Space Engineers

Space Engineers

SmartRotors: Solar
Garrett 16 Apr, 2023 @ 9:04pm
Solar Rotor issues
So was in the comments section of this mod and noticed that one of the rotor pieces weren't loading corectly, saw an update fixed it, then after restarting found that it removed it again, have to place it every time for it to show up...Ideas on fixes??

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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Alciya Dragonash 2 Jun, 2023 @ 8:14pm 
Is this about the "Solar Support" part? if so i just got this mod and i'm not seeing that part. I unsubbed and resubbed to the mod, not sure why it's not showing up in the block selection menu. (even if searching for it)
mmmBak 10 Jun, 2023 @ 3:03pm 
Have you built a solar panel yet? I don't think the Solar Support shows up before the solar panel has been built. At least it worked for me.
Alciya Dragonash 12 Jun, 2023 @ 6:20pm 
Originally posted by mmmBak:
Have you built a solar panel yet? I don't think the Solar Support shows up before the solar panel has been built. At least it worked for me.

yeah, turns out that hafta build the solar panel before the support unlocks. Derp.

now my issue is that i end up with a big solar array that suddenly just stops generating power. (indicators on the panels are red and they're in direct sunlight)
Lmao are they on
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