Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

댓글 35
Crichten 2016년 7월 14일 오전 10시 22분 
Awesome work, thanks for these!
boogada 2016년 4월 25일 오전 3시 50분 
This prop really looks nice.
rockette 2016년 4월 10일 오전 5시 37분 
Looks absolutely gorgeous in game. Thanks so much for sharing :-))
AJHodster 2016년 4월 1일 오후 9시 27분 
Looks great, thanks!
MrMaison  [작성자] 2016년 3월 25일 오후 5시 52분 
Thanks Yaka-JR

Xave- Thanks. I do have some tests going to add snow to this tree but I have 2 issues. One, an oak tree would not have leaves in winter. There would be bare branches. Two, with a color mask applied to this tree, it looks like bird $#*t in the snow maps. So I'm working on finding the right balance to make it look good in snowfall.
Yaka-JR 2016년 3월 11일 오전 7시 56분 
Nice one thanks =)
xave 2016년 3월 9일 오전 2시 25분 
MrMaison. I love this tree..(and all others too ;-)
However can you add a color mask texture so it also works with snowfall?
At this moment your trees stay green on winter maps :(
Dexter 2016년 2월 28일 오전 9시 43분 
Thanks for the response, I love your trees. Awaiting future updates!
MrMaison  [작성자] 2016년 2월 13일 오후 2시 15분 
Thanks everyone! Many more trees are in the works. This spring will be interesting.

Dexter- I'm not sure how much larger this tree is compared to vanilla but I'm sure it's way more. But not enough to cripple your performance. Compared to the average 3D trees, these are still pretty low poly. You can make forests, but you are better off suplimenting with vanilla trees as fillers. I'm actually looking into making a very low poly tree as a filler that's closer to stock weight. Stay tuned.
Dexter 2016년 2월 10일 오후 5시 32분 
Hi I've been populating my map with a lot of these oaks instead of the stock trees by C.O. can you let me know how many tris the stock trees are compared to yours? ie: how much extra load and i adding to my game by populating it with your oaks.
Sotrax 2016년 2월 9일 오전 5시 20분 
Love your trees man, they add so much to this game and I didn't even knew the game was missing these. They really can change how the game feels and this is awesome.
sacha_neuage 2016년 1월 31일 오후 5시 51분 
Awesome, love to see these included in the mod that lets you change roadside trees
Artytheonemanparty 2016년 1월 31일 오전 4시 31분 
Swell, thanks.
Chatta 2016년 1월 30일 오전 11시 21분 
Looks nice in my Suburbia.
romannets 2016년 1월 30일 오전 4시 52분 
I dont think tri count is the bottleneck for this game, especially modern GPUs. I think the bottleneck is either the CPU or RAM or Texture Memory or just sheer memory bandwidth(at 4K and above). So yea its all good.
davidredgren 2016년 1월 29일 오후 12시 31분 
Excellent work, my friend. Thumbs up, favorited and subscribed.
MrMaison  [작성자] 2016년 1월 29일 오전 9시 57분 
kx, Shroomblaze- Thank You!

MrMiyagi- Those are some beautiful shots! Thank you! I can't choose which one to put in the slideshow. Looking forward to tha map.
kx 2016년 1월 29일 오전 8시 58분 
very good job looks like the oaks in my city !
MrMiyagi 2016년 1월 29일 오전 2시 07분 
Hi MrMaison! I took some high res screenshots with your Scots Pines and this Oak overlooking the future map Monaco. They look fantastic, and the Scots Pine will be fantastic on Japanese shorelines, too, as it looks so similar to Japanese Black Pine. So grateful, thank you for these!!! Use any you wish to:
Leo Mystic Magic 2016년 1월 28일 오후 8시 27분 
Beautifully done, Will be planting these for sure. :chirp:
MrMaison  [작성자] 2016년 1월 28일 오전 9시 40분 
Vexcarius- That's a Scots Pine Tree I just published today

As for the tri count, it's fine. It's not far from most of my earlier trees which perform very well. To get high quality using a higher texture map was a must for the sake of detail of the leaves. I squeezed as much as I could. Enjoy!
Meteor Daddy 2016년 1월 28일 오전 9시 18분 
I do hope there's a lower tri and lower texture version of it :) This is still a must have!
Meteor Daddy 2016년 1월 28일 오전 9시 16분 
Malgar 2016년 1월 27일 오후 9시 47분 
Very nice, thank you.
MadTech 2016년 1월 26일 오후 12시 26분 
core79 2016년 1월 26일 오전 2시 10분 
It looks awesome! My absolute favorite in the game! Thanks for this great work
mrfdot 2016년 1월 25일 오후 2시 02분 
Man I have been looking for some good trees, kinda getting tired of using only Palm trees and bushes for my tree decorations. :)
Mas71 2016년 1월 25일 오전 8시 31분 
hahaha, yes I know ;) sorry, i missed a select words X)
I understand very well a hard fighting with a numbers of Tris (lol)
It's not easy work about a tree(natures one) especialy X)
It's already became my favorite nature's one MrMaison :D
MrMaison  [작성자] 2016년 1월 25일 오전 8시 23분 
Thanks everyone!

Mas71- I do plan on making a huge oak tree so consider this a relatively young one as stated in description...but warning, it will be many tris :) Like these in the google search
Mas71 2016년 1월 25일 오전 7시 03분 
I like your all of natures ;)
a my little opinions, I think that want more little leafs in a tree ;)
but I like it :) Thank you good work ;)
wastel 2016년 1월 25일 오전 5시 11분 
owowowwo !
Quad Rioters 2016년 1월 25일 오전 3시 59분 
This is lovely. :terraria:
MrMiyagi 2016년 1월 25일 오전 2시 06분 
You even took the time to make sure the leaves are oak leaves!!! Miyagi Tree-Fanatic Seal of Approval! :D :steamhappy:
Jexter9510 2016년 1월 25일 오전 1시 21분 
Awesome! Much closer to the ones we have here in California than what came in game. Thanks :)
GCVos 2016년 1월 24일 오후 11시 37분 
Very detailed and rightfully huge :)