Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

[CW2] KK HK416 (2016)
Showing 11-20 of 48 entries
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Update: 20 Jul, 2015 @ 3:40am

- updated acog/leupold/magnifier code

Update: 13 Jul, 2015 @ 8:38am

- fixed recoil being doubled in RT scope view (Acog, Leupold, Magnifier)
- updated CoD4 attachment kit to give correct attachments

Update: 31 May, 2015 @ 7:33pm

- quickfix for muzzle flash positions(tell me if they work incorrectly)

Update: 31 May, 2015 @ 7:04pm

- fixed CW menu changing size upon emptying/reloading weapon
- updated muzzle flash positions
- updated CoD4 ACOG to use its own aimpositions (CoD4ACOGPos & Ang)
- updated CoD4 ACOG to support free aim
- updated 3x Magnifier and Leupold to support free aim
- removed AxisAlign requirement for mentioned RT scopes
- more stability updates for all sights

Update: 13 May, 2015 @ 6:53am

- added EOTech XPS (only used by XM8 lol)
- correctly working stencils in eotech 553 should no longer appear when sprinting and looking down

Update: 8 Apr, 2015 @ 9:38am

- updated Holosight to prevent certain rendering issues(probably caused buncha new ones)
- FAS2 Eotech 553 now uses CW1 stencil code instead of rendertargets
Let me know how does it work.

Update: 19 Mar, 2015 @ 10:48am

- more smoothing for cod4 ACOG
- added AimPosition creation helper convar cw_kk_freeze_reticles
- updated hk416 kit (attachment pack entity)

Update: 17 Mar, 2015 @ 1:04pm

- HOLOSIGHT NOW ICONS CORRECTLY(even without original fas2 scifi swep)
- added icons for attachment packs
- added CoD4 Tasco V2 which uses CoD4TascoPos/Ang
- added Eotech 552 V2 which uses EoTech552Pos/Ang
- renamed weapon class, weapon models, weapon sound folder

Accidently released buffer tube replacement for No Stock. I hope nobody cares.

Update: 9 Mar, 2015 @ 2:49pm

- as seen here
- cw menu icon not included, get it here (optional)
- welement model not included, get it here (optional)

- updated CoD4 ACOG code
-> its now using CoD4ACOGAxisAlign instead of ACOGAxisAlign
-> added support for vm-bodygroup-based acogs
- updated Leupold code
- updated Troy Backup sights - they are now fold by default/upon attaching new primary sight
- fixed mag bodygroups, finally

Update: 4 Mar, 2015 @ 7:23am

- added func to add 3x magnifier support for new primary sights
- more temp CompM4S bodygroups