Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Guess Who
Showing 1-10 of 80 entries
< 1  2  3 ... 8 >
Update: 23 Aug, 2020 @ 5:12am

2.2d (Bugfix)

- Fixed some issues caused by the latest gmod update (August 2020 update)
- Hopefully fixed issue where player would stay invisible if killed during teleport

Update: 8 Jul, 2020 @ 2:22pm

2.2c (Bugfix)

This is a hotfix for the full 2.2 changelog see below

- Re-added a chance for npcs to idle for a short duration (standing around not moving for a few seconds)

Update: 26 Jun, 2020 @ 2:41am

2.2b (Bugfix)

This is a hotfix for the full 2.2 changelog see below

- Fixed seeker crowbar not shattering windows and other destroyable objects
- Ragdolled players now show up as dead on the scoreboard

Update: 25 Jun, 2020 @ 2:54pm

2.2a (Bugfix)

This is a hotfix for the full 2.2 changelog see the entry below

- Fixed an issue that prevented the new unstuck logic from working correctly
- Fixed some spelling misstakes
- Changed a few sounds
- Slightly adjsuted some numbers
- Fixed ability reload only working in the first round

Update: 25 Jun, 2020 @ 6:15am


This is going to be a long one so here is a summary:


This is the final update of guess who, meaning there will be no more updates after this one (except bugfixes and translations).
As a result the goal of this update is to deliver long overdue bugfixes and improvements.
The update contains the following highlights:

- Smarter and more performant NPCs
- Reworked all abilities
- New options for server owners
- Improved UI and icons


The NPCs have been completly rewritten.

- Better performance (you can now have more NPCs active at once if you like)
- Improved jumping & doging logic: This improves support for close quarter maps and maps with a lot of verticality
- Improved unstuck logic: NPCs will now be able to unstuck themself if stuck in a player or another NPC


As mentioned above the NPCs are now smarter, In addition more spawnpoints are now generated if the map does not have enough!
This makes a wider range of maps available for the gamemode, you should now be able to use any map.
But if you are strugling finding good maps, I added a few new maps to the official map collection.

- Technically Legal
- GTA V Online Apartment
- Halo 3 Rats Nest
- SkySraper Construction
- Nuketown
- gm_coast10

Server Owners

- Server owners can now adjust discord link in the team select screen. You cam replace it with any link e.g: your servers dicord, your servers website, your facebook profile... anything you like
- The news in the team select screen are also adjustable via the F1 menu


The objective is quality over qunatity, thats why 3 abilities have been removed and only one has been added. All other abilities have been reworked to reduce bugs and improve balancing.

- Ability casts now fail properly and report the failure reason in chat, for example: if no target is in range the ability will not be cast and the ability charge will not be consumed
- Added descriptions for all abilities, the descriptions will show at the beginning of the round
- New icons for all abilities
- Improved target halos (outlines around seekers in range)

Dance Party

Decoy 2.0

Touch the ant

[Added] Tumble, this ability will launch and ragdoll all seekers in the vicinity into the air.

Mind Transfer
- Fixed mind control remnat having an incorrect angle
- Improved target selection, it should be easier to select an NPC to transfer to
- Remnat that is left behind can now be killed
- Maximum transfer range is now 1600

- Added fadout/fadein effect
- Destionation finding has been improved, it is now less likely to get stuck and it should be significantly harder to port outside the map
- Changed range to 2000

- Reduced life drain now only drains a quarter of the life of seekers in range
- Increased speed boost duration from
- Now only targets seekers within line of sight, that means you can no longer drain life if the seeker is behind a wall

- Fixed Lua error

Graviton Surge
- Cleaned up code

- Fixed a Lua error that prevented the explosiion

- Reworked visuals (text overlay)
- Now lasts
instead of
- Increased speed of casting player

- Reduced duration from
- The blind start is now timed with the visual effect
- Can no longer be cast if no seeker is in range

- Cleaned up code

- The stun start is now timed with the visual effect
- Can no longer be cast if no seeker is in range

- Now shows the correct player color

- Fixed models being stuck in ground
- Added more possible models
- Updated health and speed calculcation, overall health and speed bonus should be higher

- Now shows the name of a random seeker instead of the own name while disguised
- Reduced duration from

- Increased duration from

- Improved spawn location detection for decoys
- Now spawns between 2-9 decoys

Blast off
- Improved visuals

Community Contributions

- Russian translation Blueberry[]
- Replace #player.GetAll() with player.Getcount craig-g[]


- Increased seeker dash range
- Guess Who now spams a warning if Enhanced Playermodel Selector is selected
- Renamed many global variables and network strings to avoid addon conflicts
- Reworked some of the gamemodes networking
- Generate spawnpoints if a map has not enough
- Fixed ability showing up as unused sometimes for spectators

Update: 1 Jan, 2018 @ 9:55am

You can find the changelog on GitHub: 2.1h CHANGELOG[]

Update: 2 Nov, 2017 @ 4:23pm


Update: 2 Nov, 2017 @ 4:21pm


Update: 10 Oct, 2017 @ 5:46pm


Update: 8 Oct, 2017 @ 5:24am
