Garry's Mod
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Mag System - CW 2.0
Content Type: Addon
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
タグ: misc
160.017 KB
2015年7月22日 9時50分
2016年2月16日 11時14分
11 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Mag System - CW 2.0

If you're having issues with this - I suggest turning off community-made CW 2.0 weapons one by one to see which one causes issues. Once you find out which one is doing that, take it up with the creator of said weapon. They are copy-pasting the CW 2.0 weapon base files which completely screws over any new features and/or bug fixes most CW 2.0 updates bring.

If you're looking for something that would add more realism, tension during gunfights and roleplaying value to your server - this is just for you.

The following addon adds a magazine system for Customizable Weaponry 2.0, which is also easy to build upon and add your own magazine types.
This system is a completely separate plugin and is unusable outside of CW 2.0.

Weapons that do not have a magazine type specified (AKA most of the community-made weapons) will simply use any magazine (meaning you'll be able to use a pistol magazine for an M4A1, etc.) there is.


Q: I have no magazines, how do I get some?
A: Open your spawn menu, head over to the 'Entities' tab and find the 'CW 2.0 Magazines' category. From there on, spawn magazines that is used by the weapon and pick them up by holding your use key while looking at them.

Q: How do I allocate magazines?
A: wow it's like you don't read what's in front of you at all

Q: How do I select a magazine that I wish to change the round count in?
A: The number in the brackets next to "Mag" (ie Mag [1]) corresponds to the key which you need to press to select the magazine.

Q: How do I fill up a magazine with rounds?
A: Hold down the button which the menu tells you to do and move your mouse horizontally to adjust the new round amount you wish the magazine to have.

Q: I can't switch to the "magazine management" tab.
A: Enter 'bind 0 slot0' into the console.

Q: I can't select individual magazines to refill/unload ammo.
A: Reset your key bindings. Bind 1 to slot1, bind 2 to slot2, and so on.

Q: How come the magazines are categorized instead of being based on a caliber/magazine model?
A: Because the latter would result in a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of models (which I do not have), textures and micro-management hell for the player.

defining magType on the weapon object (ie. SWEP.magType = "arMag") will make the weapon use the magazine system.


CustomizableWeaponry.magSystem:registerMagType(magType, displayText, magCount) - by calling this function, you can register a new magazine type
magType is the magazine type name, refer to 'magsystem_core.lua' found in cw/shared/
displayText is the text you'll be seeing on the magazine management tab
magCount is how many magazines the player should start out with, additionally, it creates console variables, so you can adjust the amount of mags players start with on the fly

CustomizableWeaponry.magSystem:assignMagToWeaponClass(wepClassName, magType) - you can call this function to assign a mag type to a specific weapon
this is mostly used as a way of adding mag types to weapons you don't want to change the files of
so for example calling CustomizableWeaponry.magSystem:assignMagToWeaponClass("cw_ar15", "arMag") will make the AR-15 that comes with CW 2.0 use the AR magazines

I probably left out a lot of them here, decompile the .gma file and take a look at how the entire system works if you wish to find out more.

Baddog - for his CS:S magazine models