the merge block. It makes it SO MUCH easier to paste on another merge block afterward.

-Arrow Wall Panels have arrows on both sides. It allows more freedom of placement but may conflict with other paths (as in: an arrow on one side is pointing the right way, but the arrow on the other side of the panel is not because of the layout). If it happens, I recommend simply removing the arrow on the conflicting side. It will look like an ordinary Wall Panel.

---Vehicle Spec Recommendations---

Anything less than a ''thruster cluster'' will have a hard time navigating efficiently in pretty much any layout you can come up with. An optimal Racer is provided in the world, it has a downward Thrust-to-Weight ratio of 8... That gives you an idea of the performances needed. Yes, we're talking highly specialized machines here.

Just know that:
1- More thrust = faster pacing = more difficult = more exciting
2- Mass is your mortal enemy. Get rid of it at all costs

included in world:
Pure Racer Hydrogen (Vanilla and Modded variant)

Get your Thrust-to-Weight ratio easily with this tool by Sdragon42:

---SR Lap Computer Script Setup---

This is a racing script to run on your racer grid. It provides lap times, lap logs and averages as well as an artificial horizon and velocity vector. A must-have for any would-be racing engineer!

-Subscribe to the script and load it into a PB (link in the mod listing section above)
-Set a TB to 1 sec timer
-Set the following TB actions:
-Start itself
-Trigger Now
-PB Run with default argument
-Make GPS point at the start / finish ring and paste the coordinate on the appropriate line in the script. As documented in the script, the last number of the line is the GPS radius (meters). Make that ''18.0''
-Set your LCD screens names as specified in the script (exact name)
-Edit appropriate values:
-number of laps
-Artificial horizon settings as you wish
-(Optional) set the PB on your toolbar with the argument ''reset'' to easily reset the script to a ''ready-to-race'' state
-Start TB and enjoy your lapping data!

Good building and good racing Gents!

Any and all feedback appreciated!

Tags: stable, racing, race, module, modular, fast-paced, check-point, cube