Heroes of Might & Magic V: Tribes of the East

Heroes of Might & Magic V: Tribes of the East

131 ratings
How to play campaigns from original HoMM V and HoMM V: Hammers of Fate add-on owning only HoMM V: Tribes of the East
By Sakagami
How to play campaigns from original Heroes of might and magic V and Heroes of might and magic V: Hammers of Fate add-on owning only HoMM V: Tribes of the East.
Играем в кампании из оригинальных Героев меча и магии V и дополнения Герои меча и магии V: Владыки севера.
In order to play campaigns from original HoMM V and HoMM V: Hammers of Fate add-on in HoMM V: Tribes of the East you need to unzip following files into the
steam\steamapps\common\Heroes of Might and Magic 5 Tribes of the East\UserMODs

Чтобы получить возможность играть в кампании оригинала и Владык севера, нужно разархивировать файлы в
steam\steamapps\common\Heroes of Might and Magic 5 Tribes of the East\UserMODs.

Campaigns data[drive.google.com]
Campaigns cutscenes[drive.google.com]
Campaigns dialog scenes (eng)[drive.google.com]
Campaigns dialog scenes (rus)[drive.google.com]
Campaigns text (eng)[drive.google.com]
Campaigns text (rus)[drive.google.com]

Русский текст в английской версии из Steam отображаться не будет, пробуйте сначала русифицировать (сам не пробовал, мне это не нужно), однако играть это не помешает.
Doug 29 Dec, 2024 @ 9:31am 
Crap. I forgot. Without completing the Druid Secondary Objective, you can't fight the first army. AAAARGGGHH!!!
Doug 29 Dec, 2024 @ 9:23am 
Good news: I've successfully completed the first Primary Objective: "Help Haven troops out from encirclement."

So at least not all Objectives are impossible to complete.
Doug 29 Dec, 2024 @ 8:15am 
<sigh> I seem to have a new issue.

I'm playing the HoF Campaign's first scenario: Rebels

And the quest the Seer gives to kill the Druids doesn't update when I do so, nor does the seer give me the XP when I turn it in.

I'll keep playing and see if I have issues with other Objectives. That one's just a Secondary (Optional) Objective, so it's not mission-critical.. just a pita.
Doug 28 Dec, 2024 @ 10:56am 
Nvm.. I got it. For anyone else having the same issue.

The Ubisoft version doesn't have a UserMODs folder in the top level HoMM V Tribes of the East folder (Mine is C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Heroes of Might and Magic V Tribes of the East)

1) Create a UserMODs subfolder in this folder

2) Download the four .h5u files from Mesqalito's Oct 29/21 comment. (You need to copy and paste each URL into your browser and remove the space between 'media' and 'fire' before hitting <Enter>. I assume that's there to keep Steam from flagging them.)

3) Move the four .h5u files into your new UserMODs folder (Do NOT unzip them).

4) Open HoMM V ToE On the Single Player - Campaign window, there will be three icons at the top of the menu, one for HoMM V, one for HoMM V Hammers of Fate, and one for HoMM V Tribes of the East.
Doug 26 Dec, 2024 @ 12:22pm 
Hey. I'm clearly good and late to this idea. I own all three H5 games (original, HoF, & ToE).
I played the Original campaign. Started HoF and find there's no 'Wait' button in combat! That seems an odd thing to lose.

So I decided I'd 'upgrade' all three to the ToE engine (as per this Guide). But I bought mine from Ubisoft (launched from UPlay). And, ofc, the paths are different. Which I thought would be no problem. But there's no UserMODs subfolder. And I created one and unzipped the files there, but my ToE doesn't find/recognize/use them.

Anyone know how this differs for the UPlay version? Or if there's something already in the UserMODs subfolder that I might see and recognize it as the place to move these files?
Engine 5 Oct, 2024 @ 3:32am 
Ошибка 404, что делать?
Jo 17 Mar, 2024 @ 1:16am 
Amazing thanks!
BlakesSanctum 18 Feb, 2024 @ 10:05pm 
As well as the below Celestial heavens link that works, I should point out like Avatar did that if you copy & paste each link text out of Mesqalito's post below into a new window and remove the space between media & fire the downloads still work fine.
Emperor 9 Mar, 2023 @ 1:24am 
here you can find all files but only for english version of the game.
copy all files to usermod dir
SAB с тунцом 9 Jan, 2023 @ 11:54pm 
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