Galactic Contention # - Angry Tendrils - LIVE
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Update: 1 May, 2024 @ 3:18pm

ADS hotfix

Update: 27 Apr, 2024 @ 7:46pm

# Galactic Contention 7.3 - Blizzard Enlightenment

April 27, 2024 - 3GB to 12GB

:classical_building: Server 1 is online and updated!
:classical_building: Server 2 is online and updated!
:PSGLoading: Server 3 is updating!

## Main Changes at a Glance:

## Infantry
- Galactic Marines now have a 15LE lite medic kit (replaced 15A tuned) and 15A Lite rifleman (replaced T20)
- DC-15LE Lite fixes
- 501st Snowy Air Assault V1/V2 and Droid Snowy Air Assault V1/V2 implemented for testing; V1 and V2 used on Rhen Var RINV V4 and V5 respectively
- Moved pistol to be first weapons on slot 2 for droid GL kit; consistency change to match virtually every other kit
- Geonosian models texture fix
- DC-17M weapon handling tweaks; similar recoil with smoother overall control
- Fixed inability to lean with Gungan spear
- New infantry muzzle flash FX
- New anti-vehicle mine with new trigger setup to fix mines not working
- Fixed 212 Desert Commando having an M18 Blue Smoke instead of a Blue Smoke Detonator
- New models added to Clone Rebels
- Fixes/updates to PiP on Valken and DC-15LE reticles

## Buildables
- Tusken Carcis move a little faster
- Added camo netting to GE Habs; were missed when other HABs were given netting

## Vehicles
- Aircraft no longer shoot wherever the player is looking; fixes strange interaction when pilot was freelooking
- LAAT can zoom in with `Shift` again; outdated testing setup was preventing this
- All aircraft seats given burn protection
- UT-AT turret health fixed from replicating at too low of a health
- Carriers can no longer pick up other aircraft
- Carriers now have a "banned list" of vehicles they are able to pick up
- Fixed stap and barc huds breaking after getting out and back in
- SAT side turret huds now dont block out other UI elements
- Fighters are making their way back in this update!

## Fighters

## Maps
- Geonosis
- Significant edits on west side of map to let the mountain main perform better (mountain side is more transversable)
- New POIs have more/better cover
- Significant amount of death holes removed
- New minimap
- New RINV layer created "GC_Geonosis_RINV_V1"
- Naboo
- 3 new POIs on the northern side of the map
- Terrain edits around mains to fit new mains
- New RINV layer created "GC_NabooPlains_RINV_V1"
- Morak 2
- New roads to navigate better on the west side of the map
- 1 new POI
- Galban
- Fixed spikes in roads
- New RINV layer(s) created "GC_Galban_RINV_V1" && For testing figthers "GC_Galban_RINV_V2" and "GC_Galban_RINV_V3"
- Ryloth
- General map updates
- Mygeeto
- Fixed collisions on the destroyed buildings
- Fixed collisions on snow patches
- Fixed collisions on bridges
- Sesid
- General terrain edits to NW, NE, E sides of the map
- Fixed various rock collisions with vehicles
- Added new/more islands
- Old POIs revamped
- New RINV layer created "GC_Sesid_RINV_V1"
- Tatooine
- New minimap
- Main city roads added and some houses cleared to make for better vehicle navigation
- Additions to northern POIs to give attacks more cover
- New RINV layer created "GC_Tatooine_RINV_V1"
- Rhen Var
- Fixed RINV_V2 using the wrong logi vehicle spawn
- Yavin 4
- Fixed vehicle spawners
- Fixed preplaced main deployables

## Other
- Attempt to make VOIP List appear during voting, no way to test in editor so we will see in live; this is to aide moderation at match end
- You can finally shoot through the windows of some Sci fi building that we have. We removed the windows and added ladders to a few of them to allow a better gameplay and defensive position.
- New layer configuration list is available on Github.

:x: Excluded layers we highly recommend are "GC_BespinPlatforms_INV_V1" & "GC_BespinPlatforms_AAS_V2"

:package:: https://github.com/Buff-oG/Galactic-Contention-Server-Template/releases/tag/v7.3

:warning:: For server hoster, we highly suggest you to use the Squad map vote instead of SquadJs which have too many inconsistencies.

Update: 27 Mar, 2024 @ 4:55pm

# 7.2.1 - We Love Democracy Update
* March 27 - ##.##gb

## Infantry
* New DC-17M textures
* New deployables for Tuskens:
* Razor wires
* Low Walls
* (New) Medium Walls
* High Walls
* New bunker with camo net
* Tusken watermelon changed to black & yellow (follows Mandalorian canon)
* New Tusken TOW
* Moved shield generators to tech structures; this prevents FTLs from placing shield generators
* Added camo net coverings on HAB doors
* Removed ammo crates on the exterior of HABs to help placing in tight spaces

## Vehicles
* Improved N99 driving indicator
* LAAT and HMP now have velocity direction indicators
* All aircraft can now auto-range their weapons
* Custom aircraft keybinds now listed in top right of screen
* HMP gunner sounds fade faster + new firing sound to better identify them

## Maps
* Adjusted map boundaries for all Bespin layers
* Added no-deploy zones to the top of Acclamator hangars
* Adjusted Coruscant no-deploy zones
* Updated Galban POIs & mains. Entire overhaul of Galban.
* Updated Galban minimap
* Sullust minimap updated
* New shield generators replace old ones on Sullust
* CIS Droids seeding faction kits and amounts adjusted to properly support seeding
* Thicker fog on Mygeeto; increased to make open sightlines more obscured
* New shield bubble system for shields on ship hangars and Sullust
* Utilize a shield control panel to display HP and de-/activate linked shields
* Regen HP after taking critical damage instead of being invincible

## Other
* Crashed Y-Wing dev deployable sight adjustments
* New map thumbnails for map voting
* New admin menu features
* Vehicle widget to turn aircraft engines off before teleporting to prevent associated issues
* Vehicle widget shows status indicators of vehicles
* "Teleport to Camera" and flip features no longer work unless the vehicle's engine is off
* Added option to flip vehicles with either vanilla or GC's flip function
* Player widget allows players to be placed in and removed from ragdoll state

## Bug Fixes
* Valken bipod/projectile fix
* Fixed limits on placing mortars and AV-6s
* Venator Invasion - Skirmish ticket fixes
* GC custom UI fix for appearing where it shouldn't/when disabled
* Yavin4 rocks updated to prevent crawling underneath in certain areas
* Fixed TX-130 - top turret reticle mesh collisions
* AAT ammo rack moved to intended location
* Fixed reported collision issues on Morak 2
* Fixed level streaming on Sesid Equator; makes the map playable again
* Fixed Galban water killing players
* Fixed Galban hangar's props having no visual effects linked
* Fixed Kashyyyk acclamator ramp alignment
* Sullust texture patch missing on Protected Flora fixed
* LAAT/LE and ARC-170 pilots reaching out of the vehicle

## Know issues
* GC_BespinPlatforms_INV_V1 is not playable. Spawn and collision issues

Update: 22 Feb, 2024 @ 4:22pm

# Galatic Contention 7.1.1 - Hotfix
*February 22 - 3GB - 8GB size

## Bug Fixes

* MAJOR - Droids Combined Arms no restrictions fixed

* MAJOR - N99 side pods collision for Skel bounds heavily affect his driving abilities on terrains.

* MAJOR - Sesid 1 Water killing everything has been fixed

* LAAT PILOTS can finally range with their weapons has been fixed.

* Rotary Cannons + HMP gunners concurrent sounds modified to prevent freezes/client crashes

* Morak Legacy INV V1 is now a RINV layer.

## Gameplay

* MAJOR - ALL JET PACK KITS ARE A FIRE SUPPORT FROM NOW ON INSTEAD OF A STANDARD ROLE. Must be within a squad 3 to have it and a limit of 5 per team.

Update: 21 Feb, 2024 @ 8:14pm

# Galatic Contention 7.1.1 - Update
*February 21 - 4.0GB - 23GB update size

## Bug Fixes
### Infantry & Vehicles
* Clone commando skins fixed
* 41st Airborne medic skin fixed
* Attempted fix for invincible clones
* Valken projectile offset fixed
* Improved texture visuals for player models
* E-WEB sounds lowered
* Missing material on AA gun screen fixed
* Fixed camo netting on bunker buildable
* Magnaguard has weapon sway now
* SAT rotary gun SFX no longer plays globally
* General gunship gunner fixes
* MBT reload bug fix
* Fixed floating passengers on N99
* Fixed dead body props to no longer have vehicle collisions
* Fixed vehicle weapons causing micro freezes when firing
* LAAT armor fixed
* Fix for LAAT/LE glass obscuring vision
* Weapon scopes having issues on higher FOVs fixed
* Gunship weaponry + AA having way higher armor pen than intended fixed
* TX-130 HE not having any drop + higher muzzle velocity fixed
* TX-130 Imperial top turret uses red rather than blue to avoid confusion on Clone Rebellion layers
* UT-AT HEAT round no longer has a (nonfunctional) client side duplicate round firing
* AT-XT has armor mesh hidden (was enabled for debug stuff)
* Fixed vehicle engine damage resistance
* Fixed admin teleport vehicle to camera
* Further fixes to LAAT to prevent gunner self-damage in forward flight
* LAAT Pilot & Co-Pilot now visible again
* 241st Marksman has bacta now
* GAR 212th and 327th P2 now using the underbarrel UGL with smoke instead of a smoke grenade launcher
* Fixed Tusken Demo not having AT mines
* N99 physics edit fix to prevent it from disappearing at certain camera angles
### Maps
* Sesid Equator vehicle spawns
* Fix for elevator clicking sounds
* Removed recapturable points on Ryloth invasion layers. They are standard invasion cap points now.
* Aircraft spawns on Ryloth fixed.
* Fixed mesh holes in rocks on Morak & Sesid Equator
* Fixed a hole on Kashyyyk
* Ryloth_INS_V1 issue fixed
* Ryloth Canyons restriction zones replaced with invisible walls to prevent instant death
* Fixed Bespin Acclamator doors being closed
* Fixed Sullust rocks near tunnels having no textures
* Fixed Mygeeto T-Posing clones at round start/end screen
* Yavin 4 low heightbox killing fixed
* Yavin 4 spawn camera no longer under map
* Yavin 4 INV V2 capture points fixed
* Corrected spelling error on Naboo AAS V1
* Corvette seed uses proper seeding factions; role restrictions fixed
* Collisions on Naboo buildings fixed
* Updated collision for rocks on Kashyyyk to prevent people from hiding inside them
* Fixed Coruscant RINV factions being backwards
* Out of bounds/restriction zone warnings fixed
* Fixed a few spawns on Morak Valley
* Coruscant_AAS_V1_TUSK - TUSK Heavy Vics should now spawn in properly
* Fixed naming of POIs on Felucia

## Content & General Updates
### Infantry
* All weapons now have less max moving sway + recover faster from moving to be more in line with GC rather than vanilla ICO
* Removed the amount of scrathes on optics to make seeing in darker environments easier
* Medics now get the option of a scoped carbine or rifle with holographic optic
* Re-enabled HAT/LAT lean; very slow but possible
* Removed DC-17 point shooting
* Paratrooper clones now use DC-15A Lites instead of DC-15LE Lite
* Geonosian Operator SL now has fusion cutter
* RG4D scope uses different reticle to avoid weird texture issue when using NVGs
* E5B (droid shotgun) no longer has a much larger spread than the DP-23
* E5 BX recoil redone
* Super Tactical Droid textures updated
* Super Tactical Droid snow skin added; can be seen with the DroidOps and Droids Snow factions
* Tusken player requirement for radios 4 > 2
* Ammobox moved to fortification section (so fireteam leads can place them)
* All bolt action cyclers (Mosins) have a bigger scope picture now, can also use iron sights
* Crude round penetration fixed (can now pen up to 50mm)
* All Tusken Weapons sway brought to be same-ish as DC15-S
* Fixed old space Zu lasers to now both be green
* Various Tusken weapon post-ICO fixes for attachments and ADS pictures
* Kamyer pistol bullet count upgraded in magazine; 18 to 30. Still semi-automatic. It's not longer a silver baller but a rugged pistol.
* Tusken LAT kits have AT nades
* Tusken Weaponry handling adjusted + fixed scopes when having a higher than default FOV
* Adjusted Cycler 20 to have a bit more recoil since
* All tuskens are now using the GC Fusion Cutter
* Tusken Zepellin strike cooldown reduced

### Vehicles
* Added different AP and HEAT effects on Tank Sabots
* Aircraft projectiles leave scorch marks, and no longer sound like popcorn on impact
* STAP & BARC speeder driving models have been completely reworked to handle much better
* Adjusted armor meshes, ammo rack, and engine components for all armored vehicles (engine health was significantly reduced, and ammo racks made more accessible)
* Aircraft projectile impact SFX changed
* Vehicle ammo rack HAT damage multiplier increased to 1.2 (from 0.8)
* TX-130 gunner HUD - increased font size of ammo indicator
* TX-60 driving model rework (drives closer to a TX-130)
* LAAT Ball Gunner Laser Beam SFX fixed
* SAT engine improvements
* N99 driving model rework
* N99 and HMP have muzzle flash
* SAT AA turret projectile impacts SFX changed
* SAT Rotary cannon SFX changed
* Hailfire map icon
* Hailfire rocket weapon updated
* Forklift collisions optimized
* Optimized destroyed forklift
* Forklift lift code optimized
* Forklift seats now use proper outdoor sound mixer
* Forklift health 1500 > 1000
* Forklift HAT damage mult 2 > 1
* New forklift fork control tip text
* New forklift logi variant
* New forklift spg-9 mg3 variant (admin menu only for now)
* Miniskiff put on full auto again (same values as rotary SAT blaster)(miniskiff remains admin only)
* Skiff passenger seats added
* Skiff destroyed model added
* Fixed flip radial on skiff
* Small, temporary sail barge overhaul
* All E-Webs have a force shield
* Space ZU23 is now remotely controlled - the gunner cannot be killed
* New room inside the barge has been added to put all the standing tuskens from outside to inside the mesh. Adds a nice interior containing a Gonk droid, a dancing twilek and a carpet
* Swap time between each seat is 0.5 seconds instead of 0.2 on the Barge.

### Maps
Sesid Equator
* Fixed level streaming
* Clone main additions
* New minimap
* Optimization/bug fixes

* Ryloth Canyons new small cover/concealment options added
* Ryloth Seeding layers - respawn times down to 5 seconds, was 30
* Adjusted Ryloth Canyons map boundaries for clarity

Morak Legacy
* New minimap
* Venator replaced with updated model
* Converted last points of INV to random POIs (mixing INV and RINV)
* Reduced both attacker and defender tickets
* Added landing pads to ground mains
* Fixed various trees that were in the way

Rhen Var
* Rhen Var night specific layers removed
* Rhen Var AAS V2/INV V3 added
* Rhen Var Venator now has no deploy zones to prevent cheese tactics

Other Maps
* Yavin4_INV_V4 removed
* Coruscant_RINV_V1 removed
* Miniosis minimap updated
* Smaller props on Geonosis no longer have vehicle collisions
* Crate stacks added to Coruscant to some areas to allow infantry to leap down without death
* Swapped textures for CIS and GAR repair stations to better fit the general color schemes of the factions
* Added cooldown display to shield/door buttons
* Small rock and sapling collisions removed for vehicles on Kashyyyk
* Corvette Seeding layers - respawn times down to 5 seconds, was 30
* Venator Seeding layers - respawn times down to 5 seconds, was 30
* Removed vehicle collision from small twig trees on Kashyyyk
* Removed vehicle collision from small yellow slime tree on Felucia

For the complete patch note please change https://discord.gg/TsYfXhtjvn

Update: 27 Jan, 2024 @ 1:50pm

# Space Sway - ICO Update
*January 27 - 15GB*

Please join discord to get the full patch note since we reach the character limit.

## __New Content & Major Changes at a Glance__
* Vehicle rebalancing is now live - health, armor, and DPS of vehicles have been dramatically altered to include the following main changes:
* AP & HEAT introduced
* Magazine to Total Ammo ratios adjusted
* Full auto enabled for all vehicle coax weaponry
* Lots more yo read on below!
* Squad ICO changes adapted to GC (suppression, some sway, some point firing)
* New map - **Ryloth**

## __Infantry Changes__
### Global
* All pre-ICO scopes have been converted to PiP (picture-in-picture) optics
* All weapons are no longer perfectly accurate when hip firing while moving
* Non-scoped weapons have a faster ADS time and walk with 85% speed when ADS
* Heavy weapons (no scope) have a normal ADS time and walk with 65% speed when ADS
* Scoped weapons have a longer ADS time and walk with 65% speed when ADS
* Snipers have a very long ADS time and walk at 50% speed when ADS
* Pistols have the shortest ADS time and walk at 85% speed when ADS (fastest quickdraw in the West)
* Holographic optics have a low zoom (when holding `Shift`)
* Tuned weapons now utilize a 3-5x optic
* Adjusted weapon hip to fire/ADS time for all non-scoped weapons
* Thermal detonators removed from all LAT, crewman, and pilot kits
* Pistol damage increased for all kits (excludes SE-14 Operated (CIS Crewman), DC-17 Operated (GAR Crewman), Magnaguard, Commando Pistol)
* Reduced arming distance on all rockets; effectively allows infantry to combat vehicles that enter shield bubbles and previously became invulnerable
* Added AT mines to Combat Engineer kits
* Removed AT mines from HAT kits
* New Twilek model
* Re-enabled mid-air vaulting
* Reduced fall damage from vanilla, slightly increased from previous GC values
* Pyro Denton damage reduced slightly; max of 5 can now be placed
* Smoke grenades cause wider, larger smoke clouds
* All kits/factions utilizing USA entrenching tool

### GAR
* Marksman
* Hypersonic rounds deal less damage to vehicles
* PiP scope can toggle between 6x and 10x zoom levels
* DC-15S PiP scope implemented; can toggle between 3x and 5x zoom levels
* DC-15LE PiP scope implemented; can toggle between 3x and 5x zoom levels, noticeable harder to control in full auto
* DC-15A Lite Tuned (now the DC-15LE Lite) PiP scope implemented; can toggle between 3x and 5x zoom levels
* Z6 hip firing made increasingly difficult, encouraged to use ADS to aid in recoil control as cost of movement
* DC-17 stability lowered; uses point shooting when moving while ADS
* DC-17 TG (crewman) effective range limited; increased recoil and decreased accuracy
* Dual DC-17 stability and accuracy lowered when moving while ADS; requires user to be stable to allow accurate shots at range
* DC-15S effective range reduced; making sniping with a pistol less viable
* Commando DC-17M handling adjusted
* Commando kit given a shovel
* RPS6 Launcher sights adjusted to be accurate and now has a 1x-2x scope
* PLX launcher sights adjusted to reflect actual accuracy of its rockets, added 1x-3x zoom levels
* GE Silenced DC-15S 1x-3x scope implemented
* Removed thermal detonators from Z6
* New Airborne Clone models
* 327th Star Corps models updated; more pauldrons

### CIS
* E5 tuned PiP scope implemented; can toggle between 3x and 5x zoom levels
* E5S Sniper Rifle PiP scope implemented; can toggle between 6x and 10x zoom levels
* RG4D (all vairants) PiP scope added with 1x and 2x zoom levels
* SE-14 Pistol (crewman) PiP scope added with 1x and 2x zoom levels; made full auto firing while ADS unviable
* E-60 launcher sights adjusted to reflect actual accuracy of its rockets, added 1x and 3x zoom levels
* Droid medic kits heal 165% faster
* B2 nerf and other changes
* Now utilizes recoil instead of high aim spread
* Reduced HP
* Reduced wrist blaster damage
* Adjusted arming distance and damage on wrist rockets
* Adjusted Crab Droid AI hitbox
* Magna Guard kit given a shovel

### Other
* Tusken sniper utilizes 5-8x scope
* Moved crude round rifle to Tusken's 2x magnified bolt action rifleman class
* Cycler pistol given an additional mag; was 4, now 5
* New Tusken MG3 with PiP scope (similar to vanilla); lower recoil and no blur when firing
* Scoped Mosin Cycler PiP scope implemented; 2x zoom level
* Cycler SVD PiP scope implemented; uses 5x and 8x zoom levels

## __Vehicle & Emplacement Changes__
### Global
* AV6 implemented on all layers
* All MBTs now have AP and HEAT rounds
* All MBTs now have one round per “magazine” (as seen via the HUD)
* Total amount of magazines increased for all MBTs
* All vehicles now utilize fully automatic coax weaponry
* IFVs have new/more ammo types
* Vehicles cost tickets on destruction - **the in-game overlay showing vehicle costs is bugged and being fixed, however, inaccurate at this time**
* Speeders = 1
* Logistic vehicles = 2
* MTT, HMP (all variants), LAAT (all variants) = 5
* N99, AAT, TX-130 = 7
* ARC-170, V-Wing, Tri Fighter = 7
* AT-TE, SAT = 15
* MBT respawn timers increased to 15 minutes, was 12
* IFV/Light MBT respawn timers increased to 8 minutes, was 6
* Logi respawn timers set to 3 minutes
* Speeder respawn timer set to 3 minutes -- https://i.imgur.com/5lpA1Sz.png
* All vehicles now have an ammo rack & engine components
* Projectile explosions standardized; should remove disparity/imbalance of the amount of smoke generated on impact of a vehicle
* Adjusted various repair thresholds for hull & components
* Increased vehicle repair amount; now 60, was 35 HP/sec
* Reduced vehicle repair rate; now every 0.5 seconds from 0.1 seconds
* Sniper bullet speed increased
* All vehicle damage multipliers adjusted to be more consistent
* Heavy MBTs (SAT/AT-TE/UT-AT) armor reduced to absord 30% of damage to front armor, was 50%
* Heavy MBT crosshairs now turn red when magazine is empty and orange when reloading

### GAR
* AT-TE health lowered to 3500, was 5850
* AT-TE collisions disabled on weapons; should prevent bugs related to turret components becoming invulnerable when within another collision and will take proper damage
* New AT-TE ranging ladder HUD
* TX-130 health lowered to 2000, was 2500
* Added and revised munitions; now has dedicated AP, HE, and anti-infantry rounds
* TX-130 engine and top speeds adjusted
* Increased top speed by +15kph to 85kph
* Reversing speed increased to 60kph
* TX-130 driving hitbox adjusted; should no longer be able to flip other vehicles when driving underneath
* UT-AT health lowered to 3000, was 5000
* *Intended to act as long range MBT with heavy armor plates able to mitigate fractional damage up front*
* Now has a large splash HEAT round
* Now has heavy hitting AP round
* New UT-AT ranging ladder HUD
* TX-60 Logo health lowered to 1000, was 1600
* LAAT co-pilot guns implemented (similar to LAAT/C armaments)
* LAAT/C health lowered to 2250, was 3500
* BARC Speeder reaches 120kph on flat ground now with improved handling
* New LAAT/LE engine sounds

### CIS
* Protodeka officially removed from all layers
* New N99 model and textures implemented
* New N99 Persuader (armed variant); features a dual gun setup similar to the TX-130
* SAT health lowered to 4000, was 7000
* Fixed SAT rotary weapons; fire extremely quickly with lower magazine size and high spread
* Fixed SAT AA lasers to be red now, were green
* New SAT ranging ladder HUD
* New SAT interior & textures
* SAT now has its own map icon and placeable map marker
* N99 dev variant fully implemented, health set to 2100
* AAT health lowered to 2400, was 2750
* *Intended to act as a light MBT variant*
* Now has large splash HEAT round
* Now has weaker AP round relative to SAT/AT-TE
* Adjusted AAT engine
* Top speed reduced by 5kph to 65kph
* Adjusted reversing speed to 35kph

Update: 16 Sep, 2023 @ 11:21am

v5.2.2 - Hotfix of the Hotfix
September 15 - 400MB

Fixed LAAT being unable to take off
Sullust_AAS_V1 HMP spawn issue fixed
Floating grass on Sullust fixed
Fixed an offset on Valken that caused a bullet to reticle offset when using the bipod
Fixed a collision on Acclamator Hangar blocking a significant portion of the playable area

Update: 15 Sep, 2023 @ 4:21pm

v5.2.1 - Explosives Hotfix
September 15 - 2.5gb

Bug Fixes
Fixed an explosive exploit that allowed the engineer to infinitely detonate a Pyro Denton
Grenade launcher projectiles fixed to show effects on certain metals now
Thermal Detonator missing explosion FX on metal floors fixed
GC_Corvette_AAS_V2_REB missing door fixed
Phase 2 241st construction limits fixed
Tatooine building(s) in Bazaar region have collisions now to prevent players from clipping through the floor
Tatooine tower collisions fixed
Holes in Coruscant mesh fixed
Yavin SAT spawn fixed on INV_V1
Sullust INV V1 HMP spawning upside down fixed
LAAT VTOL mode removed from one of the variants - this was an unintentional checkbox

Captain Rex snow variant added for commander skin
Phase 1 Cody proper skin added
501st all skins updated
Phase 2 SL model updated
Phase 1 Spec Ops Clone Medic has Smoke Detonators instead of M18s
Marine Rifleman get ammo box
Phase 2 Rifleman get binocs like Phase 1
Clone Rifleman only get 1 ammo box like Droids
Imperial Phase 3 Marksman has Bacta again
212th Phase 2 Marksman has Bacta again
233nd Marksman bacta fixed
Phase 1 212th Medic has DC-15A Lite like the other legions
Removed TNT from Magma Trooper SL w/ Valken (found on Sullust)
Ragdolls updated to improve performance
Projectile impact impulse reduced a bit
Super Battle Droid now has to reload after rearming rockets at an ammo box - this is to prevent the excessive rocket spam that can occur

AAT driving model improvements

New Acclamator model added
Lighting layer adjustments to: Bespin Platforms, Coruscant, Felucia and Morak

Removed GC_Galban_INV_V3_DEV due to being missed by prior cleanup and due to chance to crash servers
INV_V2 HMP spawn fixes
Minimap updated

Small map edit by Geonosian tunnel
Floating rock fixed

Moved Clone main on Disturbance layer
Added new small elements of cover in trenches

Further foliage collision improvements to make vehicle navigation easier

Sesid Equator
Additional map details added
Test layer for DX12 crashing created (RAAS_V2)
Thinned grasses

Small optimization pass

Admin menu wiki updates
Admin menu backend optimization - moved to soft references
New and improved spawning menu - facelift has caused all GC assets to be lost (similar issue to wiki missing GC factions/vehicles/deployables)
Attempt to lower references from NPCs to player controller and mutable

Known Bugs

See crossed out note above
LAATs unable to take off

Update: 4 Sep, 2023 @ 11:59am

# v5.1 Patch :GC:
*September 4 - #.#gb/mb*

## Bug Fixes
* Fixed the "Bacta Drop" dissappearing from inventory
* Fixed an issue where after turning out in the TX-60 and switching to another seat your body would clip through the bottom of the vehicle
* Fixed an issue where the HMP pilot HUD sometimes wouldn't come on with the engine turning on
* Fixed the seat protection component not working when switching from one protected seat to another (causing people to die in the LAAT ball turrets to their own lasers)
* Pyro Denton VFX & SFX fixed
* Fixed 241st Radios being placed without restrictions
* 501st P2 marksman has bacta again after being removed accidentally previously
* Updated Venator Hangar to fix a hole in the mesh
* Fixed a hole in the mesh on one of Tatooine's houses
* Fixed a hole in the mesh at back of all Acclamators
* Basic Droid AI has working projectile again
* AT-TE damage inconsistencies alleviated
* 327th basic SL given a handgun after the sarlaac ate it
* AAT destroyed model now uses correct texture
* AAT splash damage fixed
* Lego Clone health changed to match Lego Droid HP (was 100 now 650)
* Attempted fix for Jetpack role limits
* Attempted fix for LAAT Beam Turret audio cutting in and out
* Fixed TOW not being able to be dug down
* E-5 "close range" reticle fixed
* SAT Rear gun camera fixed
* SAT rear guns now positioned in the correct spots
* GC_Tatooine_Training updated to have correct vehicles
* Fixed AT-TE main gun interacting with player collisions
* Bacta/oil once again can only be resupplied at main or bacta/oil drops for all classes

## Infantry
### General
* Rebellion/Imperial Commando now have C4 removed (in line with standard layers)
* Breathing SFX are now even quieter
* Tweaked the smoke detonators to hopefully provide better cover with new plumes instead of shooting smoke straight up in the air
### GAR - Clones
* Phase 1 helmets reworked and added new textures
* Commander Wolffe Phase 1 & 2 added
* Commander Ponds Phase 1 added
* Commander Cody Phase 1 & 2 added
* Captain Fordo Phase 2 updated
* Commander Gree Phase 1 & 2 added
* Sergeant Hounds Phase 1 added
* Captain Rex textures updated
* Captain Vaughn Phase 2 added
* Commander Faraday added to 42nd Battalion
* New Galactic Marine model
* New ARF Doge added
* 41st Clone textures updated (90% done overall)
* New Phase 1 Crewman
* 42nd Heat sniper SL given correct explosives
* Phase 2 - 372th marksman now has bacta
* 212th Desert basic SL given a handgun (sarlaac also ate it)
* Phase 1 rally helmet textures fixed
### CIS - Droids
* Droid engineers now have fusion cutter
* Super Tactical Droid added for every droid commander
* E-5S main scope adjusted for better visibility
### Tuskens
* Tusken/Sarim Tusken HAT given 1 more rocket
* Tusken/Sarim Tusken LAT given 1 more rocket
* Sarim Tuskens now have their own command callins
* Tusken AI command call-ins no longer commit murder against fellow Tuskens
* Bullet drop lifted on all infantry weapons, except the Mosin Cycler (marksman)

## Vehicles
* TX-130, AAT, and SAT driver & gunner seats now require the crewman role (SAT requirement missing was a bug, TX-130 & AAT brought in line with IFV parameters similar to vanilla)
* Hid the blue no-penetration block on the TX-130 that sometimes appeared with desync
* Protodeka removed from all Sesid Equator, Sesid, and Rhen Var layers to balance out armor
* HMP Collision damage now properly matches LAAT
* All GC aircraft (exl. LAAT/LE) have had engine-based camera shake removed
* All GC aircraft (exl. LAAT/LE) have a new behaviour when their engine is destroyed
* All GC aircraft now have weapon ranging capabilities
* Fixed the Tusken miniskiff
* Fixed a hole in UT-AT interior
* ARC-170 now has a wreck texture
* Speeders added to all standard INV/AAS/INS layers & all Clone vs. Rebellion layers
* N99 Logi
* Camera FOV updated
* Increased camera angle bounds (allows for greater ability to "turn your head" left/right)
* TX-130
* Added additional throttle sounds for TX-130
* Blue TX-130 now has blue guns
* Glass opacity reduced so pilots can see properly again
* Lasers given 5 more points of direct impact damage (95 > 100)
* Engine component hidden
* SKIRMISH VARIANT ONLY: pilot guns removed
* Edited flight model to match HMP 1:1 (fixes some long standing issues)
* Leg armor changed from 200mm to 50mm
* Ball guns now pass damage onto the vehicle
* 501st snowy combined arms now uses AT-TEs instead of UT-ATs (until dev UT-AT is completed)
* Blockers improved (should make it easier to walk around its legs)
* Extensive HUD rework
* Armor mesh fixed
* Side plates now modelled correctly in armor structure
* Front plate now accurately modelled
* Collisions fixed for when a player walks on the hull
* Ammo rack now disables all weapons
* Hole closed at end of barrel
* New firing animation for the main gun's barrel
* Turret max elevation reduced (*in degrees* 89 > 60)
* Weapon positions fixed
* Ammo rack now disables all weapons
* Side guns zoomed FOV set from 70 to 50
* Side guns keybind prompt
* Now physically recoils when weapon is fired (acts similar to vanilla MBTs rocking back on firing a shell from the main gun)
* Turret now uses 200mm armor (identical to other vehicles)
* Armor mesh corrected (no longer using the vanilla motorcycle mesh)
* Damage increase - 2 > 50
* Decreased magazine count - 7 > 4
* Rearm time increased - 0 > 2
* Reduced the amount of ammo rearmed per tick of rearm - 0 (whole mag) > 15 (half a mag)
* Redcused ammo cost per rearm item - 40 > 5 (10 per mag instead of 40)

## Maps
Bespin Platforms
* Navmesh rebuilt; NPCs will path correctly again

* Coruscant_INV ticket capture amount reduced from 200 to 100; a reduction that will reduce the ticket bloat this layer sees at match end
* Acclamator doors fixed
* Clone aircraft now spawn further away from each other to reduce chance of issues when spawning/respawning
* Navmesh rebuilt; NPCs will path correctly again
* Adjusted ground to reduce the sliding effect vehicles experience

* Ammo crates added to the spawn rooms of both teams
* Lighting redone
* Main protection altered/improved
* Corvette_AAS_V2 (Rebellion variant) added
* Textures updated

Dev Armor Layer
* Updated, not perfect but is functional and *mostly* correct; with the high volume of vehicle changes some discrepancies may arise

* Navmesh rebuilt; NPCs will path correctly again
* Adjusted plant and rock mesh collisions

* All buildings at Checkpoint 33 have been slightly lowered to prevent players from crawling into the foundations
* Galban Skirmish V1/V2 now has properly spawning vehicles for both teams
* Galban AAS HMP spawning upside down fix (functioning in editor, pending confirmation in live)
* Replaced placeholder buildings from Rhen Var with new foliage
* INV_V1 minimap fix for commaander assets being offset

* VT updated to reduce hitching
* "Grug fix ghost cave rock. Sun god no take grug rock. Grug scared of existential void." - Translation: a hole in Geo's caves has been patched with a rock that was missing
* Geonosis pebbles and rocks adjusted to Geonosis color instead of bright white; leads to a more cohesive environment

* Navmesh rebuilt; NPCs will path correctly again
* LAAT/C Blocking Volume to prevent step-player from getting stuck
* Performance pass
* Pre-placed radios/HABs removed (was causing issues with having too many HABs and was overall not very helpful for defenders, it also put a pre placed radio in an inconvenient spot for INF oriented/rebellion layers)
* Kavado_INV forward spawn now has a single spawn logi for defender usage

For the entire changelog please check in Discord!

Update: 4 Jul, 2023 @ 5:52pm

''#Hotfix v5.1

## General Gameplay
* Grenade shield fix regarding a blocking collision
* Phase 3 Clones/Clone Rebellion kit restrictions fixed
* 212th Heavy Rifleman ARF uses Rifleman ARF skin for the time being to fix texture issue
* 212th ARF crewman/crewman SL implemented
* Fixed LOD on Magma trooper
* Gungans + Tusken use GAR med kit for now
* Gungan demolitionist uses 3 denton instead of IED

## Vehicles
* N99 (armed) removed from combined arms + total package subfactions since AAT replaced them
* N99 (armed) still in use in SKM layers
* Smoke generator on TX130 fixed
* AAT now has a capacity of 8 passagers
* MBT Delay timer brought to 12 minutes
* HMP landing box fixed
* HMP gunner damage tweaked slightly; 80 > 95
* LAAT ballgun beam socket moved away from cockpit, might fix the issue of gunners killing themselves (*note from Hive: this makes no sense because gunners are already supposed to be immune and Furret/Bop have lost their minds*)
* Dev LAAT/LE finished
* Rockets removed
* Wing flaps now move depending on height
* Collision damage fixed
* Pilot and Copilot given damage immunity in line with the other vehicles

## Maps
* Ticket fix on Rhenvar RINV v4 layers (includes night)
* Rhen Var RINV 3/4 now has forward spawn with 2 single life logis
* Coruscant
* New faction layout
* INV_V1 now has 2 gunships, 2 carriers, 1 MBT, 2 IFVs/Light tanks (TX and AAT), and 2 logis
* INV_V1 INF has 2 skirmish gunships, 2 IFVs (N99 and TX), and 2 logis
* Coruscant Guard for Coruscant INV V1 now uses 1 LAAT/LE instead of a second gunship
* Sesid Equator
* New layyout for RINV layers
* New RAAS layer
* Minor landscape clipping fixed
* Flickering tree fix started
* Naboo performance heavily improved (foliage updates, LODs adjusted, and overall performance pass)'''