ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Advance Raft Plus (Discontined)
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Superaphqcca  [developer] May 1, 2018 @ 5:07pm
Servers Using This Mod
Is there you can post your server.
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noname May 15, 2018 @ 9:21am 
New server from: 10 may 2018

Server Name : (24/7 PVP) Infected People (Modded)

General_LEX (msg me if something wrong)
I dont use admin power, cause i hate people who cheat.
And also its remove the fun of game.

Dont be a jerk and piss people off.
Its PVP so you can grief whatever you want.
Dont block passage to Artifact

Server Settings:
- Experience x2
- Taming x1 ---- (yes work likve in vanilla and get those eggs)
- Harvest x2
- BabyMatureSpeed x100 ---- (cause i dont have all week free, and you too)
- Platform Structure x3
- Difficulty x8
- Player Lever Max 160 lvl
- Dino Level Max Wild 240 lvl
- Dino level up Max +100 lvl

Server Mods
(Might add some mods depending Pros and Cons of other mods, and if i want it)
515417327 Difficulty 8++
937164220 Scorched Earth Anywhere
731604991 Structures Plus (S+)
821530042 Upgrade Station v1.8h ---- Modified ----Save has blueprint only
756389708 Builder's Helmet ---- Pickup anything
955347386 Mindwipe Re-Evolved
918231138 SELMods
955655993 Pokeballs - Dino Storage (2.5.1 Beta) ---- Modified ----Capture Tamed only
931434275 Dynamic Fence System ---- Modified -----No stun effect
554678442 Joan's Egg N Poop Collector / Incubator
1125059996 Bolas Plus Guns Only
805221669 Sap Plant
894248372 LC Tent
768984945 AutoNarc - Narcotic Drip
693212180 Trough feeding cooled lockable - v1.1
538827119 Improved Spyglass v1.13
815252862 Freestanding Oil Pump
736236773 Backpack
942969980 Advanced Darts Don't Spoil
916788716 Werkrat's Spoiling Bin
805288545 Craftable Deathworm Horn (v1.3.00)
889004490 Scorched Earth engrams
834667662 Vacuum Sorter v1.1
791533672 XP Potion v1.03
898436800 Bitou2k's Armors: No Durability
945065004 Upgradeable Tek Rifle v1.1a
873867441 Central Air and Heating
947448389 Readable Signs
728854875 MiniForge
864890773 Appetizer ---- Modified ---- For passive taming only
1304517937 LC Camp Lamp
1370420951 Advance Raft Plus ---- Zoom on Raft from x1 to x24 - really nice
859198322 Craftable Element
899068109 G.F.A.R. - Re-usable Grapple
1220511872 Damn Dirty Apes!
693416678 Reusable Plus
Kostriktor Sep 4, 2020 @ 3:46am 

Professionally-Hosted-Dedicated-Server 24/7 [EU]

ARK - Frashro
PVP-allowed, 1000-Levels, Best-Mods





Enjoy !

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