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Iron Front ArmA 3 : ACE 3 Compatibility patch
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Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Mechanics
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6.411 MB
2 okt 2016 om 9:17
20 feb om 14:52
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Iron Front ArmA 3 : ACE 3 Compatibility patch

This file is a compatibility patch between Iron Front ArmA 3 (Lite) and ACE 3 addons.

Requiered :
Latest Iron Front Lite version :
Latest ACE 3 version :

Download and support tickets are directly managed on github :

Please be aware :
This addon won't directly be integrated into Iron Front, yet it is officially supported by IF dev team.
Most issues are IF Side and are actively worked on
This addons is only supposed to make IF compatible, not add any function using ACE. At least until someone wants to get into it.
104 opmerkingen
Mr.Moonman 22 feb om 13:16 
@CohuttaKid Its Battleeye not this mod, disable battleeye and it will work
RogueGuyRy 21 feb om 20:19 
Getting this everytime i boot up a map "[ACE] ERROR Extension Not found. [Return Code: -1]"

and it wont let me play. breaking the game.
Psycool(싸이쿨) 20 feb om 16:57 
Can you patch that I don't get ACE medical requiring message when I use ACE No Medical mod?
nigel 4 dec 2024 om 22:11 
admin, yuu can double click the tank and use the loadout menu to monitor the ammo issue in ZEUS
All you need to do is install the zeus enhanced mod from steam workshop for arma 3!
nigel 4 dec 2024 om 22:09 
ERM.... ADMIN???
The tanks such as sherman (and others) have modified ammo with this mod loaded.
The main cannon does not provide ample ArmorPiercing shells any more.

Would it be possible to mend this issue please?
pretty please :steamhappy::steamhappy:
Your Doctor 1 dec 2024 om 14:27 
PPSh doesnt work after put in and out of safety. And fuck everything from user ace when happen. The spamming error will be below

19:16:03 Error count: Type HashMap, expected Array
19:16:03 File WW2\Core_f\WW2_System_Infantry_f\openBolt\openBolt.sqf..., line 7
19:16:03 Error in expression <apon _unit;
if (({_x == _currentWeapon} count _safedWeapons) > 0) exitWith {};
Maitre Crabe 10 nov 2024 om 14:08 
I'm getting an issue when loading this mod on my server.

21:52:27 Missing addons detected:
21:52:27 IFA3_FOW_Compat
21:52:27 IFA3_COMP_ACE_main

Everything is set up correctly, those two mods are the only one keeping the mission from starting.
RedBull 7 nov 2024 om 16:41 
The tanks seem to have a similar problem, being unable to load their MGs or cannon depending on the tank. Works as expected without the compat mod loaded.
Ante 1 nov 2024 om 18:48 
Put up an issue on the github about it, but as of the latest update static AT weapons spawn with no ammo and are unable to be reloaded by any discernable way.
[+| CL rautamiekka 7 sep 2024 om 9:58 

Likely due to ACE3 removing the `ACE_HDBracket` thing from the ACE3 Medical and making other changes to the Medical system, the pull request 9732 being at least 1 part of that.