

Player-made missions
Play and rate missions made by other players, or use the level editor to make and share your own.
Zepla 27 Jun, 2015 @ 10:56am
Strange double levels?
I recently downloaded a workshop leveling called something along the lines of "Bad Drug Trip", and now when I open the menue that level is in the backgroung along with some of the text being in off places. Not only this, but when I open another level, it seems that the "Bad Drug Trip" community level has collided with the level, creating invisible walls and unpassable obstacles as well as a strange prone sort of walking, when when I walk I am laying down as if I was falling from a high height. When I kick a door down, I spaz out and turn into Fritz Gessler. I do not know how to take a screenshot, so if anybody can help me, please do. I love this game so much, and it breaks my heart to see it glitched.

P.S. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Gunpoint, deleting local content, and also uninstalling all of my downloaded workshop files.
Last edited by Zepla; 27 Jun, 2015 @ 11:05am