Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

KLA's 'Sons of Mars' - historical ROMAN SKINPACK Patch 15 / Emperor Edition
Komentarzy: 99
GenAntilles 11 marca 2021 o 4:02 
Awesome mod, have been trying to find a mod that has Auxilia with green shields and if I just use the Evocati with the navy it'll match historical Roman navy. You aren't able to keep working on this are you? Would love to have Skirmisher Auxilia with Roman armor but with the green auxilia color... and especially the roman navy being blue.
able 18 października 2020 o 19:00 
I wish it would work, but launcher doing that stupid blue cloud instead of green checkmark.. won't update been sitting waiting for it but nope. I really want to use this so ill recommend it anyways ig
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 12 maja 2018 o 17:13 
Thank you. :)
rompebaquetas69 20 sierpnia 2017 o 17:17 
excelente!!! lo probare ahora mismo!
「1OO」 22 stycznia 2016 o 17:22 
Downloaded this mod because of the previous comment, thanks for the details
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 15 października 2015 o 16:45 
23th November - official release date of Hellenistic Generals Mod (Rome 2)!
Sam 15 września 2015 o 12:47 
Thanks, reinstalling the game solved the problem. Unclicking or even unsubscribing the mod didn't help unfortunately.
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 15 września 2015 o 7:11 
Hi, probably you unclicked mod in mod manager. please unclick it and run the game.
Sam 7 września 2015 o 8:47 
I used your mod, and it looked great. But I have a problem as I've unsubscribed again because I liked the uniform pattern of late game units such as the armoured legionaries. However, even after unsubscribing your mod your changes are still there. I'm going to deinstall / reinstall the game, hoping that this will solve the problem, but do you have any idea what to do if this fails? It's just highly embarrasing to me. Thanks for your help.
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 20 maja 2015 o 14:19 
They are Veteran Legionaries (early Roman Empire).
Decivs 19 maja 2015 o 9:33 
sorry for the question, but whats the unit that u used as a profile pic? are they Principes? i am trying to find them in game but no unit looks like tham. Thanks.
Marshal Lannes 20 kwietnia 2015 o 4:02 
Thanks again.
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 20 kwietnia 2015 o 4:01 
Attila Steam Workshop isn't yet available.
I can't post my mod here, so there is a link - KLA's Attila - Faction Leaders Mod (Kings & Emperors):

KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 20 kwietnia 2015 o 4:01 
I hope that I will finnish them in late this week. :)
Marshal Lannes 20 kwietnia 2015 o 3:53 
Thanks, KLA.
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 20 kwietnia 2015 o 3:13 
Roman reskin will be my first faction reskin for Attila.
Marshal Lannes 14 kwietnia 2015 o 2:44 
Will you post the Roman reskins for Attila before the others, or everything at the same time?
Marshal Lannes 31 marca 2015 o 8:23 
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 30 marca 2015 o 15:15 
I hope this week. I am working on 3 skinpacks for Attila and I have finnished 2 ones. ;) I need test them and make screens.
Marshal Lannes 30 marca 2015 o 8:05 
When will you do Attila?
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 24 marca 2015 o 15:42 
There will be more various beards in SoM II. :)
Sikeliorex 25 lutego 2015 o 18:33 
can you please put beard on early repubblic units? It will be great!
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 12 grudnia 2014 o 19:39 
Unfortunately, it is not possible. Helmets made by the CA are too big. I asked them to change or tool without effect.
Modders are waiting fortools to edit models of CA.
XIIICaesar 7 grudnia 2014 o 4:05 
Gotcha. Awesome work too by the way man. Curious though did you fix the cheek guards in your helmets so they actually sit tight against the cheeks instead of just hanging there like in vanilla?
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 21 listopada 2014 o 17:04 
@ XIIICaesar

Yes, of course. Check PM on TWC :)
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 21 listopada 2014 o 17:03 
@ vonVince

Yes, probably in next week. I will reskin mercenaries like Syrian archers, Numidian cavlry etc.
XIIICaesar 17 listopada 2014 o 16:27 
Can I have permission to use the Imperial units in this for my mod?
vonVince 24 października 2014 o 6:55 
Will you be doing an updated version of the Romans at some point - in particular, I'd love to see you do something about Auxiliary Syrian Archers.
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 22 października 2014 o 9:41 
if they don't use the same unit - yes.
jayful 4 października 2014 o 8:54 
Is it compaitble with radious and/or champloo? Very nice work.
ViKiNG 2 października 2014 o 13:46 
Marshal Lannes 2 października 2014 o 8:45 
Many thanks.
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 2 października 2014 o 6:58 
Please, send me your mod if you will finnish it. :)
ViKiNG 2 października 2014 o 6:42 
KLAssurbanipal, thanks for your permission and for your awesome mods!
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 2 października 2014 o 6:38 
@ Marcus Crassus

Yes, of course. :)
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 2 października 2014 o 6:38 
@ bruno.just

These mods are separate so you should them if you want play. :)

I deleted Praetorians, because there will be completely new reskin.
ViKiNG 30 września 2014 o 4:00 
KLAssurbanipal, can you give me a permission to use your awesome work for my roman reskin mod, please?
Marshal Lannes 29 września 2014 o 8:48 
I'm playing as Rome. Do I need to subscribe to the Spartan reskin as well?
What has happened to your KLA Praetorian Guards?
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 25 września 2014 o 3:48 
Yes, I made them for this reason. :)
Alexander The Greek 25 września 2014 o 3:28 
yes, with these colours because for historical accurancy before marian reforms, roman had different colours not only red.
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 25 września 2014 o 3:26 
Do you think about mini-mod with Polybian units ony? I think yes.
Alexander The Greek 21 września 2014 o 7:14 
can you make one separate mod which you will recolour the hastati,principes,triarii,velites,leves with colours of this mod?
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 18 września 2014 o 16:33 
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 18 września 2014 o 16:33 
@ Roz Britannicus,

Thanks. :)
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 18 września 2014 o 16:32 
@ bruno.just,

I updated it to Patch 15 / Emperor Edition.
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 18 września 2014 o 16:32 
@ osantacr,

I am working on some of these things.
Marshal Lannes 16 września 2014 o 11:01 
Please update your wonderful mod for Emp. Ed. Thank-you.
Roz Britanicus 8 sierpnia 2014 o 3:21 
brilliant keep up the great work.
Res Militaris 17 czerwca 2014 o 13:57 
Thank you for keeping it historical (please, note that in combat no "cape" was used), can you also work on " Fire at will " and Making the Units with "aquilifer" and "Signifer" for each cohort, furthermore, can you change the size of Roman units (like Cat-Master's mod).. THX!
KLAssurbanipal  [autor] 2 czerwca 2014 o 5:02 
@ bruno.just

In next week will be a great update with new units, new textures and models. I am working on it now.