

Player-made missions
Play and rate missions made by other players, or use the level editor to make and share your own.
gabgab01 12 Jul, 2015 @ 4:38am
Request to level makers
I love this game, but the singleplayer has not enough levels :D and they're pretty easy. so, i want YOU to make some more hardcore levels. I am not talking about just normal levels like you find them on the workshop, but rather EXTREMELY HARD, if not IMPOSSIBLE levels! or else it will be boring^^ so, just make the level for me, put in the description what the challenge is and i'll play it. But remember: it has to be HARDER THAN THE LAST LEVEL! because i completed that last level in under 5 minutes :D yeah, im THAT kinda guy^^
< >
Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
Yarrots 31 Jul, 2015 @ 11:46am

I do not know if he is extremely hard, but he you can still try...
Last edited by Yarrots; 31 Jul, 2015 @ 11:47am
gabgab01 31 Jul, 2015 @ 3:57pm 
that was actually pretty easy^^ but thanks anyways :D (completed it in 2 minutes on first try)
Epicness 3 12 Aug, 2015 @ 3:15pm 
this might be hard (small outside cuz limit of level size)
Last edited by Epicness; 12 Aug, 2015 @ 3:15pm
thundervine 18 7 Nov, 2015 @ 4:19am 
It's so easy to avoid guards when they're not looking at you. But try jumping over them while they're facing you-- now that's a challenge!
gabgab01 7 Nov, 2015 @ 5:32am 
thanks, i'll try it out^^ looks intereasting so far
thundervine 18 26 Nov, 2015 @ 6:05am 
This is the culmination of the collection that I made.

It's so hard to get views/subs these days. Hopefully the Black Friday sale will change that? Oh well, time to move on to another game.
gabgab01 26 Nov, 2015 @ 7:32am 
thanks for the level, i will test it out shortly. subs? you're doing youtube? yeah, you either need a LOT of time, high quality videos and many of them per day, or you're trying the cheap method and upload a video of a game that's extremely popular and just came out.
for example: you would have to have uploaded the first part of a fallout 4 let's play 20 minutes after it came out. that would've given you some views.

other than that i can just say:
becoming famous on social media is like becoming a CEO of a big industry: it's VERY unlikely that it will happen. if it were easy, more people would be famous, therefore making them less famous.
same goes for videocame-modding-content or anything on the internet.
good luck m8, and thanks for your contribution^^

wow, that level was actually kinda well thought out^^especially the part with the many glass panes in the middle. i really was confused at first, but it was fun figuring it ot anyways :D took me almost 10 minutes to finish this one. good job^^

now that i read the description:
i only needed that one thing, "deathfluke" i think it was, the one that makes some shots miss at random. it was the only thing i needed^^ every other thing in the description were things i didn't used :D
Last edited by gabgab01; 26 Nov, 2015 @ 7:52am
thundervine 18 2 Dec, 2015 @ 6:50am 
Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it. That tells me that the mechanics justifies the chosen title. :)

I agree that timing is key. This level actually has 200+ subs now (out of 800+ views) thanks to a major sale last weekend. I could upload to youtube to get more subs, but I'm too lazy to do it. Til the next sale season (Christmas?), I guess...

Btw, I'm going to make an update of this level (along with other levels in the collection), just to guarantee that the sniper will appear. There's this one guy who, perhaps inadvertently, discovered how to summon the sniper without requiring gun fire. I'm just going to copy what he did in his level.
phyrex 1 7 Jan, 2016 @ 4:36pm 
Don't know if you are still looking for levels, but give this one a try:

Have fun!
thundervine 18 8 Jan, 2016 @ 6:21am 
I like the description so far. :) Going to try it over the weekend.
phyrex 1 8 Jan, 2016 @ 7:45am 
Hope you enjoy it! :flowey:
gabgab01 8 Jan, 2016 @ 7:53am 
yes, i'm going to test this rightr away^^ kill everyone? ok, i'll make sure there are no survivors >:D
gabgab01 8 Jan, 2016 @ 8:08am 
was a nice level. not a hard one, but a fun one (because you explicitly said to kill EVERYONE :D) i even managed to kill the armored guard on the third floor by guiding him to the staircase and using it to bring him to the top floor where i threw him off the building.
like i said, not a hard one, but a fun one^^
Last edited by gabgab01; 8 Jan, 2016 @ 8:09am
phyrex 1 8 Jan, 2016 @ 8:11am 
Glad you had fun with it :)
thundervine 18 8 Jan, 2016 @ 4:22pm 
@The Catduit, commented, favorited & rated up!

I also added it to my collection. I think you should also start your own collection, e.g. a series of levels that follow a story or a certain theme.

btw sharing my latest as well:
< >
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