Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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By dubspool
Sorry to break the news to all these wannabe "wraith mains", but wraith is not that good. The rest of the guide will explain why.
Why the wraith isn't a good pick
You can hear him coming from a mile away

  • His ding dong bell is way too loud to be taken seriously when you get to anywhere past rank 18.
  • His bell time takes too long to unbell to make any sort of suprise attack happen.
  • Premonition totally stops the wraith because his cloak does not affect it
Why the other killers are better picks
Wraith is not completely terrible, but the other killers are just much better picks at all varying ranks.

  • Hillbilly has some of the same problems as wraith but uinlike wraith, the hillbilly has the power to close distance very quickly with his chainsaw sprint.
  • Trapper doesn't even have to be near a survivor to down them, his bear traps do most of thw work for him. And I find he is usually more quiet than the wraith most times.
  • Trapper's most vulnerable to the sabotuer perk, so most good trappers try to pick off Jake Park or people with toolboxes first.
Necrosmos 13 Jun, 2024 @ 4:47am 
Have you ever heard of addons? Wraith has 2 that prevent this exact problem. The coxcombed clapper makes the bell silent, and there’s another one I forgor the name if that makes survivors incapable of determining the direction or distance of the bell.

Also, the point of the bell isn’t only to catch people off guard, it’s also supposed to be used to close the distance.