Galactic Contention # - Angry Tendrils - LIVE
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Update: May 9, 2021 @ 4:55pm

Emergency Hotfix for server crash, FPS and server TPS.

May 9 Update
(Some were missed in the previous patch notes)
- All Clone Clothing Physics Removed (For Client/Server Performance Testing)
- Vehicle Wrecks Despawn After 10 Minutes (For Client/Server Performance Testing)
- New 212th Desert Troopers Team (Phase 2 Tatooine)
- New Tatooine INV Layer for Tuskens vs. Droids
- Mygeeto crashing fix
- Bespin Platforms crashing Fixed
- Geo AAS V2 Clone Spawn Fixed
- Reworked Infantry LOD Settings
- Added LODs to Vehicles
- Grenadier Role Fixed (Preventing other Specialist to spawn)
- Tuskens get Watermelon for Health (Acts like Bacta)
- Phase 2 501st as Commando bug Fixed
- Phase 2 501st as 41st Marksman bug Fixed
- Galactic Marine Engineer added to replace Gungan
- New N99 Wreck Model
- Tusken AAT/AA-AAT Wreck Model Added
- Protodeka Wreck Model Added
- Tusken Sail Barge Wreck Added
- UT-AT Wreck Model Added
- TX-60/MTT Wreck Visual Flickering Fixed
- MTT Glitching/Causing Game Lag/Freezing Fixed
- Tatooine Minimap Updated
- Kashyyyk Minimap Updated
- Yavin Minimap Updated
- Thermal Detonator SFX and Visual FX Fixed
- Visual range adjustments 100m, 200m, etc. removed from various weapons
- Explosion Impact FX applied to Infantry Units
- PLX Launcher and TOW now have Glowing Blue Projectiles
- PLX Switch Weapon time adjusted
- 41st Phase 2 Heavy 1st Person Bug Fixed
- Geonosian SL now has the SL E5 Variant
- Reworked Shield Generator SFX
- AI Aggression tweaks
- Sullust Clone Valken SL Rally Fixed
- TX-130 AP Rounds adjusted to 80mm instead of 60mm
- Tuskens no longer have Republic Binocs
- Flashlight toggle on/off set to one keybind instead of two (Shift + 9)
- Jump Trooper toggle on/off set to new keybind (Shift + 0)
- Sesid layers have 2 extra islands below the ships to allow ground vehicles to resupply!
- AAT, UT-AT, ATTE turrets fixed. They shall no longer be disabled after 1 shot of LAP or TX-130 or any mm's beyond 15mm. They have extra health. Which mean they can suck up extra explosive damage before it's disable
- Tusken Heavy LMG kit (Cycler MG3)
- RhenVar Lighting rework and will now work better with squads settings.
- RhenVar Distance field fixes.
- Coruscant Add-on and new areas

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Update: May 3, 2021 @ 6:32pm

May the 4 update.

Howdy! May the 4th be with you update. On behalf of the GC team.

May the 4th is a huge milestone for us since we are working on a side project. We were able to add extra content while optimizing A HUGE part of the mod.

For the images, please seek in #spoilers

Here's the change log:

4.3GB update.

- Map optimization overhaul and frame gain.

- Armor value map for single player. Feel free to look at the armor mapping of our vehicles "adminforcechangelayer" --> (GC_Dev_Armor_Values)

- Kashyyyk overhaul and map extension
+ You can drive on water as a droid. (Clones can also drive on water but you will die anyway)

- Kashyyyk new layer. Clone Insurgency (GC_Kashyyyk_Insurgency_V1). They must cover their com sites from the droids!

- Kashyyyk TDM layer.

- Galban optimization and new layer. Droid Insurgency (GC_Galban_Insurgency_V1). They must cover their com sites from the clones!

- Tatooine optimization. Due to the optimization, its back into the map pool! We will closely monitor the client performance on that map.

- Sullust optimization. We will closely monitor the client performance on that map.

- Tusken overhaul.
+ New add-on on bolt riflemens (Crude round cycler. It's a cheap version of the sonic round)
+ Mosin cyclers does more damage to appreciate the fact that you can land your shot.
+ Tusken Barge have a mounted AA gun and 4 ewebs
+ Death Bringer AAT (TOW TANK) re-arm cost fix
+ Wasp AAT (AA-AAT) re-arm cost fix
+ Commanders have access to a remote control drone

- Tri-Figther values
- Space ZU-23 Stationary AA's deals 50 more damage PER bullet to fight against air vehicles. If it's not enough. We willc rank it. We are aiming to scare Air asset to go near it.

- Space ZU-23 Stationary AA's bullet speed increased of 25%.

- AI improvements
(AI should no longer target vics, dino aggro range shrunk)

- Assorted minimap updates

- Assorted foliage collision updates

- LAAT pilot should no longer get shot out of the LAAT from an HMP.

- LAAT + HMP side turrets can aim up to 150 degrees higher to prevent high altitude tactic (which is also against the rule for now)

- MTT FLIP MACHINE OR STUCK MACHINE should no longer be stuck or flip. The base vehicle should be more stable and the mass should be balanced in the middle.

- TX-60 (Clone logie) wheelie should be fixed.

- Brand new AA Scope with a wide range cube within. (ZU-23)

- New clone "Gunner" model and Squad leader "Gunner" model

- New Galactic Marines models. Rebuilt from scratch

Update: Apr 9, 2021 @ 4:02pm


Update: Apr 5, 2021 @ 3:10pm

Squad V2.4.1.2
Apr 5 Update

4GB update QOL update 1.

-Map Voting (Should work)
-NEW Bespin Platforms V2 Map
-NEW Clone Body Suit Overhaul texture
-NEW Westar reload animation and dot sight + reload speed increased
-NEW jump pack controls to enable/disable the high jump
-Phase 1 ARF Troopers, assigned to Assault+ role
-Phase 2 ARF Troopers, assigned to Assault+ role
-Phase 1 Poncho Troopers applied to specific layers (Tatooine, Galban, Kavado)
-Venator Barrage Fixed
-Venator Barrage incoming projectiles SFX added
-Barrage incoming projectile speed reduced (To help server and prevent sound bugs)
-Orbital Strike Overhaul (Rounds come in higher, 5 volleys of 15 rounds)
-Orbital Strike set between 50m – 100m
-Tusken Radio now receives thermite damage
-Tuskens get a mortar strike ability
-New icons for Jump Trooper and Z6
-HMP Health adjusted lower
-Flashlight model added to every unit, including sfx for turning off and on
-Flashlights brightened
-Yavin 4 trees and vegetation Overhauled
-New Rhen Var Tunnels Skirmish Layer
-Sullust Republic Commando new visor/backpack colors
-Weapon LOD Optimizations
-Shield Generator Icon added to map (in placed and built sate)
-DC-15s Floating weapon fixed (Physics applied)
-Sullust Lamp posts added in some objective shield bubbles
-DC-15s Sight For Gungan, SL, and Shadow Trooper corrected
-DC-15s Scope Straightened
-DC-17 Pistol 3P Animation applied
-DC-17 Pistol empty magazine reload animation applied
-Some unites still having sandbags, now have LowWalls
-Galactic Marines now have a Phase 2 Jump Trooper (Originally Phase 1)
-91st Rifleman now has an ammo box to set down
-HAT kits set to unlock at 10 players instead of 15 per team (2nd unlocks at 15, next 20 etc)
-HAT kits set to 4 per team
-Specialist kits set to unlock at 10 players per team instead of 15
-4k Textures compressed to 2k (VRAM Performance, Reduce GPU load)
-EWEB, gun inside body obstructing view fixed
-Venator Barrage Fixed
-Venator Barrage incoming projectiles SFX added
-Barrage incoming projectile speed reduced (To help server and prevent sound bugs)
-Orbital Strike Overhaul (Rounds come in higher, 5 volleys of 15 rounds)
-Orbital Strike set between 50m – 100m
-Tusken Radio now receives thermite damage
-Tuskens get a mortar strike ability
-New icons for Jump Trooper and Z6
-HMP Health adjusted lower
-Flashlight model added to every unit, including sfx for turning off and on
-Flashlights brightened
-Yavin 4 trees and vegetation Overhauled
-New Rhen Var Tunnels Skirmish Layer
-Sullust Republic Commando new visor/backpack colors
-Weapon LOD Optimizations
-Shield Generator Icon added to map (in placed and built sate)
-DC-15s Floating weapon fixed (Physics applied)
-Sullust Lamp posts added in some objective shield bubbles
-DC-15s Sight For Gungan, SL, and Shadow Trooper corrected
-DC-15s Scope Straightened
-DC-17 Pistol 3P Animation applied
-DC-17 Pistol empty magazine reload animation applied
-Some unites still having sandbags, now have LowWalls
-Galactic Marines now have a Phase 2 Jump Trooper (Originally Phase 1)
-91st Rifleman now has an ammo box to set down
-HAT kits set to unlock at 10 players instead of 15 per team (2nd unlocks at 15, next 20 etc)
-HAT kits set to 4 per team
-Specialist kits set to unlock at 10 players per team instead of 15
-4k Textures compressed to 2k (VRAM Performance, Reduce GPU load)
-EWEB, gun inside body obstructing view fixed
-Munificent prefab work to aid in exploits
-E5C Damage correction
-Shadow Trooper left foot glitch fixed
-Skirmish layers should no longer have MBTs (Tanks)
-Morak Terrain Corrections and adjustments
-Kashyyyk Lighting corrections
-Rhen Var Delta Cap Point Zone adjusted
-Some weapon sound corrections
-HMP set to use HMP UI
-Bespin Platform killbox hopefully corrected at the floor
-Yavin Overcast correction
-Kashyyyk Overcast correction
-Kashyyyk treehut distant field corrections
- AI Tweaks / Adjustments

Update: Mar 26, 2021 @ 12:30pm

v.2.4 hot check

Update: Mar 22, 2021 @ 7:46am


Removal of the Saint Patrick update

Mar 22 Update
-Poncho Clones added to Kavado and Galban
-All St. Patrick skins set back to their originals
-Both teams barrage has been set to a 30 min cooldown timer
-Barrage instant kill radius greatly reduced
-Shield Generator shields now protect you from splash damage outside the shield
-Shield Generator shield health adjustments
-Mygeeto INV 1 Staging timer set to 1 minute for clones
-Mygeeto INV 1 more additions to the bridge to give more cover
-Droid Engineer and Gungan no longer build sandbags
-Rifleman no longer build Sandbags
-Thermite Detonator added to the ARC trooper
-Kavado floating twigs fixed
-Kavado twig and fallen tree collisions removed
-TX130 Engine sounds slightly lowered
-Kashyyyk INV 1 Infinite LAAT spawns fixed
-Sullust jump troopers not being able to jump high fixed
-Sullust ZU-23 has been replaced with Space ZU-23 version
-Sight added to DC-15s Tuned
-Commando now gets a pistol
-LAAT skin adjustments
-ARC 170 Skin adjustments
-Flashlights adjusted to be a bit more center
-MBTs can call command abilities
-AAT Turret camera clipping fix
-Geonosian Pilot/SL Pilot kits added for Geonosian team
-Sail Barge for Tuskins has Exit point moved

Update: Mar 18, 2021 @ 10:47am
