Arma 3
JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS USAF Mod Pack Sound Support
Gun sounds missing/broken
So i just wanted to make sure mod author knew about these, and people are welcome to post their other finds in the comments but it appears the the M14 EBR-RIS sound is bugged/broken. only sound that comes out is the distant sound and not the firing sound from the gun itself. also been some comments on the little bird with its 5.56 rounds having issues but cant confirm. -Thanks!
Last edited by Red Scorpion; 8 Nov, 2017 @ 8:52pm
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
StigOnStæm 9 Nov, 2017 @ 8:23pm 
Also M2010, M107/M82A1,Mk11, M590 do not play their indoor sounds. In AFRF, the pp2000 has the same issue.
StigOnStæm 10 Nov, 2017 @ 9:37pm 
Originally posted by cmasonw0070:
Also M2010, M107/M82A1,Mk11, M590 do not play their indoor sounds. In AFRF, the pp2000 has the same issue.

All seem to be working except mk11 now.
Red Scorpion 10 Nov, 2017 @ 9:50pm 
im still getting issues with the mk14 ebr, although only while using A3Sync.

Kokujo 7 Apr, 2022 @ 10:30am 
missing M107 sound
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