Natural Selection 2

Natural Selection 2

twiliteblue  [author] Nov 24, 2021 @ 9:10pm 
Fixed teleport trigger to include Changeling.
Fixed Changeling wall grip pulling when it should be stationary.
twiliteblue  [author] Aug 21, 2021 @ 5:46am 
Changeling Bite deals 100 (+20% DPS) to structures and Exos, 75 damage to Marine (-10% DPS), 11% slower rate of fire than Skulk.
twiliteblue  [author] Jul 30, 2021 @ 10:47pm 
* Increased cost from 20 to 25
* Changeling needs to re-evolve upgrades after respawn.
* Reduced biomass HP bonus from 7 to 5.5
* Increased Carapace from 30 to 35 and initial armour from 10 to 15
* Reduced Vampirism shield by 14%.

* Exosuit armor increased from 320 (max 410) to 370 (max 460)
twiliteblue  [author] Jul 29, 2021 @ 1:56am 
Major Changeling ravamp
* Stats: 90 health (+7hp per bio), 10 armor (40 with Carapace).
* Bite deals 75 damage, costs 10% increased energy cost.
* Cost: 20 Personal Resources to unlock (once per game), +1 Pres per upgrade.
Model now looks significantly more muscular and shorter.
twiliteblue  [author] Jul 25, 2021 @ 6:24am 
Changed Changeling to be a stronger Skulk.
*Bite has 10% increased attack speed but 10% higher energy cost.
* Cost increased to 4 Personal Resources.
* Stick to wall more firmly.
* Celerity speed bonus is higher.
* Changeling Xenocide respawns 4 seconds faster than Skulk after Xeno to account for Changeling evolve time.

Marine changes
* Welder can self weld against any marine structure, and gains damage from Weapons Upgrades.
* Exosuit armor increased by 20.
* Pulse Grenade projectile radius increased from 0.17 to 0.3, speed increased 18->25.
* Gas Grenade trajectory (less bouncy) and Gas Cloud reworked (more consistent spread, max HP based damage, results in less damage vs most lifeforms, more damage vs Onos and structures).
* Cluster Grenade fragment explosions are more consistent.
twiliteblue  [author] Jul 9, 2021 @ 8:46pm 
Reduced Changeling initial durability by 5, to 90 health 10 armor.
Increased Changeling biomass health from 4 to 5.
twiliteblue  [author] Jul 1, 2021 @ 3:04am 
Reduced Xenocide explosion radius to 10.
twiliteblue  [author] Jun 29, 2021 @ 6:09am 
Now only Xenocide explosion is Structural damage.
twiliteblue  [author] Jun 28, 2021 @ 4:59am 
* Starting Xenocide requires 20 energy.
* Cancelling Xenocide starts a 2.0 second cooldown.
* While Xenociding, Xeno-Bite damage and explosion damage are Structural (200% vs structures).
twiliteblue  [author] Jun 21, 2021 @ 7:02pm 
Decreased Changeling max Carapace armour by 5 to 35.
twiliteblue  [author] Nov 2, 2020 @ 1:19am 
Leap research now increases Changeling leap force by 10%.
twiliteblue  [author] Oct 30, 2020 @ 6:33pm 
Reduced starting armor to 40.
Reduced celerity wall jump max speed and leap speed.
Increased celerity air friction.
Reduced leap vertical force by 7%.
twiliteblue  [author] Oct 29, 2020 @ 5:19pm 
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