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How to Download Older Versions of a Steam Game
By Aevoa and 1 collaborators
This guide allows you to access and download older versions of a Steam game. This guide is also in russian.

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This guide allows you to access and download older versions of a Steam game. This is made possible because SteamDB keeps track of updates to all games, so as long as the version you want was available after the game has been publicly released, this should work.

Credit for this guide goes to Reddit user /u/GMMan_BZFlag
Step 1
Go to SteamDB[] and search for the game you want.

Step 2
Click on the app ID of the game you're looking for. This will take you to it's details page.

Step 3
On the left of the screen you'll see a menu. Navigate to "Depots", and then click on the depot ID of the one you'd like to download.

Clicking your chosen depot ID will take you to a new page.
Step 4
Now click on the "Manifests" tab.

Look at the list and find the version that you want to download. Record it's manifest ID.

Step 5
Open the Steam console by copy pasting this code into your browser's URL:

Press enter. A launch application should pop up. Select the Steam client and open the link.

This will open the Steam console in your Steam client.
Step 6
The syntax to the "download_depot" command is as follows:
download_depot <appid> <depotid> [<target manifestid>] [<delta manifestid>] [<depot flags filter>] : download a single depot

You only need to worry about the first three arguments to it. Type the command, then the app ID, depot ID, and the manifest ID of the depot version you want.

Step 7
Wait for Steam to download the depot. You won't see any indication of progress, but you can tell it's downloading by looking at the network usage on your downloads page. The download can pause/resume if your connection goes out, but won't if you restart the client.

Step 8
After the download is done, Steam will show you where the files were downloaded to.

Step 9
Go to the original game's installation directory, and move the files somewhere else. Then go to where the depot files were downloaded to, and move everything over to the game folder.
Step 10
You may have to rename the game's EXE file if the dev changed the launch options recently. You can find the current EXE name by going to the game's SteamDB page and clicking on the Configuration tab.
You should now be able to launch the old version through Steam!
Note: Game updates will make a mess of things, so if you want to stay on the same version, you should make a copy of the files so you don't have to download them again after Steam's done trying to update.
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The_Dragon_Dracul 15 Feb @ 1:02am 
If I had to delete the fresh install of the upgraded version of the game to make room for the downgraded version of the game I downloaded using the Steam console, how do I get Steam to associate the downgraded version of the game as being "Installed."?
Nitro 11 Feb @ 9:19pm 
god bless the furries, doing god's work as always
烧烤培根汉堡 19 Jan @ 9:39am 
why are there furry booty cheeks at the top of the guide
namenlosnutz 15 Jan @ 2:53pm 
Seems like depots section of SteamDB lists only those versions that can be obtained directly in Steam itself in the Betas section of game's properties dialog. For some games you can find really old versions there, but usually there's either nothing or just a preview of the upcoming update sometimes along with couple last old builds.
Dpog 10 Jan @ 4:09am 
Ripz 15 Oct, 2024 @ 5:31pm 
for anyone wondering, after getting the verson of the game you want, avoid steams stupid forced updates with this
Iridescent Lightning 6 Oct, 2024 @ 8:03am 
This is crazy. Now I can continue to play the game before devs ruined it. Thanks for the guide!
Laço 19 Sep, 2024 @ 10:51am 
Thank you very Much!
ESP - AEROKS 18 Sep, 2024 @ 6:44am 
Man, I want to try this method on games I own but I'm wondering if it's legal.
Diego 10 Sep, 2024 @ 6:09pm 
I trying to get an old version of conan exiles and put this version on a private server what i can play with friends. can someone give me some help?