Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Показані результати 1–6 із 6
Оновлено: 1 трав. 2023 о 7:17

Оновлено: 1 трав. 2023 о 6:45

- Completely reworked rocks by replacing RS2 ones with whole new Quixel photoscan assets
- Adjusted cap zone capture times from easiest to hardest
- Reworked Team Leader abilities cooldown
- Added the rest of Team Leader abilities
- Further adjusted damage volume for drowning
- Fixed destructible meshes not replicating online
- Added several new destructibles for Sub Base building
- Spawn protection volumes adjusted
- LODs updated on multiple assets
- Terrain performance update
- Adjusted collision on new Quixel assets
- Added UBoat cap zone between Church and Pine Forest
- Added additional meshes to help direct and understand map flow
- Added additional envrionmental sounds
- High poly backdrop meshes replaced with low poly ones
- Adjusted backdrop design
- Reworked terrain materials to break tiling at distance

- Additionally extended commander radio trigger for activation
- Removed floating lamps on C objective
- Adjusted building collision at C

Оновлено: 30 квіт. 2023 о 19:10

- Completely reworked rocks by replacing RS2 ones with whole new Quixel photoscan assets
- Adjusted cap zone capture times from easiest to hardest
- Reworked Team Leader abilities cooldown
- Added the rest of Team Leader abilities
- Further adjusted damage volume for drowning
- Fixed destructible meshes not replicating online
- Added several new destructibles for Sub Base building
- Spawn protection volumes adjusted
- LODs updated on multiple assets
- Terrain performance update
- Adjusted collision on new Quixel assets
- Added UBoat cap zone between Church and Pine Forest
- Added additional meshes to help direct and understand map flow
- Added additional envrionmental sounds
- High poly backdrop meshes replaced with low poly ones
- Adjusted backdrop design
- Reworked terrain materials to break tiling at distance

Оновлено: 19 квіт. 2023 о 6:56

- Reworked rocks collision
- Reworked squads and roles for Allies and Axis with 4 SLs and less automatics
- Reworked A cap zone volume
- Reworked Allied spawn protection volume being inside A objective
- Moved Axis and Allied spawns to stamina distances across all objectives
- Additional performance pass
- Multiple destructible meshes added for easier infantry/vehicle traversal
- Fixed damage volume to work for drowning when being fully submerged in water
- Added few cover nodes
- Added additional cover for reworked spawns
- After losing B objective spawn protection will kick in 35 seconds for the defenders to retreat to C in time
- Replaced T70 with T34/PzIV to make tank balance more even for campaign playthrough

Оновлено: 16 квіт. 2023 о 10:20

Fixed tank spawn

Оновлено: 16 квіт. 2023 о 9:37