Source Filmmaker
TEK Raptor
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How to Remove Glowing/Fake Lighting Effect
Sorry if i got the termonology wrong

This is the effect I am talking about []
To remove the glowing/fake lighting effect the metal has,

  1. Right click the model -> Add Override Materials image[]
  2. Right click the model again -> Show in Element Viewer -> Model image[]
  3. Expand the materials drop down image[]
  4. Right click 'tekraptor_d' -> Add Attribute -> float -> then enter $envmaptint image 1[], image 2[]
  5. Model should take to lighting as normal now :) image[]

Отредактировано snowleopard; 4 окт. 2017 г. в 20:07
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nikout13  [Разработчик] 5 окт. 2017 г. в 9:44 
That works if you want to use it for dark scenes, but you would want to keep it positive at one point if you are doing dim scenes, but not completely dark. Plus this method is outdated, and is used for a proper metal shade, therefore the material has to have this envmap as an additive.
Отредактировано nikout13; 5 окт. 2017 г. в 9:45
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