Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Para Bellum - Collection
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
AveMetal  [developer] 24 Jan, 2022 @ 10:58am
FAQ for Para Bellum
Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the recommended difficulty?
- The one you are used in comparison to vanilla. The mod is balanced to fit the different levels of the game difficulty bar.

2. There is no Grand Campaign when the mod is active. Did its name get changed?
- Yes, the campaign names have all been changed, based on their historical period, and placed in chronological order. For instance, the Grand Campaing now is called the 'Middle Roman Republic: Greco-Roman Hegemony' and the Wrath of Sparta is the 'Classical Greece: Peloponesian War'

3. The Forced March stance isn't working?
- Forced march is disabled as it can interfere with the CAI, but there is a new army stance called "row faster", to increase the range of the armies when they are in the sea as transport fleets.

4. The forces strength bar before auto-resolve is not available?
- It is intentionally disabled because the calculation is not accurate, and I think is better to take a look at the sides to check the number and type of troops, and make your own guess. Though you still can see the auto-resolve predictions.

5. Why does AI have 0 unit upkeep costs? Is it a bug or is it intented?
- It is intentional, the AI doesn´t manage some aspects of the game as a player would, and in this case is adjusted so they can make more varied armies with the right proportion of quality units, otherwise they get stuck with the low tier ones.

6. Is this overhaul available for all campaigns ?
- Yes, it is compatible with all the DLC contents. Even with some modded campaigns, like Rise of the Titans and Marius vs Sulla, that you can find in the]Para Bellum submods & Compatible mods Collection-> link
7. Are there plans to implement Area of Recruitment System?
- There are plans to make a new mod including this feature, but it will take time. In any case, currently you can find increased mercenary pools and client state levies, so you have more quantity and variety to recruit in a realistic way.

8. When it is going to be ready the next update, the AOR system, etc.? Is there an ETA for this?
- I don't know how to calculate these types of things, since they take a long time and I don't always have free time for the development, there can be setbacks, etc. But if you want to support my developments, you can do so through the following link:

9. Are there plans to place the Grand Campaign on the Imperator Augustus map?
- The idea is discarded because it would require to make the startpos from scratch, which would require a huge amount of time that I prefer to invest in other areas of development. In any case, the GC of Para Bellum includes many improvements like new initial armies compositions for all factions, historically accurate borders affecting Carthage, Lybia, Egypt, Cyrenaica, Cyprus, Sardes, Galatia, Seleucids and Media, and the main features of the IA map, like extra-walled cities for Rhodes, Syracuse, Lilybaeum, Numantia, Jerusalem, Tyros, Nemossos, Palmyra and Arse, preserving their original resources in the corresponding cases.

10. The game is crashing, conflicting with another mod or the saved game is corrupted?
- To ensure everything works as it should, follow the Clean mods installation guide-> link

11. Is Para Bellum multiplayer compatible?
- Yes, but both players have to subscribe and activate in the Mod Manager the exact same contents in the same order, so the number of files in the \Total War Rome II\data and Steam Workshop folders match in both cases (TeamViewer is a good option to check this quickly). Do not add new mods once your campaign is started, and it is advisable to save often as in MP the information between the users can be corrupted easily, if your game crashes/desyncs/disconnects at some point, check that your last saved game available at: C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Rome2\save_games_multiplayer
has the same size for both players, if not, send the bigger one to your friend and overwrite the file or use a previous saved game that matches in size.
Also I recommend to save your games locally and avoid the scripted parts, like Para Bellum Population as scripts are not very multiplayer friendly, and if you have further issues, make a clean mods installation as you can see in the link of the previous answer, and use the:
-> Multiplayer stability patch

12. How does the AI deal with Carthage and major factions?
- They have better chances than in vanilla, though their results are variable from campaign to campaign they should not be rushed in the first turns. I balanced their neighbors in relation to them, included better initial armies and expanded the territories of Carthage, Egypt and the Seleucids with more historically accurate borders, among other tweaks. Their chances to reach the middle of the campaign in good conditions are around 75-85%, because there is a randomization script for the initial diplomacy/personalities, to increase the replayability. Also I want to make some submods to turn the major factions even more powerful, so stay tunned!

13. The fort battles maps are not working?
- The vanilla fort maps are incompatible with the Regional Settlements & Colonization mod included within Para Bellum. In any case, the walled forts with turrets in the style of the Far West are not realistic for the game period. Historically, the sources distinguish between permanent and temporary camps. The permanent camps, the castra stativa and castra hiberna, had stronger defenses and served to garrison the troops permanently and during the winter, respectively, and in many cases were the origin of later settlements.

While the castra aestiva were temporary marching camps raised at the end of each day, destroyed the next morning or remaining mounted for several days in the context of the development of a pitched battle. A campaign camp of an ancient army could extend several tens of hectares, located in strategic positions, and consisted of a ditch, a slope and a stockade of stakes

In the context of the temporary campaign camps, Para Bellum brings improved custom deployables setups for all factions, for example, the Romans include 4 x stakes, 4 x barricades, 4 x spike traps and 2 x sudes caltrops. With these elements, you can build a defensive position more akin to the historical temporary marching camps.

14. Is there a way to rename all the units back to English?
- You can with the PackFileManager or rpfm that are free programs. Use the browser to find the mod .pack file located in \Steam\steamapps\workshop. Open the mod with one of these programs and you will see a root folder structure, so just delete Haegemonia_land_units.loc located in text/db folder. Save it and the trick is done ;)

15. What are the Unseasonal conditions?
- In the message, click "zoom to location" button in the low right corner and click on the settlement. In the low left corner panel, you can check the "Province Effects" and hover the symbols to know more specifically what it is about.

16. Are the hoplites overpowered?
- They include a new ability called classical phalanx, that when activated can show a buff in the melee attack, but it is tested and balanced, as in the vanilla game the hoplites are nerfed. In Para Bellum they are tough, but they have their weak points like being flanked/rear attacked or fighting in steep terrain.

17. Reshade or GEMFX?
- The decision is yours. GEMFX is older and doesn't receive updates, but brings good results and performance. Reshade is an up-to-date program, with a lot of options to try, although some can have a major impact on performance.
In Para Bellum Collection and Weather mods, you can find 2 profiles for GEMFX, a download link to the program and instructions to install it, while Reshade includes 4 profiles with 3 variations in the DOF level each one, but the program is not included, as it is downloadable from their site and is easy to find how to install it.
Last edited by AveMetal; 17 Oct, 2023 @ 10:01am
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
Bonkers 24 Jan, 2022 @ 1:48pm 
I don't understand one thing: what stops the AI from spamming the player with armies and units constantly without upkeep costs? I mean for example if i defeat AI stacks they would just recruit all the units again as they have the money from free upkeep.
AveMetal  [developer] 29 Jan, 2022 @ 9:25pm 
There are other factors involved, such as the number of turns they take to recover, the region's recruitment capacity, if the army is in enemy territory it won´t be able to replenish, the imperium level, etc. Some armies will recover quickly, but not always. As also not all the enemy armies are full stacks, though there are many.

As I commented before, the AI doesn´t manage many aspects of the game as a human player, so it may seem that cheats more than it should, but the mod is designed to obtain specific results, to have some challenge, and keep an interesting mid and late campaign. Currently, the mod mechanics have been thoroughly tested and are tuned and balanced for the kind of gameplay I'm looking for.
CroHomeguard 13 Apr, 2022 @ 10:01am 
Hello, I tried playing with Knossos and the Dalmatae and I noticed that there are no objectives whatsoever. Started up the game with Rome and saw that there are victory conditions, albeit no chapter objectives. Is it working as intended?

Is it even possible to 'win' the campaign with the unlocked factions, or do I just play until I conquer the entire map?

Thanks in advance!
AveMetal  [developer] 13 Apr, 2022 @ 10:23am 
They are not available for the unlocked factions, maybe I'll include in a future update if it's possible.
CroHomeguard 18 Apr, 2022 @ 10:55am 
Hello again!

I have 2 questions/possible bug reports:

Firstly, do the Barbarians have siege units in the Grand Campaign at all? I'm playing with the Arverni and can't seem to find no trace of siege units, neither in building browsers nor in technology.
The woodworking building only enables archers at tier 2, and that's it. Doesn't say it unlocks the siege units.

Second - it would seem that Champions' assault garrison function doesn't work - played with the Arverni, Romans, Epirotes and various other nations in the last couple of weeks - whenever my Champions assault an enemy garrison successfully, I check in the province view - and there is no casualties for the garrison at all!

I am using only Para Bellum mods.
N.B. the Spies' reduce movement range + poisoning enemy units works well, they take casualties.
Devil May Cry 12 May, 2022 @ 12:22am 
Hey is it possible to recruit the hero units such as Alexander, Pericles and Xanthippos in the campaign and if so how?
AveMetal  [developer] 12 May, 2022 @ 3:30am 
@ CroHomeguard: Barbarians can capture artillery from their enemies, when they win a battle against an army that includes it, and develop their own through the Torsion Techniques technology.

About the champions, Idk, I´ll have to check.

Alexandros: Not currently. That is something that I´ll add in next updates.
Devil May Cry 12 May, 2022 @ 8:03am 
Thank you for the response! Can't wait to see it.
MaClunky 17 Jul, 2022 @ 6:54am 
I noticed on the screenshots in the workshop page that you have army stacks with 30 units. Is it possible to use the control large army option when you have another army in range to reinforce or are you stuck with the 30 units and have to wait for another unit to replace a routed one?
AveMetal  [developer] 19 Jul, 2022 @ 1:52am 
I think the limit is 40 units, so you can have 2 complete armies of 20 units, or 30 + 10 of the extra army, and the rest will come to replace the killed / routed ones. But there are not 30 units by default in Para Bellum, you can add them by following the video linked in the description.
alvi33 27 Sep, 2022 @ 3:18am 
Hi AveMetal, I used to change some units stats from steamapps> workshop> content> 214950> Collection.pack using PackFileManager, but now it doesn't affect the game anymore. How can I do?
AveMetal  [developer] 27 Sep, 2022 @ 3:32am 
If you change directly the Collection.pack or the content of any original mod, when the author updates the mod it is going to overwrite your changes. To avoid this you have to make a new mod just with the tables or whatever you changed, place it in the game Data folder and load if above the main mods in the Mod Manager.
alvi33 28 Sep, 2022 @ 3:18am 
Originally posted by AveMetal:
If you change directly the Collection.pack or the content of any original mod, when the author updates the mod it is going to overwrite your changes. To avoid this you have to make a new mod just with the tables or whatever you changed, place it in the game Data folder and load if above the main mods in the Mod Manager.
Thanks, which table do I mod if I want to change melee attack, is it Collection.pack> db> land_units_table> pb_land_units ?
BatSoup 20 Apr, 2023 @ 3:03pm 
anyone having issues with phalanx activating then deactivating?
AveMetal  [developer] 29 Apr, 2023 @ 11:39am 
First notice that I have, try to make a clean mods installation to be sure there are not content conflicts and all works as intended:
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