Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Diescraper Redux
Showing 1-6 of 6 entries
Update: 29 Oct, 2018 @ 12:39am

- Fixed split mission files for competitive modes not working.

Update: 26 Aug, 2018 @ 9:25am

Version 3.61:
- Added support and spawnpoints for custom scripted weapons.
- The finale ammo boxes now detect when the players ammo pool is full.

Update: 17 Sep, 2016 @ 9:09am

Version 3.6:

-Replaced brushwork with models in many places. This should improve performance in open areas in the skyscraper.

Map 2:
-Added support for Gnome Guardians.

Map 4:
-Ammo boxes can now be used twice by any player and have better sound effects and hints.
-Replaced the random low-ammo tier 2 weapon spawns with more traditional ones.
-Fixed the chairs in the corner executive office being able to block the door.
-The shiny ball statue now fits through the door to the corner executive office.
-Added windsock to the helipad.
-Added support for Gnome Guardians.

Update: 15 Nov, 2014 @ 11:13am

Version 3.5:

-Hints now show for all players.
-Added survivor clips to some hard to reach spots.
-Toned down the spotlight effects.
-Misc. detailing and optimization.

Map 1:
-Disabled intro camera in versus.
-Disabled fall damage and spit in the elevator.
-Made some of the cars in the garage static.
-Deleted some of the physics cars in versus.
-Added clip brushes over static cars.
-Added small area before the basement staircase drop.
-Made the smoke effect more transparent.
-Added broken wall between two apartments.

Map 2:
-Moved obstructing light.
-Increased the clearance on some infected-only areas.
-The breakble wall in the breakroom can now be broken by all infected in versus.
-Added another hole in the ceiling in the alarm event.

Map 3:
-Added more manouvering area and railings at the ladders.
-Added LOS blocks to hopefully prevent premature coop tank spawns in the staircase.
-Added infected ladder to the first one-way drop.
-Removed the random barricade after the event.

Map 4:
-Added new decals and props.
-Added railings below the helipad.
-Added breakable wall and broken to conference room.
-Added custom breakable statue.
-All infected can now break the windows.
-Added limited use ammo boxes to the coop finale.
-Fixed special infected not spwaning in Holdout.

Update: 2 Jun, 2013 @ 6:31am

-Full release now merged with the EMS enabled Beta version.
-Added support for several EMS gamemodes (Beta only).
-Added small outdoor area to the first skyscraper lobby.
-Added override to Skymall event, in case the scipt fails.
-Redesigned the climbing section at the end of the third level.
-Slightly adjusted helipad wind.
-Improved instructor messages and glows.
-Made the finale route shorter in versus.
-Changed and shortened the outro.
-Improved coop finale weapon spawns.
-Optimized finale map to make holdout work.
-Added the gunhunt random spawning mechanism to holdout.
-Fixed helicopter clipping bug.
-Changed finale weapon spawning behaviour (Beta only).
-Misc. bug fixes.

Update: 18 Jan, 2013 @ 1:03am

-Added Burger Tank signs!
-Fixed players getting stuck in the elevator ceiling.
-Fixed elevator floor number signs fading on low settigns.
-Reverted the skymall event behaviour due to fixed game bug.
-Helicopter animation now displays correctly at the end of the outro.
-Improved instructor messages.
-Improved onslaught event balance.
-Slightly increased item/weapon spawns.
-It's now slightly easier to to stay on the helipad.
-Apartment building now closer to meeting fire-safety standards.
-Minor detailing, tweaks and performance improvements.