Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Guess Who
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
MadJack 19 Sep, 2015 @ 5:55am
Suggestion Thread
Do you have an idea that could help shape Guess Who? Well you have certainly come to the right place. Please post any ideas you have and we shall take that idea and see if that will help us. We are open for any suggestions of course. :D:
Last edited by MadJack; 17 Jan, 2016 @ 2:42pm
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Showing 1-15 of 29 comments
Arcfluke 9 Dec, 2015 @ 8:39am 
Yeah I have a suggestion: Remove footstep sounds from hiding players.
MadJack 11 Dec, 2015 @ 12:56pm 
Originally posted by Spazter:
Yeah I have a suggestion: Remove footstep sounds from hiding players.
Do you have a reason into why you want footsteps sounds removed from hiding players?
Riucario~ 27 Dec, 2015 @ 8:28am 
Because its WAY to easy to find the hiding players if they act like NPCs.
You can literaly just stand around as a seeker and wait till you hear one footsteps, boom headshot and the round is over.
lolleko  [developer] 27 Dec, 2015 @ 9:09am 
I'm going to fix that at somepoint. But i dont really want to remoove footsteps, I will probably add footstep sounds for the npcs and thats gonna take some time.
Sloth 29 Dec, 2015 @ 7:22am 
Heyo. So I've been playing Guess Who with a few of my friends now for a while and so far it has been amazing. We did come across a few problems and most of those have been fixed and the rest has been mentioned in the comments already but we had a suggestion. How about an option that the "seeker" can be an NPC as well? This way you create an even more untrustworthy enviorement and it'll be more difficult for the NPC's as well as all they have to do is walk around. Now they have to be careful of their own kind :p The weapons should show when equiped but if this is the case then the seekers should have a weapon on their 4rth slot or something which is just fists and doesn't show a weapon. One more thing, the seeker should not be able to switch NPC as this will make their hidden idententy even more important.
MadJack 29 Dec, 2015 @ 5:40pm 
I do like the idea of having the hunters looking like NPCs themselves. This makes it harder for the Hiders. This is a good idea and may have to think about it. Thank you for your suggestion.
Nezumi 30 Dec, 2015 @ 4:00pm 
It's a cool gamemode and especially entertaining to watch but I feel the hiders should have some sort of objective that they must accomplish to make this less similar to Prop Hunt.

At the moment it just seems like Guess Who is Prop Hunt only with NPCs instead.
Oktayey 10 Jan, 2016 @ 1:54pm 
I think one of the hider's abilities should be to temporarily disguise themself as a hunter! Also, PLEASE make the hunters invincible during the blinded time and 5 seconds after! I'm sick of getting killed by a hider before or just after being released!!!
Oktayey 10 Jan, 2016 @ 2:02pm 
Originally posted by Raulz:
It's a cool gamemode and especially entertaining to watch but I feel the hiders should have some sort of objective that they must accomplish to make this less similar to Prop Hunt.

At the moment it just seems like Guess Who is Prop Hunt only with NPCs instead.

But then it would be too similar to Spy Party!
Coodelez 15 Jan, 2016 @ 7:22am 
Could you make a video about changing the playermodel of the NPC? Cause its easier to learn from.
MadJack 20 Jan, 2016 @ 5:49am 
Making a video would be slightly hard to do right now. Since I don't have the recording software and mic quality to do it. But if anyone does know how to do it they are more then welcomed to make a video!
lolleko  [developer] 20 Jan, 2016 @ 4:19pm 
@Coodelez#Autism I will pobably make a video soon.

Sniped :)
Creepershark77 27 Jan, 2016 @ 11:51am 
Make it easier to add new playermodels and colors
lolleko  [developer] 3 Feb, 2016 @ 3:11am 
You can, by using ent_create npc_walker, but I'm pretty sure they would be broken.
DontLetMeEatSand 9 Feb, 2016 @ 2:34am 
With the latest update, you "fixed" how NPCs stopped when you walked up to them. Is there any way you would revert this? The only problem I have with it now is that it's almost impossible to win as seeker right now, and hider is no longer a challenge. I can win just by literally walking around a map by pressing forward and moving my mouse. Before, if you were a hider, you'd actually have to practice stopping and be aware of your surroundings. Now the game mode just seems like Hide and Seek with NPCs and cool player models.

Could you either revert it/upload a previous version please? Also, is there a way to up the amount of points you win upon winning as a hider? If it gets reverted, it's actually very difficult to be a hider so I'd like to give more points on a win.
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